Descriptives for Hungary 1999 household file


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
COUNTRY unique country/year number 2013 112 112 112.00 .000
CASENUM unique unit identifier 2013 1 2013 1007.00 581.247
HWEIGHT household weight 2013 0 8 1.00 .459
DEFLATE deflation factor 2013 1 1 1.00 .000
D5 type of unit 2013 5 5 5.00 .000
D4 number of persons 2013 1 9 2.74 1.404
D6 number of earners 2013 0 5 1.07 1.013
D27 number of children under age 18 2013 0 6 .54 .901
D28 age of youngest child 650 0 17 8.07 5.034
D29 number of persons under age 14 2013 0 5 .41 .778
NUM6574 number of persons aged 65 to 74 2013 0 3 .27 .543
NUMGE75 number of persons aged 75 or more 2013 0 2 .18 .435
HSLOT1 country specific household information 1 0

HSLOT2 country specific household information 2 0

D1 age - head 2013 18 93 52.09 15.941
D2 age - spouse 1308 19 85 47.42 14.147
HOURSUHD usual hours worked per week - head 1712 0 1050 25.61 83.582
HOURSUSP usual hours worked per week - spouse 1211 0 1012 23.22 72.946
HOURSAHD actual hours worked per week - head 1720 0 1043 24.18 75.127
HOURSASP actual hours worked per week - spouse 1217 0 1018 22.54 72.483
WEEKHDTL total weeks worked - head 0

WEEKSPTL total weeks worked - spouse 0

WEEKHDFT weeks worked full-time - head 0

WEEKSPFT weeks worked full-time - spouse 0

WEEKHDPT weeks worked part-time - head 0

WEEKSPPT weeks worked part-time - spouse 0

WEEKHDUP weeks unemployed - head 917 2 1000 52.62 55.140
WEEKSPUP weeks unemployed - spouse 580 2 1000 54.75 68.755
FOODEXP food and non-alcoholic beverages 1928 12000 4800000 290828.84 214782.267
ALCOEXP alcohol and tobacco 1066 1200 600000 73361.09 68362.483
APPEXP clothing and footwear 1102 1080 800000 70336.37 81821.999
HOUSEXP housing and utilities 1979 3000 1800000 195196.66 141290.050
EQUIPEXP housing equipment 1896 800 1160000 38844.17 83819.138
MEDEXP health 1631 400 600000 41863.97 56450.940
TRANEXP transport 1141 1200 1200000 108537.33 123062.742
COMMEXP communication 1577 7200 936000 65003.89 58480.866
CULTEXP recreation and culture 1457 480 11098000 75082.26 320924.099
EDUCEXP education 720 800 600000 36532.38 58560.967
RESTOEXP restaurants and hotels 0

MISCEXP miscellaneous goods and services 1876 400 240000 18086.46 19195.816
TOTEXP total expenditures 1941 54000 12000000 773945.85 577090.428
MORTEXP mortgage installments 351 1416 6000000 184921.81 417013.952
V1 gross wages and salaries 0

V1NET net wages and salaries 1266 2000 6580800 933360.73 797457.069
V2 mandatory employer contributions 0

V3 non-mandatory employer contributions 189 300 39000 4107.57 4674.035
V4 farm self-employment income 0

V5 non-farm self-employment income 0

V6 in-kind earnings 0

V7 mandatory contributions for self-employment 0

V8 cash property income 1067 1 2082100 48785.89 142994.983
V8S1 interest and dividends 1034 1 1236000 37425.75 105319.714
V8S2 rental income 112 1000 2000000 99982.14 215747.094
V8S3 private savings plans 15 6000 980000 169162.93 292148.155
V8S4 royalties 2 40000 100000 70000.00 42426.407
V8SR cash property income n.e.c. 0

V8X interest paid 0

V9 imputed rent for owner-occupied housing 0

V10 market value of residence 1660 15000 250000000 5225750.00 10442969.903
V11 income taxes 0

V12 property / wealth taxes 0

V13 mandatory employee contributions 0

V14 other direct taxes 0

V15 indirect taxes 0

V16 sickness benefits 114 800 825000 108890.04 127708.257
V17 occupational injury and disease benefits 0

V17S1 short-term occupational injury and disease benefits 0

V17S2 long-term occupational injury and disease benefits 0

V17SR occupational injury and disease benefits n.e.c. 0

V18 disability benefits 360 24000 1044000 315302.83 160984.201
V18S1 disability pensions 360 24000 1044000 315302.83 160984.201
V18S2 disability allowances 0

V18SR disability benefits n.e.c. 0

V19 state old-age and survivors benefits 932 11000 2280000 494071.99 264521.564
V19S1 old-age pensions 806 24000 1997160 513678.60 257532.520
V19S1A universal old-age pensions 0

V19S1B employment-related old-age pensions 806 24000 1997160 513678.60 257532.520
V19S1C old-age pensions for public sector employees 0

V19S1R old-age pensions n.e.c. 0

V19S3 early retirement benefits 0

V19S4 survivors pensions 184 5000 792000 213217.56 151677.192
V19SR state old-age and survivors benefits n.e.c. 55 12900 1920000 161893.09 257693.016
V20 child / family benefits 646 3800 1173600 107112.47 86303.279
V20S1 child allowances 646 3800 1173600 107112.47 86303.279
V20S2 advance maintenance 0

V20S3 orphans allowances 0

V20SR child / family benefits n.e.c. 0

V21 unemployment compensation benefits 172 1200 432000 111793.20 80084.272
V21S1 unemployment insurance benefits 160 7000 432000 115101.44 79185.762
V21S2 (re)training allowances 14 1200 155000 58014.29 43524.738
V21S3 placement / resettlement benefits 0

