Descriptives for Australia 1995 household file

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
COUNTRY unique country/year number 6819 82 82 82.00 .000
CASENUM unique unit identifier 6819 1 6819 3410.00 1968.620
HWEIGHT household weight 6819 150 3878 960.05 407.098
DEFLATE deflation factor 6819 1 1 1.00 .000
D5 type of unit 6819 5 5 5.00 .000
D4 number of persons 6819 1 9 2.64 1.396
D6 number of earners 6819 0 6 1.16 1.022
D27 number of children under age 18 6819 0 6 .72 1.084
D28 age of youngest child 2498 0 17 6.80 5.227
D29 number of persons under age 14 0

NUM6574 number of persons aged 65 to 74 6819 0 3 .20 .500
NUMGE75 number of persons aged 75 or more 6819 0 3 .10 .342
HSLOT1 country specific household information 1 0

HSLOT2 country specific household information 2 0

D1 age - head 6819 16 75 47.60 15.983
D2 age - spouse 4244 17 75 44.24 14.154
HOURSUHD usual hours worked per week - head 6819 0 50 21.48 21.359
HOURSUSP usual hours worked per week - spouse 4244 0 50 13.81 17.378
HOURSAHD actual hours worked per week - head 0

HOURSASP actual hours worked per week - spouse 0

WEEKHDTL total weeks worked - head 4554 0 52 32.21 24.311
WEEKSPTL total weeks worked - spouse 3114 0 52 27.45 24.361
WEEKHDFT weeks worked full-time - head 4554 0 52 29.27 24.728
WEEKSPFT weeks worked full-time - spouse 3114 0 52 14.27 21.353
WEEKHDPT weeks worked part-time - head 4554 0 52 2.89 9.701
WEEKSPPT weeks worked part-time - spouse 3114 0 52 13.09 19.716
WEEKHDUP weeks unemployed - head 0

WEEKSPUP weeks unemployed - spouse 0

FOODEXP food and non-alcoholic beverages 0

ALCOEXP alcohol and tobacco 0

APPEXP clothing and footwear 0

HOUSEXP housing and utilities 6462 52 31148 2474.07 2858.315
EQUIPEXP housing equipment 0

MEDEXP health 0

TRANEXP transport 0

COMMEXP communication 0

CULTEXP recreation and culture 0

EDUCEXP education 0

RESTOEXP restaurants and hotels 0

MISCEXP miscellaneous goods and services 0

TOTEXP total expenditures 0

MORTEXP mortgage installments 2097 156 167752 9497.43 7182.651
V1 gross wages and salaries 4260 416 536640 46112.11 32995.317
V1NET net wages and salaries 0

V2 mandatory employer contributions 0

V3 non-mandatory employer contributions 0

V4 farm self-employment income 152 -105976 329316 17749.11 38476.792
V5 non-farm self-employment income 772 -374140 389220 21303.23 38266.166
V6 in-kind earnings 0

V7 mandatory contributions for self-employment 0

V8 cash property income 3518 -32500 304044 3002.73 10330.438
V8S1 interest and dividends 3389 52 277524 2422.60 8901.883
V8S2 rental income 561 -32500 75816 4097.62 10726.231
V8S3 private savings plans 0

V8S4 royalties 15 104 8788 2249.87 3031.997
V8SR cash property income n.e.c. 5 416 8736 4180.80 3194.002
V8X interest paid 0

V9 imputed rent for owner-occupied housing 0

V10 market value of residence 4809 500 2000000 158296.19 100518.919
V11 income taxes 4952 52 233116 10767.08 13353.952
V12 property / wealth taxes 0

V13 mandatory employee contributions 0

V14 other direct taxes 0

V15 indirect taxes 0

V16 sickness benefits 47 260 13780 7618.55 2145.217
V17 occupational injury and disease benefits 44 624 46696 17987.27 9260.196
V17S1 short-term occupational injury and disease benefits 44 624 46696 17987.27 9260.196
V17S2 long-term occupational injury and disease benefits 0

