ERF-LIS Database

To exploit the richness of the harmonised Household Income and Expenditure Surveys (HHIES) offered by the Economic Research Forum (ERF) and the harmonised LIS Database, the two institutions have joined forces to offer access to the largest available harmonised micro-database on income and expenditure/consumption. The ERF-HHIES datasets were harmonised following the LIS Database template, i.e. were transformed in datasets with the same variables names, definitions, and standards as the LIS ones. In addition, variables on dwelling conditions, ownership of durables and detailed expenditure, as available in the HHIES database, were kept in the ERF-LIS database to allow for more detailed analysis of issues especially relevant in those countries.

These datasets are now accessible through LISSY by selecting `ERFLIS’ as project.

For researchers interested in the ERF-LIS harmonised Database, please consult the following documentation:

– The generic codebook of the variables common to LIS and ERF-LIS Databases can be accessed here.
– For dataset-specific documentation on the harmonised ERF-LIS Database, enter METIS.
– For extensive documentation on the original ERF datasets, enter the ERF data portal.

List of ERF-LIS Datasets

Note: Year given is the income reference year, that is the year to which the income data pertain.

Countries Wave IV
(~ 1995)
Wave V
(~ 2000)
Wave VI
(~ 2004)
Wave VII
(~ 2007)
(~ 2010)
Wave IX
(~ 2013)
Wave X
(~ 2016)
Egypt EG99 EG04 EG08 EG10 EG12 EG15 EG17 EG19
Iraq IQ07 IQ12
Jordan JO02 JO06
JO10 JO13
Palestine PS96
PS98 PS04
Somalia SO16
Sudan SD09
Tunisia TN05 TN10

This project has been made possible through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Economic Research Forum (ERF).

For convenience, throughout our documentation, LIS uses short country/territory names – i.e., those that are commonly used in cross-national academia – in conjunction with standard two-letter ISO abbreviations. This convention does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of LIS concerning the legal status of any country or territory. LIS recognizes that several supranational organizations designate country/territory names which may differ from the ones that LIS uses. Examples include:

United Nations
World Bank
International Labour Organization
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development