V21SR unemployment compensation benefits n.e.c. 0

V22 maternity and other family leave benefits 181 8000 627000 174850.97 83431.801
V22S1 wage replacement 44 15000 597000 181850.00 149183.403
V22S2 birth grants 0

V22S3 child care leave benefits 159 8000 316440 148720.92 54080.444
V22SR maternity and other family leave benefits n.e.c. 0

V23 military / veterans / war benefits 0

V24 other social insurance benefits 67 2000 216000 57524.63 51564.192
V24S1 invalid carer benefits 0

V24S2 education benefits 53 3500 216000 63767.92 48811.879
V24S3 child care cash benefits 0

V24SR other social insurance benefits n.e.c. 17 2000 212400 27908.82 49510.555
V25 social assistance cash benefits 325 2000 681200 103812.54 92362.729
V25S1 general social assistance benefits 200 2000 681200 79303.12 85079.183
V25S2 old-age and disability assistance benefits 11 80400 192000 145156.36 41251.639
V25S3 unemployment assistance benefits 70 6500 324000 102197.60 72911.345
V25S4 parents assistance benefits 65 3200 211200 69251.38 40728.252
V25SR social assistance cash benefits n.e.c. 89 2500 360000 52806.27 62224.001
V26 near-cash benefits 0

V26S1 near-cash food benefits 0

V26S2 near-cash housing benefits 0

V26S3 near-cash medical benefits 0

V26S4 near-cash heating benefits 0

V26S5 near-cash education benefits 0

V26S6 near-cash child care benefits 0

V26SR near-cash benefits n.e.c. 0

V27 value of non-cash food benefits 0

V28 value of non-cash housing benefits 0

V29 value of non-cash medical benefits 0

V30 value of non-cash heating benefits 0

V31 value of non-cash education benefits 0

V31A value of non-cash child care benefits 0

ALTNCASH value of home production for own use 655 200 400000 49520.15 59030.851
V32 private occupational and other pensions 0

V32S1 occupational pensions 0

V32S1A mandatory occupational pensions 0

V32S1B voluntary occupational pensions 0

V32S1R occupational pensions n.e.c. 0

V32S2 mandatory individual retirement pensions 0

V32SR private occupational and other pensions n.e.c. 0

V33 public sector occupational pensions 0

V34 alimony / child support 47 3000 370000 83755.32 92730.554
V34X alimony / child support paid 47 1630 300000 59075.11 65533.019
V35 regular private transfers 27 2000 800000 128807.41 170701.814
V35S1 regular private transfers from relatives 0

V35S2 regular private transfers from private charity 0

V35SR regular private transfers n.e.c. 27 2000 800000 128807.41 170701.814
V35X regular transfers paid to relatives 131 500 3000000 109805.34 284199.710
V36 other cash income 62 34164 2118168 285394.48 305501.780
V37 realized lump sum income 102 56 2006530 187218.07 433882.200
V37S1 capital gains and losses 0

V37SR realized lump sum income n.e.c. 102 56 2006530 187218.07 433882.200
V39 gross wages and salaries - head 0

V39NET net wages and salaries - head 1050 1548 5694000 643577.59 550084.313
V41 gross wages and salaries - spouse 0

V41NET net wages and salaries - spouse 657 2400 5800000 506130.34 474898.863
SELFI self-employment income 0

EARNING earnings 0

EARNNET net earnings 1266 2000 6580800 933360.73 797457.069
FI factor income 0

FINET net factor income 1546 175 6586980 796947.95 837045.334
PENSIOI occupational pensions 0

MI market income 0

MINET net market income 1546 175 6586980 796947.95 837045.334
MEANSI social assistance transfers 325 2000 681200 103812.54 92362.729
OTHSOCI social insurance transfers excl V19-V21 640 800 1096920 252122.90 167773.288
SOCI social insurance transfers 1740 800 2280000 405352.32 281194.873
SOCTRANS social transfers 1762 800 2280000 419049.84 283391.775
PRIVATI private transfers 70 2000 800000 105532.86 129953.734
TRANSI transfer income 1766 800 2280000 422283.76 283907.595
GI gross income 0

GINET net income 1927 6180 6715168 1021611.16 754216.376
PAYROLL mandatory payroll taxes 0

DPI net disposable income 1927 6180 6715168 1021611.16 754216.376
Valid N (listwise) 0

Frequencies for Hungary 1999 household file

Frequency Table

MARRIED head living in couple

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 head not living in couple 705 35.0 35.0 35.0
1 married couple 1200 59.6 59.6 94.6
3 non-married cohabiting couple 108 5.4 5.4 100.0
Total 2013 100.0 100.0

D7 region

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Budapest 277 13.8 13.8 13.8
102 Pest 186 9.2 9.2 23.0
211 Fejér 69 3.4 3.4 26.4
212 Komárom-Esztergom 95 4.7 4.7 31.1
213 Veszprém 68 3.4 3.4 34.5
221 Gyõr-Moson-Sopron 64 3.2 3.2 37.7
222 Vas 60 3.0 3.0 40.7
223 Zala 67 3.3 3.3 44.0
231 Baranya 98 4.9 4.9 48.9
232 Somogy 32 1.6 1.6 50.5
233 Tolna 79 3.9 3.9 54.4
311 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 129 6.4 6.4 60.8
312 Heves 94 4.7 4.7 65.5
313 Nográd 51 2.5 2.5 68.0
321 Hajdú-Bihar 118 5.9 5.9 73.9
322 Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 80 4.0 4.0 77.8
323 Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 87 4.3 4.3 82.2
331 Bács-Kiskun 170 8.4 8.4 90.6
332 Békés 50 2.5 2.5 93.1
333 Csongrád 139 6.9 6.9 100.0
Total 2013 100.0 100.0