V17SR occupational injury and disease benefits n.e.c. 0

V18 disability benefits 376 260 24076 9802.97 4102.442
V18S1 disability pensions 376 260 24076 9802.97 4102.442
V18S2 disability allowances 0

V18SR disability benefits n.e.c. 0

V19 state old-age and survivors benefits 1249 260 22984 9069.15 3555.895
V19S1 old-age pensions 1161 260 21788 9000.84 3542.376
V19S1A universal old-age pensions 1161 260 21788 9000.84 3542.376
V19S1B employment-related old-age pensions 0

V19S1C old-age pensions for public sector employees 0

V19S1R old-age pensions n.e.c. 0

V19S3 early retirement benefits 45 4420 15808 9008.71 3062.269
V19S4 survivors pensions 62 1092 10296 7612.97 2055.959
V19SR state old-age and survivors benefits n.e.c. 0

V20 child / family benefits 1870 520 27352 3978.47 4439.084
V20S1 child allowances 0

V20S2 advance maintenance 0

V20S3 orphans allowances 0

V20SR child / family benefits n.e.c. 1870 520 27352 3978.47 4439.084
V21 unemployment compensation benefits 551 260 30628 8548.86 3905.761
V21S1 unemployment insurance benefits 549 260 30628 8564.28 3899.337
V21S2 (re)training allowances 3 936 4212 2877.33 1720.197
V21S3 placement / resettlement benefits 0

V21SR unemployment compensation benefits n.e.c. 0

V22 maternity and other family leave benefits 319 364 7280 1650.47 662.785
V22S1 wage replacement 0

V22S2 birth grants 0

V22S3 child care leave benefits 254 364 3900 1476.27 398.018
V22SR maternity and other family leave benefits n.e.c. 79 832 4056 1918.08 665.351
V23 military / veterans / war benefits 386 260 31564 9852.38 5918.792
V24 other social insurance benefits 417 208 33800 5077.54 3474.483
V24S1 invalid carer benefits 0

V24S2 education benefits 264 520 15964 4691.82 2980.440
V24S3 child care cash benefits 0

V24SR other social insurance benefits n.e.c. 165 208 33800 5325.43 3800.849
V25 social assistance cash benefits 18 1404 13000 7268.44 2370.059
V25S1 general social assistance benefits 18 1404 13000 7268.44 2370.059
V25S2 old-age and disability assistance benefits 0

V25S3 unemployment assistance benefits 0

V25S4 parents assistance benefits 0

V25SR social assistance cash benefits n.e.c. 0

V26 near-cash benefits 0

V26S1 near-cash food benefits 0

V26S2 near-cash housing benefits 0

V26S3 near-cash medical benefits 0

V26S4 near-cash heating benefits 0

V26S5 near-cash education benefits 0

V26S6 near-cash child care benefits 0

V26SR near-cash benefits n.e.c. 0

V27 value of non-cash food benefits 0

V28 value of non-cash housing benefits 0

V29 value of non-cash medical benefits 0

V30 value of non-cash heating benefits 0

V31 value of non-cash education benefits 0

V31A value of non-cash child care benefits 0

ALTNCASH value of home production for own use 0

V32 private occupational and other pensions 531 208 74932 11366.95 10582.676
V32S1 occupational pensions 370 208 74932 13226.41 10379.659
V32S1A mandatory occupational pensions 0

V32S1B voluntary occupational pensions 0

V32S1R occupational pensions n.e.c. 370 208 74932 13226.41 10379.659
V32S2 mandatory individual retirement pensions 0

V32SR private occupational and other pensions n.e.c. 194 208 56316 5886.99 8397.283
V33 public sector occupational pensions 0

V34 alimony / child support 211 312 18252 3825.57 2892.247
V34X alimony / child support paid 171 416 34632 4716.49 4892.296
V35 regular private transfers 45 520 44148 10935.02 10875.527
V35S1 regular private transfers from relatives 0

V35S2 regular private transfers from private charity 0

V35SR regular private transfers n.e.c. 45 520 44148 10935.02 10875.527
V35X regular transfers paid to relatives 0

V36 other cash income 131 156 43732 8225.92 9296.397
V37 realized lump sum income 0

