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Standardized Education Recoding: Instructions |
a) person file:
The routine EDUCRECODEPP standardizes the
person level education and uses the variables COUNTRY, PEDUC and PTOCC . The outcome of the routine is a new variable EDUC.
b) household file: The routine EDUCRECODEHH standardizes the level of education of head and spouse, and uses the variables COUNTRY, D10, D11, D12 and D13 . Users should be aware to mention these variables in the keep-statement. The outcome of the routine are two new variables EDUCHD and EDUCSP.
Variables EDUC, EDUCHD and EDUCSP all have the following codes and labels : 1. low 2. medium 3. high 9. all else
Syntax that executes the routine
The routine is available in each of the three statistical packages that the LISSY remote access system supports.
SAS - person file : %include "&myincl.educrecodepp.sas" ; - household file : %include "&myincl.educrecodehh.sas" ;
SPSS - person file : include file edurecop . - household file : include file edurecoh .
Stata - person file : run $myincl\educrecodepp.do - household file : run $myincl\educrecodehh.do
Note : The routines are no full programs, but merely contain the necessary steps of recoding. |
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