D20 area

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 Budapest 277 13.8 13.9 13.9
11 city, county seat >100000 184 9.1 9.2 23.0
12 city, county seat 50-100000 117 5.8 5.9 28.9
13 city, county seat 20-50000 74 3.7 3.7 32.6
21 city, not county seat 20-50000 219 10.9 11.0 43.6
22 city, not county seat 10-20000 237 11.8 11.9 55.4
23 city, not county seat 5-10000 139 6.9 7.0 62.4
24 city, not county seat 2-5000 16 .8 .8 63.2
32 village 5-10000 45 2.2 2.3 65.4
33 village 2-5000 241 12.0 12.1 77.5
34 village 1-2000 179 8.9 9.0 86.4
35 village <1000 272 13.5 13.6 100.0
Total 2000 99.4 100.0
Missing System 13 .6

Total 2013 100.0

D22 tenure of dwelling

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 10 owner 1765 87.7 87.7 87.7
20 beneficial owner 83 4.1 4.1 91.8
31 lease-holder, tenant -owned by local government 81 4.0 4.0 95.9
32 lease-holder, tenant -private property 1 .0 .0 95.9
33 lease-holder, tenant -granted by employer 12 .6 .6 96.5
34 lease-holder, tenant -other 2 .1 .1 96.6
50 supporter under contract for life support 1 .0 .0 96.7
60 family member 40 2.0 2.0 98.7
70 occupant with no legal title 1 .0 .0 98.7
80 allowed to live in the flat without paying rent 3 .1 .1 98.9
92 lodger -private property 15 .7 .7 99.6
93 lodger -granted by employer 1 .0 .0 99.7
94 lodger -other 1 .0 .0 99.7
100 other 6 .3 .3 100.0
Total 2012 100.0 100.0
Missing System 1 .0

Total 2013 100.0

D1 age - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 18 6 .3 .3 .3
19 2 .1 .1 .4
20 2 .1 .1 .5
21 9 .4 .4 .9
22 9 .4 .4 1.4
23 11 .5 .5 1.9
24 16 .8 .8 2.7
25 16 .8 .8 3.5
26 18 .9 .9 4.4
27 27 1.3 1.3 5.8
28 19 .9 .9 6.7
29 23 1.1 1.1 7.8
30 35 1.7 1.7 9.6
31 30 1.5 1.5 11.1
32 31 1.5 1.5 12.6
33 29 1.4 1.4 14.1
34 32 1.6 1.6 15.6
35 29 1.4 1.4 17.1
36 27 1.3 1.3 18.4
37 33 1.6 1.6 20.1
38 28 1.4 1.4 21.5
39 30 1.5 1.5 23.0
40 39 1.9 1.9 24.9
41 41 2.0 2.0 26.9
42 46 2.3 2.3 29.2
43 47 2.3 2.3 31.5
44 54 2.7 2.7 34.2
45 49 2.4 2.4 36.7
46 55 2.7 2.7 39.4
47 46 2.3 2.3 41.7
48 48 2.4 2.4 44.1
49 48 2.4 2.4 46.4
50 47 2.3 2.3 48.8
51 36 1.8 1.8 50.6
52 45 2.2 2.2 52.8
53 53 2.6 2.6 55.4
54 33 1.6 1.6 57.1
55 43 2.1 2.1 59.2
56 33 1.6 1.6 60.9
57 47 2.3 2.3 63.2
58 53 2.6 2.6 65.8
59 33 1.6 1.6 67.5
60 41 2.0 2.0 69.5
61 42 2.1 2.1 71.6
62 47 2.3 2.3 73.9
63 33 1.6 1.6 75.6
64 22 1.1 1.1 76.7
65 25 1.2 1.2 77.9
66 21 1.0 1.0 78.9
67 27 1.3 1.3 80.3
68 32 1.6 1.6 81.9
69 28 1.4 1.4 83.3
70 28 1.4 1.4 84.6
71 24 1.2 1.2 85.8
72 31 1.5 1.5 87.4
73 26 1.3 1.3 88.7
74 31 1.5 1.5 90.2
75 23 1.1 1.1 91.4
76 20 1.0 1.0 92.3
77 16 .8 .8 93.1
78 32 1.6 1.6 94.7
79 16 .8 .8 95.5
80 14 .7 .7 96.2
81 16 .8 .8 97.0
82 4 .2 .2 97.2
83 12 .6 .6 97.8
84 8 .4 .4 98.2
85 3 .1 .1 98.4
86 9 .4 .4 98.8
87 9 .4 .4 99.3
88 5 .2 .2 99.5
89 4 .2 .2 99.7
90 2 .1 .1 99.8
91 1 .0 .0 99.9
92 2 .1 .1 100.0
93 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 2013 100.0 100.0