V37S1 capital gains and losses 0

V37SR realized lump sum income n.e.c. 0

V39 gross wages and salaries - head 3557 416 495820 35157.91 25818.834
V39NET net wages and salaries - head 0

V41 gross wages and salaries - spouse 1891 416 211016 22772.23 14952.345
V41NET net wages and salaries - spouse 0

SELFI self-employment income 885 -374140 389220 21631.59 39433.816
EARNING earnings 4628 -374140 536640 46582.01 36281.223
EARNNET net earnings 0

FI factor income 5685 -374140 536744 39779.27 38077.273
FINET net factor income 0

PENSIOI occupational pensions 531 208 74932 11366.95 10582.676
MI market income 5794 -374140 537732 40072.66 37804.027
MINET net market income 0

MEANSI social assistance transfers 18 1404 13000 7268.44 2370.059
OTHSOCI social insurance transfers excl V19-V21 1461 208 48256 7722.30 6082.279
SOCI social insurance transfers 4066 208 49088 8548.90 6403.372
SOCTRANS social transfers 4071 208 49088 8570.54 6408.612
PRIVATI private transfers 255 312 44148 5095.18 5890.252
TRANSI transfer income 4112 208 49088 8801.05 6562.857
GI gross income 6777 -374140 537732 39759.26 35177.592
GINET net income 0

PAYROLL mandatory payroll taxes 0

DPI net disposable income 6777 -374140 322452 31891.68 23843.105
Valid N (listwise) 0

Frequencies for Australia 1995 household file

Frequency Table

MARRIED head living in couple

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 head not living in couple 2575 37.8 37.8 37.8
1 married couple 4238 62.1 62.1 99.9
3 non-married cohabiting couple 6 .1 .1 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

D7 region

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 New South Wales 1508 22.1 22.1 22.1
2 Victoria 1408 20.6 20.6 42.8
3 Queensland 1254 18.4 18.4 61.2
4 South Australia 835 12.2 12.2 73.4
5 Western Australia 891 13.1 13.1 86.5
6 Tasmania 511 7.5 7.5 94.0
7 Canberra region (ACT) and Northern Territory 412 6.0 6.0 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

D20 area

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 metropolitan 4026 59.0 62.8 62.8
2 balance of state 2381 34.9 37.2 100.0
Total 6407 94.0 100.0
Missing -1 412 6.0

Total 6819 100.0

D22 tenure of dwelling

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 tenant 1807 26.5 26.5 26.5
2 owner, with mortgage 2069 30.3 30.3 56.8
3 owner, without mortgage 2752 40.4 40.4 97.2
4 other 191 2.8 2.8 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

D1 age - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 16 3 .0 .0 .0
17 2 .0 .0 .1
18 13 .2 .2 .3
19 32 .5 .5 .7
20 33 .5 .5 1.2
21 57 .8 .8 2.1
22 64 .9 .9 3.0
23 75 1.1 1.1 4.1
24 87 1.3 1.3 5.4
27 25-29 years old 583 8.5 8.5 13.9
32 30-34 years old 797 11.7 11.7 25.6
37 35-39 years old 723 10.6 10.6 36.2
42 40-44 years old 745 10.9 10.9 47.1
47 45-49 years old 784 11.5 11.5 58.6
52 50-54 years old 534 7.8 7.8 66.5
55 113 1.7 1.7 68.1
56 100 1.5 1.5 69.6
57 86 1.3 1.3 70.8
58 69 1.0 1.0 71.9
59 82 1.2 1.2 73.1
60 100 1.5 1.5 74.5
61 79 1.2 1.2 75.7
62 74 1.1 1.1 76.8
63 98 1.4 1.4 78.2
64 82 1.2 1.2 79.4
67 65-69 years old 465 6.8 6.8 86.2
72 70-74 years old 436 6.4 6.4 92.6
75 75 years or over 503 7.4 7.4 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

