LISSY System Access: Annual Renewal Required
Renewal of registration to access the LISSY Remote-Execution System is required
Renewal of registration to access the LISSY Remote-Execution System is required
2025 Call for Visitors at LIS and LISER within the (LIS)2ER Initiative is Now Open!
LIS is seeking applications for a Microdata Expert
Using data from 13 countries in the LWS Database, this article highlights disparities in wealth across household types and education systems.
Our World in Data (OWID) has developed three interactive Data Explorers—Poverty, Inequality, and Incomes Across the Distribution
Using data from 13 countries in the LWS Database, this article highlights disparities in wealth across household types and education systems.
LIS is pleased to announce a collaboration with Our World in Data (OWID), integrating comprehensive inequality and poverty indicators into the LIS website!
You can now register to attend the “2nd III/LIS Comparative Economic Inequality Conference”