D2 age - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 19 1 .0 .1 .1
20 2 .1 .2 .2
21 4 .2 .3 .5
22 8 .4 .6 1.1
23 12 .6 .9 2.1
24 17 .8 1.3 3.4
25 9 .4 .7 4.1
26 19 .9 1.5 5.5
27 17 .8 1.3 6.8
28 23 1.1 1.8 8.6
29 26 1.3 2.0 10.6
30 32 1.6 2.4 13.0
31 22 1.1 1.7 14.7
32 29 1.4 2.2 16.9
33 33 1.6 2.5 19.4
34 28 1.4 2.1 21.6
35 28 1.4 2.1 23.7
36 31 1.5 2.4 26.1
37 18 .9 1.4 27.4
38 28 1.4 2.1 29.6
39 29 1.4 2.2 31.8
40 35 1.7 2.7 34.5
41 31 1.5 2.4 36.9
42 34 1.7 2.6 39.4
43 31 1.5 2.4 41.8
44 39 1.9 3.0 44.8
45 30 1.5 2.3 47.1
46 40 2.0 3.1 50.2
47 34 1.7 2.6 52.8
48 35 1.7 2.7 55.4
49 41 2.0 3.1 58.6
50 36 1.8 2.8 61.3
51 31 1.5 2.4 63.7
52 28 1.4 2.1 65.8
53 32 1.6 2.4 68.3
54 24 1.2 1.8 70.1
55 22 1.1 1.7 71.8
56 27 1.3 2.1 73.9
57 22 1.1 1.7 75.5
58 15 .7 1.1 76.7
59 13 .6 1.0 77.7
60 15 .7 1.1 78.8
61 9 .4 .7 79.5
62 17 .8 1.3 80.8
63 31 1.5 2.4 83.2
64 23 1.1 1.8 84.9
65 22 1.1 1.7 86.6
66 17 .8 1.3 87.9
67 21 1.0 1.6 89.5
68 16 .8 1.2 90.7
69 18 .9 1.4 92.1
70 12 .6 .9 93.0
71 16 .8 1.2 94.3
72 21 1.0 1.6 95.9
73 10 .5 .8 96.6
74 8 .4 .6 97.2
75 13 .6 1.0 98.2
76 5 .2 .4 98.6
77 3 .1 .2 98.9
78 4 .2 .3 99.2
79 2 .1 .2 99.3
80 1 .0 .1 99.4
81 5 .2 .4 99.8
82 2 .1 .2 99.9
85 1 .0 .1 100.0
Total 1308 65.0 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

Total 2013 100.0

D3 gender - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 1509 75.0 75.0 75.0
2 female 504 25.0 25.0 100.0
Total 2013 100.0 100.0

SEXSP gender - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 64 3.2 4.9 4.9
2 female 1244 61.8 95.1 100.0
Total 1308 65.0 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

Total 2013 100.0

D21 marital status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 single 229 11.4 11.4 11.4
2 married 1201 59.7 59.7 71.1
3 married, separated 40 2.0 2.0 73.1
4 divorced 200 9.9 9.9 83.0
5 widow/er 342 17.0 17.0 100.0
Total 2012 100.0 100.0
Missing System 1 .0

Total 2013 100.0

MARTSP marital status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 single 35 1.7 2.7 2.7
2 married 1200 59.6 91.8 94.5
3 married, separated 15 .7 1.1 95.6
4 divorced 40 2.0 3.1 98.7
5 widow/er 17 .8 1.3 100.0
Total 1307 64.9 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

System 1 .0

Total 706 35.1

Total 2013 100.0

PARSTAHD partnership and parenthood status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 492 24.4 24.4 24.4
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 542 26.9 26.9 51.4
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 274 13.6 13.6 65.0
4 single head, without children 590 29.3 29.3 94.3
5 single head, with children, youngest child < 18 49 2.4 2.4 96.7
6 single head, with children, youngest child 18+ 66 3.3 3.3 100.0
Total 2013 100.0 100.0

PARSTASP partnership and parenthood status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 492 24.4 37.6 37.6
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 542 26.9 41.4 79.1
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 274 13.6 20.9 100.0
Total 1308 65.0 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

Total 2013 100.0

D8 ethnicity/nationality - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 not of Gypsy descent 1640 81.5 96.6 96.6
1 of Gypsy descent 57 2.8 3.4 100.0
Total 1697 84.3 100.0
Missing System 316 15.7

Total 2013 100.0

ETHNATSP ethnicity/nationality - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 not of Gypsy descent 1144 56.8 94.5 94.5
1 of Gypsy descent 67 3.3 5.5 100.0
Total 1211 60.2 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

System 97 4.8

Total 802 39.8

Total 2013 100.0

IMMIGRHD immigration status - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

IMMIGRSP immigration status - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

D10 educational level - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 of primary school age or not of school age yet 2 .1 .1 .1
1 never went to school 7 .3 .3 .4
2 less than 8 years primary school 227 11.3 11.3 11.7
3 8 years of primary school 463 23.0 23.0 34.8
4 training school 603 30.0 30.0 64.7
5 secondary vocational ducation 229 11.4 11.4 76.1
6 secondary grammar school 162 8.0 8.1 84.2
7 college 177 8.8 8.8 93.0
8 university 141 7.0 7.0 100.0
Total 2011 99.9 100.0
Missing System 2 .1

Total 2013 100.0

D11 educational level - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 never went to school 5 .2 .4 .4
2 less than 8 years primary school 121 6.0 9.3 9.6
3 8 years of primary school 352 17.5 26.9 36.5
4 training school 259 12.9 19.8 56.3
5 secondary vocational ducation 188 9.3 14.4 70.7
6 secondary grammar school 174 8.6 13.3 84.0
7 college 144 7.2 11.0 95.0
8 university 65 3.2 5.0 100.0
Total 1308 65.0 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

Total 2013 100.0

D12 occupational training - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

D13 occupational training - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

ENROLHD currently enrolled in education - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 121 secondary vocational training school 2 .1 .1 .1
122 secondary vocational school 4 .2 .2 .3
123 secondary grammar school 2 .1 .1 .4
124 other secondary school 1 .0 .0 .4
131 college 2 .1 .1 .5
132 university 3 .1 .1 .7
200 not enrolled in education 1998 99.3 99.3 100.0
Total 2012 100.0 100.0
Missing System 1 .0