D2 age - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 17 6 .1 .1 .1
18 7 .1 .2 .3
19 11 .2 .3 .6
20 19 .3 .4 1.0
21 28 .4 .7 1.7
22 38 .6 .9 2.6
23 50 .7 1.2 3.7
24 69 1.0 1.6 5.4
27 25-29 years old 433 6.3 10.2 15.6
32 30-34 years old 554 8.1 13.1 28.6
37 35-39 years old 601 8.8 14.2 42.8
42 40-44 years old 555 8.1 13.1 55.9
47 45-49 years old 506 7.4 11.9 67.8
52 50-54 years old 362 5.3 8.5 76.3
55 67 1.0 1.6 77.9
56 54 .8 1.3 79.2
57 51 .7 1.2 80.4
58 48 .7 1.1 81.5
59 49 .7 1.2 82.7
60 31 .5 .7 83.4
61 48 .7 1.1 84.5
62 42 .6 1.0 85.5
63 44 .6 1.0 86.5
64 71 1.0 1.7 88.2
67 65-69 years old 235 3.4 5.5 93.8
72 70-74 years old 155 2.3 3.7 97.4
75 75 years or over 110 1.6 2.6 100.0
Total 4244 62.2 100.0
Missing -1 2575 37.8

Total 6819 100.0

D3 gender - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 5249 77.0 77.0 77.0
2 female 1570 23.0 23.0 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

SEXSP gender - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 2 female 4244 62.2 100.0 100.0
Missing -1 2575 37.8

Total 6819 100.0

D21 marital status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 single 978 14.3 14.3 14.3
2 married (registered or de facto) 4305 63.1 63.1 77.5
3 separated, divorced, widowed 1536 22.5 22.5 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

MARTSP marital status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 2 married (registered or de facto) 4243 62.2 100.0 100.0
3 separated, divorced, widowed 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 4244 62.2 100.0
Missing -1 2575 37.8

Total 6819 100.0

PARSTAHD partnership and parenthood status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 1750 25.7 25.7 25.7
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 2055 30.1 30.1 55.8
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 439 6.4 6.4 62.2
4 single head, without children 1931 28.3 28.3 90.6
5 single head, with children, youngest child < 18 443 6.5 6.5 97.1
6 single head, with children, youngest child 18+ 201 2.9 2.9 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

PARSTASP partnership and parenthood status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 1750 25.7 41.2 41.2
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 2055 30.1 48.4 89.7
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 439 6.4 10.3 100.0
Total 4244 62.2 100.0
Missing -1 2575 37.8

Total 6819 100.0

D8 ethnicity/nationality - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 Australia 4905 71.9 71.9 71.9
2 other Oceania and Antarctica 144 2.1 2.1 74.0
3 Europe and former USSR 1327 19.5 19.5 93.5
4 Middle East and North Africa 72 1.1 1.1 94.6
5 Southeast Asia 133 2.0 2.0 96.5
6 Northeast Asia 58 .9 .9 97.4
7 Southern Asia 63 .9 .9 98.3
8 Northern America 37 .5 .5 98.8
9 South and Central America and Caribbean 31 .5 .5 99.3
10 Africa (excl. North Africa) 49 .7 .7 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

ETHNATSP ethnicity/nationality - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 Australia 3025 44.4 71.3 71.3
2 other Oceania and Antarctica 89 1.3 2.1 73.4
3 Europe and former USSR 798 11.7 18.8 92.2
4 Middle East and North Africa 50 .7 1.2 93.4
5 Southeast Asia 132 1.9 3.1 96.5
6 Northeast Asia 38 .6 .9 97.4
7 Southern Asia 39 .6 .9 98.3
8 Northern America 27 .4 .6 98.9
9 South and Central America and Caribbean 14 .2 .3 99.2
10 Africa (excl. North Africa) 32 .5 .8 100.0
Total 4244 62.2 100.0
Missing -1 2575 37.8

Total 6819 100.0

IMMIGRHD immigration status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 born in Australia 4905 71.9 71.9 71.9
2 arrived before 1976 1267 18.6 18.6 90.5
3 arrived 1976-1980 161 2.4 2.4 92.9
4 arrived 1981-1985 162 2.4 2.4 95.2
5 arrived 1986-1990 215 3.2 3.2 98.4
6 arrived 1991-1995 109 1.6 1.6 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

IMMIGRSP immigration status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 born in Australia 3025 44.4 71.3 71.3
2 arrived before 1976 742 10.9 17.5 88.8
3 arrived 1976-1980 105 1.5 2.5 91.2
4 arrived 1981-1985 114 1.7 2.7 93.9
5 arrived 1986-1990 159 2.3 3.7 97.7
6 arrived 1991-1995 99 1.5 2.3 100.0
Total 4244 62.2 100.0
Missing -1 2575 37.8

Total 6819 100.0

D10 educational level - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 2 higher degree 132 1.9 1.9 1.9
3 postgraduate diploma 154 2.3 2.3 4.2
4 bachelor degree 569 8.3 8.3 12.5
5 undergraduate diploma 206 3.0 3.0 15.6
6 associate diploma 422 6.2 6.2 21.7
7 skilled vocational qualifications 1548 22.7 22.7 44.4
8 basic vocational qualifications 157 2.3 2.3 46.8
9 no post-school qualifications 3631 53.2 53.2 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

D11 educational level - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 2 higher degree 39 .6 .9 .9
3 postgraduate diploma 86 1.3 2.0 2.9
4 bachelor degree 315 4.6 7.4 10.4
5 undergraduate diploma 189 2.8 4.5 14.8
6 associate diploma 155 2.3 3.7 18.5
7 skilled vocational qualifications 435 6.4 10.2 28.7
8 basic vocational qualifications 237 3.5 5.6 34.3
9 no post-school qualifications 2788 40.9 65.7 100.0
Total 4244 62.2 100.0
Missing -1 2575 37.8

Total 6819 100.0

D12 occupational training - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

D13 occupational training - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

ENROLHD currently enrolled in education - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 120 studying full-time 89 1.3 1.3 1.3
130 studying part-time 323 4.7 4.7 6.0
200 not currently studying 6407 94.0 94.0 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

ENROLSP currently enrolled in education - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 120 studying full-time 39 .6 .9 .9
130 studying part-time 164 2.4 3.9 4.8
200 not currently studying 4041 59.3 95.2 100.0
Total 4244 62.2 100.0
Missing -1 2575 37.8

Total 6819 100.0

D25 disability status - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

D26 disability status - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

CLFSHD labour force status in the current period - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 191 Emp; 35+ hours 3921 57.5 57.5 57.5
192 Emp; <35 hours 359 5.3 5.3 62.8
210 Unemp; ILO unemployed 355 5.2 5.2 68.0
322 NILF; studying full-time 52 .8 .8 68.7
341 NILF; permanently unable to work 60 .9 .9 69.6
391 NILF; studying part-time 31 .5 .5 70.1
399 NILF; other 2031 29.8 29.8 99.9
931 NILF; unpaid voluntary worker 10 .1 .1 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

CLFSSP labour force status in the current period - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 191 Emp; 35+ hours 1229 18.0 29.0 29.0
192 Emp; <35 hours 983 14.4 23.2 52.1
210 Unemp; ILO unemployed 124 1.8 2.9 55.0
322 NILF; studying full-time 28 .4 .7 55.7
341 NILF; permanently unable to work 10 .1 .2 55.9
391 NILF; studying part-time 32 .5 .8 56.7
399 NILF; other 1827 26.8 43.0 99.7
931 NILF; unpaid voluntary worker 11 .2 .3 100.0
Total 4244 62.2 100.0
Missing -1 2575 37.8

Total 6819 100.0

CMASHD main activity status in current period - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Emp; 35+ hours 3912 57.4 57.4 57.4
222 Not Emp; studying full-time 89 1.3 1.3 58.7
241 Not Emp; permanently unable to work 60 .9 .9 59.6
270 Not Emp; unemployed 330 4.8 4.8 64.4
291 Not Emp; studying part-time 44 .6 .6 65.0
299 Not Emp; other not in the labour force 2031 29.8 29.8 94.8
901 Indist; employed <35 hours 322 4.7 4.7 99.5
902 Indist; employed <35 hours and studying part-time 21 .3 .3 99.9
903 Not Emp; unpaid voluntary worker 10 .1 .1 100.0
Total 6819 100.0 100.0