Total 2013 100.0

ENROLSP currently enrolled in education - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 200 not enrolled in education 1303 64.7 100.0 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

System 5 .2

Total 710 35.3

Total 2013 100.0

D25 disability status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 good, healthier or same health as people of the same age 444 22.1 25.7 25.7
2 good, worse state than people of the same age 1 .0 .1 25.8
3 changing but mostly good,healthier or same as people of the 542 26.9 31.4 57.2
4 changing but mostly good,worse state than people of the same 24 1.2 1.4 58.6
5 changing not satisfactory,healthier or same as people of the 217 10.8 12.6 71.1
6 changing not satisfactory,worse state than people of the sam 188 9.3 10.9 82.0
7 bad,healthier or same as people of the same age 39 1.9 2.3 84.3
8 bad,worse state than people of the same age 271 13.5 15.7 100.0
Total 1726 85.7 100.0
Missing System 287 14.3

Total 2013 100.0

D26 disability status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 good, healthier or same health as people of the same age 329 16.3 26.9 26.9
2 good, worse state than people of the same age 4 .2 .3 27.3
3 changing but mostly good,healthier or same as people of the 427 21.2 35.0 62.2
4 changing but mostly good,worse state than people of the same 34 1.7 2.8 65.0
5 changing not satisfactory,healthier or same as people of the 162 8.0 13.3 78.3
6 changing not satisfactory,worse state than people of the sam 113 5.6 9.3 87.6
7 bad,healthier or same as people of the same age 19 .9 1.6 89.1
8 bad,worse state than people of the same age 133 6.6 10.9 100.0
Total 1221 60.7 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

System 87 4.3

Total 792 39.3

Total 2013 100.0

CLFSHD labour force status in the current period - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; employee or self-employed 875 43.5 43.5 43.5
112 Emp; works besides pension 35 1.7 1.7 45.2
113 Emp; lives from temporary or casual jobs, freelance 19 .9 .9 46.2
114 Emp; helping family member 1 .0 .0 46.2
115 Emp; has job or worked last 7 days 50 2.5 2.5 48.7
121 Emp; temp absent, maternity or child care leave 1 .0 .0 48.7
122 Emp; temp absent, employee or entrepreneur, no job 1 .0 .0 48.8
123 Emp; temp absent, freelance or self-emp, no work last 7 days 3 .1 .1 48.9
124 Emp; temp absent, helping family member 1 .0 .0 49.0
181 Emp; regular armed forces 11 .5 .5 49.5
182 Emp; obligatory military svc 1 .0 .0 49.6
211 Unemp; ILO, registered 72 3.6 3.6 53.2
213 Unemp; ILO, not registered 48 2.4 2.4 55.5
214 Unemp; ILO, already found a job 1 .0 .0 55.6
219 Unemp; ILO, registration unknown 1 .0 .0 55.6
221 Unemp; not ILO, registered, actively looking 5 .2 .2 55.9
223 Unemp; not ILO, unemp benefit, not looking, wants job 5 .2 .2 56.1
224 Unemp; not ILO, unemp benefit, not looking, does not want jo 3 .1 .1 56.3
229 Unemp; not ILO, unemp benefit 23 1.1 1.1 57.4
241 Unemp; not ILO; actively looking 5 .2 .2 57.7
311 NILF; pensioner 550 27.3 27.3 85.0
321 NILF; in full-time education 12 .6 .6 85.6
331 NILF; maternity leave or aid, child care allowance 2 .1 .1 85.7
332 NILF; homemaker 4 .2 .2 85.9
341 NILF; disability pension 213 10.6 10.6 96.5
391 NILF; widow's pension 49 2.4 2.4 98.9
392 NILF; social welfare grant 16 .8 .8 99.7
393 NILF; other dependent 6 .3 .3 100.0
Total 2013 100.0 100.0

CLFSSP labour force status in the current period - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; employee or self-employed 551 27.4 42.1 42.1
112 Emp; works besides pension 20 1.0 1.5 43.7
113 Emp; lives from temporary or casual jobs, freelance 2 .1 .2 43.8
114 Emp; helping family member 1 .0 .1 43.9
115 Emp; has job or worked last 7 days 25 1.2 1.9 45.8
121 Emp; temp absent, maternity or child care leave 67 3.3 5.1 50.9
122 Emp; temp absent, employee or entrepreneur, no job 1 .0 .1 51.0
123 Emp; temp absent, freelance or self-emp, no work last 7 days 2 .1 .2 51.1
181 Emp; regular armed forces 1 .0 .1 51.2
211 Unemp; ILO, registered 33 1.6 2.5 53.7
213 Unemp; ILO, not registered 33 1.6 2.5 56.3
221 Unemp; not ILO, registered, actively looking 6 .3 .5 56.7
223 Unemp; not ILO, unemp benefit, not looking, wants job 7 .3 .5 57.3
224 Unemp; not ILO, unemp benefit, not looking, does not want jo 12 .6 .9 58.2
229 Unemp; not ILO, unemp benefit 5 .2 .4 58.6
241 Unemp; not ILO; actively looking 7 .3 .5 59.1
294 Unemp; ILO unknown, actively seeking 1 .0 .1 59.2
311 NILF; pensioner 276 13.7 21.1 80.3
331 NILF; maternity leave or aid, child care allowance 60 3.0 4.6 84.9
332 NILF; homemaker 61 3.0 4.7 89.5
341 NILF; disability pension 100 5.0 7.6 97.2
351 NILF; inactive earner (renting property, life annuity or sup 1 .0 .1 97.2
391 NILF; widow's pension 1 .0 .1 97.3
392 NILF; social welfare grant 29 1.4 2.2 99.5
393 NILF; other dependent 6 .3 .5 100.0
Total 1308 65.0 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