CMASSP main activity status in current period - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Emp; 35+ hours 1228 18.0 28.9 28.9
222 Not Emp; studying full-time 39 .6 .9 29.9
241 Not Emp; permanently unable to work 10 .1 .2 30.1
270 Not Emp; unemployed 113 1.7 2.7 32.8
291 Not Emp; studying part-time 43 .6 1.0 33.8
299 Not Emp; other not in the labour force 1827 26.8 43.0 76.8
901 Indist; employed <35 hours 932 13.7 22.0 98.8
902 Indist; employed <35 hours and studying part-time 41 .6 1.0 99.7
903 Not Emp; unpaid voluntary worker 11 .2 .3 100.0
Total 4244 62.2 100.0
Missing -1 2575 37.8

Total 6819 100.0

UMASHD usual activity status - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

UMASSP usual activity status - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

ACTIVHD status in employment - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 paid employed 3731 54.7 83.4 83.4
210 self-employed ; employer 187 2.7 4.2 87.5
220 self-employed ; own-account worker 528 7.7 11.8 99.3
410 oth emp ; contributing family worker 18 .3 .4 99.7
421 oth emp ; employee paid in kind 1 .0 .0 99.8
431 oth emp ; unpaid voluntary worker 11 .2 .2 100.0
Total 4476 65.6 100.0
Missing -1 2343 34.4

Total 6819 100.0

ACTIVSP status in employment - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 paid employed 1955 28.7 85.7 85.7
210 self-employed ; employer 93 1.4 4.1 89.8
220 self-employed ; own-account worker 196 2.9 8.6 98.4
410 oth emp ; contributing family worker 25 .4 1.1 99.5
431 oth emp ; unpaid voluntary worker 11 .2 .5 100.0
Total 2280 33.4 100.0
Missing -1 4539 66.6

Total 6819 100.0

D14 occupation - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 managers and administrators 656 9.6 15.3 15.3
2 professionals 699 10.3 16.3 31.7
3 associate professionals 284 4.2 6.6 38.3
4 tradespersons 860 12.6 20.1 58.4
5 clerks 432 6.3 10.1 68.5
6 salespersons and personal service workers 400 5.9 9.3 77.8
7 plant and machine operators and assemblers 438 6.4 10.2 88.1
8 elementary occupations 511 7.5 11.9 100.0
Total 4280 62.8 100.0
Missing -1 2539 37.2

Total 6819 100.0

D15 occupation - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 managers and administrators 169 2.5 7.6 7.6
2 professionals 334 4.9 15.1 22.7
3 associate professionals 155 2.3 7.0 29.7
4 tradespersons 80 1.2 3.6 33.4
5 clerks 699 10.3 31.6 65.0
6 salespersons and personal service workers 455 6.7 20.6 85.5
7 plant and machine operators and assemblers 44 .6 2.0 87.5
8 elementary occupations 276 4.0 12.5 100.0
Total 2212 32.4 100.0
Missing -1 4607 67.6

Total 6819 100.0

D16 industry - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 agriculture, forestry and fishing 243 3.6 5.7 5.7
2 mining 77 1.1 1.8 7.5
3 manufacturing 691 10.1 16.2 23.8
4 production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 72 1.1 1.7 25.5
5 building and construction 428 6.3 10.1 35.5
6 wholesale trade 282 4.1 6.6 42.1
7 retail trade 440 6.5 10.3 52.5
8 hotels and restaurants 115 1.7 2.7 55.2
9 transport and storage 254 3.7 6.0 61.2
10 communication 114 1.7 2.7 63.8
11 financial intermediation 159 2.3 3.7 67.6
12 real estate & renting services 395 5.8 9.3 76.9
13 public administration & defence 238 3.5 5.6 82.4
14 education 248 3.6 5.8 88.3
15 health and community 224 3.3 5.3 93.5
16 cultural and recreational services 87 1.3 2.0 95.6
17 personal and other services 188 2.8 4.4 100.0
Total 4255 62.4 100.0
Missing -1 2539 37.2

System 25 .4

Total 2564 37.6

Total 6819 100.0

D17 industry - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 agriculture, forestry and fishing 97 1.4 4.4 4.4
2 mining 15 .2 .7 5.1
3 manufacturing 195 2.9 8.9 14.0
4 production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 8 .1 .4 14.4
5 building and construction 61 .9 2.8 17.1
6 wholesale trade 95 1.4 4.3 21.5
7 retail trade 319 4.7 14.5 36.0
8 hotels and restaurants 89 1.3 4.1 40.1
9 transport and storage 49 .7 2.2 42.3
10 communication 26 .4 1.2 43.5
11 financial intermediation 112 1.6 5.1 48.6
12 real estate & renting services 192 2.8 8.8 57.4
13 public administration & defence 122 1.8 5.6 62.9
14 education 277 4.1 12.6 75.6
15 health and community 387 5.7 17.6 93.2
16 cultural and recreational services 48 .7 2.2 95.4
17 personal and other services 101 1.5 4.6 100.0
Total 2193 32.2 100.0
Missing -1 4607 67.6

System 19 .3

Total 4626 67.8

Total 6819 100.0

D18 sector of employment - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

D19 sector of employment - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

SKILLHD skill level in employment - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

SKILLSP skill level in employment - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

NEMPHD number of persons in local unit - business of head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

NEMPSP number of persons in local unit - business of spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

FULPARHD full-time or part-time and reason why - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 35+ usual weekly hours 3223 47.3 90.3 90.3
201 <35 usual weekly hours 348 5.1 9.7 100.0
Total 3571 52.4 100.0
Missing -1 3248 47.6

Total 6819 100.0

FULPARSP full-time or part-time and reason why - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 35+ usual weekly hours 980 14.4 51.6 51.6
201 <35 usual weekly hours 920 13.5 48.4 100.0
Total 1900 27.9 100.0
Missing -1 4919 72.1

Total 6819 100.0

CONTRAHD permanency of contract - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

CONTRASP permanency of contract - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

SUPERVHD supervise other workers - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

SUPERVSP supervise other workers - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

TENUREHD tenure in current job - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

TENURESP tenure in current job - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

SECJOBHD more than one job - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 Has second job in paid employment 169 2.5 3.9 3.9
120 Has second job as employer 13 .2 .3 4.3
130 Has second job as own account worker 82 1.2 1.9 6.2
141 Has second job as contributing family worker 4 .1 .1 6.3
143 Has second job as unpaid voluntary worker 4 .1 .1 6.4
190 Has second job not in paid employment 38 .6 .9 7.2
200 No second job 3969 58.2 92.8 100.0
Total 4279 62.8 100.0
Missing -1 2540 37.2

Total 6819 100.0

SECJOBSP more than one job - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 Has second job in paid employment 96 1.4 4.3 4.3
120 Has second job as employer 6 .1 .3 4.6
130 Has second job as own account worker 34 .5 1.5 6.2
141 Has second job as contributing family worker 10 .1 .5 6.6
190 Has second job not in paid employment 6 .1 .3 6.9
200 No second job 2059 30.2 93.1 100.0
Total 2211 32.4 100.0
Missing -1 4608 67.6

Total 6819 100.0

WEXPHDTL total duration of all work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

WEXPSPTL total duration of all work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

WEXPHDFT duration of full-time work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

WEXPSPFT duration of full-time work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

WEXPHDPT duration of part-time work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

WEXPSPPT duration of part-time work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

SEARCHHD looking for job and reason why - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Unemployed, looked for full-time work 319 4.7 89.9 89.9
102 Unemployed, looked for part-time work 36 .5 10.1 100.0
Total 355 5.2 100.0
Missing -1 6464 94.8

Total 6819 100.0

SEARCHSP looking for job and reason why - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Unemployed, looked for full-time work 81 1.2 70.4 70.4
102 Unemployed, looked for part-time work 34 .5 29.6 100.0
Total 115 1.7 100.0
Missing -1 6695 98.2

System 9 .1

Total 6704 98.3

Total 6819 100.0

CAREHD current caregiving status - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0

CARESP current caregiving status - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 6819 100.0