Total 2013 100.0

CMASHD main activity status in current period - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; 30+ hours/week 672 33.4 33.4 33.4
112 Emp; 30+ hours, other non-emp activity 13 .6 .6 34.0
181 Emp; regular armed forces 11 .5 .5 34.6
182 Emp; obligatory military svc 1 .0 .0 34.6
211 Not Emp; pensioner 521 25.9 25.9 60.5
212 Not Emp; pensioner + employed 1 .0 .0 60.6
221 Not Emp; in full-time education 13 .6 .6 61.2
231 Not Emp; maternity leave or aid, child care allowance 4 .2 .2 61.4
232 Not Emp; homemaker 6 .3 .3 61.7
241 Not Emp; disability pension 202 10.0 10.0 71.7
242 Not Emp; not looking for work, health problems 4 .2 .2 71.9
251 Not Emp; inactive earner (renting property, life annuity or 1 .0 .0 72.0
271 Not Emp; on unemployment benefit 93 4.6 4.6 76.6
272 Not Emp; looking for job 18 .9 .9 77.5
274 Not Emp; not currently working or looking 3 .1 .1 77.6
291 Not Emp; widow's pension 48 2.4 2.4 80.0
292 Not Emp; social welfare grant 13 .6 .6 80.7
293 Not Emp; other dependent 4 .2 .2 80.9
911 Indist; pensioner, <30 hrs or unknown emp 42 2.1 2.1 83.0
912 Indist; pensioner + employed, <30 hrs or unknown emp 29 1.4 1.4 84.4
931 Indist; maternity leave or aid, child care allowance, <30 hr 2 .1 .1 84.5
941 Indist; disability pension, <30 hrs or unknown emp 34 1.7 1.7 86.2
971 Indist; on unemployment benefit, <30 hrs or unknown emp 42 2.1 2.1 88.3
972 Indist; looking for job, <30 hrs or unknown emp 2 .1 .1 88.4
991 Indist; widow's pension, <30 hrs or unknown emp 1 .0 .0 88.4
992 Indist; social welfare grant, <30 hrs or unknown emp 2 .1 .1 88.5
993 Indist; other dependent, <30 hrs or unknown emp 2 .1 .1 88.6
994 Indist; helping family member, <30 hrs or unknown emp 1 .0 .0 88.7
995 Indist; freelance worker, <30 hrs or unknown emp 10 .5 .5 89.2
996 Indist; self-employed, <30 hrs or unknown emp 57 2.8 2.8 92.0
997 Indist; employee, <30 hrs or unknown emp 161 8.0 8.0 100.0
Total 2013 100.0 100.0

CMASSP main activity status in current period - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; 30+ hours/week 474 23.5 36.2 36.2
112 Emp; 30+ hours, other non-emp activity 8 .4 .6 36.9
181 Emp; regular armed forces 1 .0 .1 36.9
211 Not Emp; pensioner 254 12.6 19.4 56.3
212 Not Emp; pensioner + employed 1 .0 .1 56.4
231 Not Emp; maternity leave or aid, child care allowance 80 4.0 6.1 62.5
232 Not Emp; homemaker 70 3.5 5.4 67.9
233 Not Emp; not looking for work, family problems 3 .1 .2 68.1
241 Not Emp; disability pension 100 5.0 7.6 75.8
242 Not Emp; not looking for work, health problems 3 .1 .2 76.0
251 Not Emp; inactive earner (renting property, life annuity or 1 .0 .1 76.1
271 Not Emp; on unemployment benefit 55 2.7 4.2 80.3
272 Not Emp; looking for job 10 .5 .8 81.0
274 Not Emp; not currently working or looking 2 .1 .2 81.2
291 Not Emp; widow's pension 1 .0 .1 81.3
292 Not Emp; social welfare grant 26 1.3 2.0 83.3
293 Not Emp; other dependent 5 .2 .4 83.6
911 Indist; pensioner, <30 hrs or unknown emp 33 1.6 2.5 86.2
912 Indist; pensioner + employed, <30 hrs or unknown emp 15 .7 1.1 87.3
931 Indist; maternity leave or aid, child care allowance, <30 hr 61 3.0 4.7 92.0
932 Indist; homemaker, <30 hrs or unknown emp 7 .3 .5 92.5
941 Indist; disability pension, <30 hrs or unknown emp 6 .3 .5 93.0
971 Indist; on unemployment benefit, <30 hrs or unknown emp 6 .3 .5 93.4
992 Indist; social welfare grant, <30 hrs or unknown emp 1 .0 .1 93.5
994 Indist; helping family member, <30 hrs or unknown emp 1 .0 .1 93.6
996 Indist; self-employed, <30 hrs or unknown emp 10 .5 .8 94.3
997 Indist; employee, <30 hrs or unknown emp 74 3.7 5.7 100.0
Total 1308 65.0 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

Total 2013 100.0

UMASHD usual activity status - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

UMASSP usual activity status - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

ACTIVHD status in employment - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Paid emp; employee 1728 85.8 88.3 88.3
181 Paid emp; armed forces 26 1.3 1.3 89.6
182 Paid emp; obligatory military service 1 .0 .1 89.7
211 Self-emp; in own enterprise, 11 to 500+ employees 49 2.4 2.5 92.2
221 Self-emp; in own enterprise, no employees 100 5.0 5.1 97.3
222 Self-emp; unknowm if own enterprise, no employees 25 1.2 1.3 98.6
298 Self-emp; in own enterprise, 1 to 2500 employees 10 .5 .5 99.1
299 Self-emp; indist., unknown if own enterprise 4 .2 .2 99.3
390 Oth. paid emp; unknown if paid or self-employed 12 .6 .6 99.9
411 Oth emp; helping family member 2 .1 .1 100.0
Total 1957 97.2 100.0
Missing -1 56 2.8

Total 2013 100.0

ACTIVSP status in employment - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Paid emp; employee 1157 57.5 92.3 92.3
181 Paid emp; armed forces 4 .2 .3 92.6
211 Self-emp; in own enterprise, 11 to 500+ employees 19 .9 1.5 94.1
221 Self-emp; in own enterprise, no employees 35 1.7 2.8 96.9
222 Self-emp; unknowm if own enterprise, no employees 10 .5 .8 97.7
298 Self-emp; in own enterprise, 1 to 2500 employees 4 .2 .3 98.0
299 Self-emp; indist., unknown if own enterprise 7 .3 .6 98.6
390 Oth. paid emp; unknown if paid or self-employed 17 .8 1.4 99.9
411 Oth emp; helping family member 1 .0 .1 100.0
Total 1254 62.3 100.0
Missing -1 759 37.7

Total 2013 100.0

D14 occupation - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 armed forces 27 1.3 1.4 1.4
1120 senior government official 1 .0 .1 1.5
1130 traditional chief, head of village 9 .4 .5 1.9
1210 director, chief executive 10 .5 .5 2.5
1221 prod., ops. mngr. agri., hunt., fish. 4 .2 .2 2.7
1222 prod., ops. manager manufacturing 10 .5 .5 3.2
1223 prod., ops. manager construction 6 .3 .3 3.5
1224 prod., ops. manager retail, wholesale 16 .8 .8 4.3
1225 prod., ops. mngr., restaurants, hotels 2 .1 .1 4.5
1226 prod., ops. mngr. trnspt., strge. coms. 5 .2 .3 4.7
1227 prod., ops. manager business services 7 .3 .4 5.1
1228 prod., ops. mngr. pers. care, cleaning 7 .3 .4 5.4
1229 prod., ops. department manager nec 3 .1 .2 5.6
1231 financial, administration dept. manager 12 .6 .6 6.2
1232 personnel, ind. relations dept. manager 4 .2 .2 6.4
1234 advertising, pblc. relatns. dept. mngr. 1 .0 .1 6.5
1236 computer services department manager 5 .2 .3 6.8
1237 research,development department manager 1 .0 .1 6.8
1239 other department manager nec 5 .2 .3 7.1
1311 gen. mngr. agri., hunt., frstry., fish. 4 .2 .2 7.3
1312 general manager manufacturing 10 .5 .5 7.8
1313 general manager construction 9 .4 .5 8.3
1314 general manager wholesale, retail trade 9 .4 .5 8.7
1315 general manager restaurants, hotels 2 .1 .1 8.8
1316 general mngr. trnsprt., storage, coms. 7 .3 .4 9.2
1317 general manager business services 2 .1 .1 9.3
1318 gen. mngr. pers. care, cleaning, relat. 12 .6 .6 9.9
1319 general manager nec 13 .6 .7 10.6
2112 meteorologist 1 .0 .1 10.7
2113 chemist 1 .0 .1 10.7
2121 mathematician, related professional 3 .1 .2 10.9
2131 computer systems designer, analyst 1 .0 .1 10.9
2132 computer programmer 2 .1 .1 11.0
2139 computer professional nec 1 .0 .1 11.1
2140 architect, engineer, related pro. 1 .0 .1 11.2
2141 architect, town, traffic planner 2 .1 .1 11.3
2142 civil engineer 2 .1 .1 11.4
2143 electrical engineer 2 .1 .1 11.5
2144 electronic, telecommunications engineer 5 .2 .3 11.7
2145 mechanical engineer 16 .8 .8 12.6
2146 chemical engineer 2 .1 .1 12.7
2147 mining engineer, metallurgist, relat. 1 .0 .1 12.7
2149 architect, engineer, relat. pro. nec 6 .3 .3 13.0
2220 health professionals (except nursing) 3 .1 .2 13.2
2221 medical doctor 7 .3 .4 13.6
2223 veterinarian 2 .1 .1 13.7
2224 pharmacist 4 .2 .2 13.9
2310 college, uni., high. edu. teaching pro. 3 .1 .2 14.0
2321 secondary teachers, academic track 11 .5 .6 14.6
2322 secondary teachers, vocational track 3 .1 .2 14.8
2331 primary education teaching professional 13 .6 .7 15.4
2332 pre-primary edu. teaching pro. 3 .1 .2 15.6
2340 special edu. teaching professional 2 .1 .1 15.7
2359 other teaching professional nec 4 .2 .2 15.9
2400 other professional 2 .1 .1 16.0
2411 accountant 2 .1 .1 16.1
2419 business professional nec 10 .5 .5 16.6
2421 lawyer 6 .3 .3 17.0
2431 archivist, curator 1 .0 .1 17.0
2432 librarian, relat. info. professional 3 .1 .2 17.2
2441 economist 7 .3 .4 17.5
2444 philologist, translator, interpreter 1 .0 .1 17.6
2446 social work professional 1 .0 .1 17.6
2450 writer, creative or performing arts 5 .2 .3 17.9
2451 author, journalist, other writer 1 .0 .1 18.0
2453 composer, musician, singer 2 .1 .1 18.1
3112 civil engineering technician 7 .3 .4 18.4
3113 electrical engineering technician 2 .1 .1 18.5
3114 elec., telecoms., engnrng technician 4 .2 .2 18.7
3115 mechanical engineering technician 3 .1 .2 18.9
3116 chemical engineering technician 1 .0 .1 19.0
3118 draughtsperson 1 .0 .1 19.0
3119 physical, engnrng science tech. nec 6 .3 .3 19.3
3121 computer assistant 8 .4 .4 19.7
3122 computer equip. operator 4 .2 .2 19.9
3140 ship & aircraft controllers & technicians 2 .1 .1 20.1
3143 aircraft pilot, relat. asso. pro. 1 .0 .1 20.1
3150 safety & quality inspectors 7 .3 .4 20.5
3152 safety, health, quality inspector 2 .1 .1 20.6
3221 medical assistant 3 .1 .2 20.7
3227 veterinary assistant 1 .0 .1 20.8
3228 pharmaceutical assistant 1 .0 .1 20.8
3229 mod. health asso. pro. exc. nursing nec 2 .1 .1 20.9
3231 nursing associate professional 5 .2 .3 21.2
3232 midwifery associate professional 6 .3 .3 21.5
3320 pre primary edu. teach. asso. pro. 2 .1 .1 21.6
3400 other associate professionals 1 .0 .1 21.7
3412 insurance representative 1 .0 .1 21.7
3413 estate agent 1 .0 .1 21.8
3414 travel consultant, organiser 1 .0 .1 21.8
3415 technical, commercial sales rep. 12 .6 .6 22.5
3416 buyer 7 .3 .4 22.8
3419 finance, sales asso. pro. nec 12 .6 .6 23.5
3422 clearing, forwarding agent 3 .1 .2 23.6
3423 employment agent, labor contractor 3 .1 .2 23.8
3429 business services agent, relat. nec 1 .0 .1 23.8
3431 admin. secrtry, relat. asso. pro. 3 .1 .2 24.0
3432 legal, relat. business asso. pro. 1 .0 .1 24.0
3433 bookkeeper 1 .0 .1 24.1
3439 admin. associate professional nec 6 .3 .3 24.4
3441 tax, border inspector 5 .2 .3 24.7
3450 police, inspector detective 2 .1 .1 24.8
3460 social work associate professional 4 .2 .2 25.0
3473 singer, dancer, musician, relat. 1 .0 .1 25.0
3475 sportsperson, relat. asso. profssnl. 1 .0 .1 25.1
4112 word processor, relat. processor 12 .6 .6 25.7
4113 data entry operator 1 .0 .1 25.8
4115 secretary 5 .2 .3 26.0
4121 accounting, bookkeeping clerk 16 .8 .8 26.9
4122 statistical, finance clerk 1 .0 .1 26.9
4131 stock clerk 1 .0 .1 27.0
4140 library, mail etc clerks 3 .1 .2 27.1
4141 library, filing clerk 1 .0 .1 27.2
4142 mail carriers, sorting clerk 8 .4 .4 27.6
4190 other office clerk 5 .2 .3 27.9
4211 cashier, ticket clerk 4 .2 .2 28.1
4220 client information clerics 1 .0 .1 28.1
4223 telephone switchboard operator 2 .1 .1 28.2
5100 personal & protective services workers 2 .1 .1 28.3
5111 travel attendant, steward 5 .2 .3 28.6
5112 transport conductor 4 .2 .2 28.8
5122 cook 12 .6 .6 29.4
5123 waiter, waitress, bartender 10 .5 .5 29.9
5130 personal care, related worker 16 .8 .8 30.8
5141 hairdresser, barber, relat. worker 3 .1 .2 30.9
5149 other personal services worker nec 8 .4 .4 31.4
5160 protective services worker 8 .4 .4 31.8
5161 fire fighter 5 .2 .3 32.0
5162 police officer 5 .2 .3 32.3
5163 prison guard 2 .1 .1 32.4
5169 protective services worker nec 15 .7 .8 33.2
5210 fashion, other model 1 .0 .1 33.2
5220 shop salesperson, demonstrator 59 2.9 3.1 36.3
5230 stall, market salesperson 1 .0 .1 36.4
6110 market gardeners & cropgrowers 4 .2 .2 36.6
6111 field crop, veg. grower 22 1.1 1.2 37.7
6112 tree, shrub crop grower 6 .3 .3 38.1
6113 gardener, horticultural, nursery grower 7 .3 .4 38.4
6121 dairy, livestock producer 29 1.4 1.5 39.9
6122 poultry producer 5 .2 .3 40.2
6124 mixed animal producer 1 .0 .1 40.3
6129 mrkt. orient. animal producer nec 1 .0 .1 40.3
6130 mrkt. orient. crop, animal producer 28 1.4 1.5 41.8
6141 forestry worker, logger 6 .3 .3 42.1
6152 inland, coastal waters fishery worker 2 .1 .1 42.2
6154 hunter, trapper 1 .0 .1 42.3
7110 miners, shotfirers, stone cutters & carvers 5 .2 .3 42.5
7111 miner, quarry worker 32 1.6 1.7 44.2
7113 stone splitter, carver, cutter 3 .1 .2 44.3
7121 builders, traditional materials 2 .1 .1 44.5
7122 bricklayer, stonemason 48 2.4 2.5 47.0
7124 carpenter, joiner 19 .9 1.0 48.0
7129 bldng. frame, relat. trades worker nec 3 .1 .2 48.1
7131 roofer 5 .2 .3 48.4
7132 floor layer, tile setter 9 .4 .5 48.8
7134 insulation worker 1 .0 .1 48.9
7135 glazier 2 .1 .1 49.0
7136 plumber, pipe fitter 24 1.2 1.3 50.3
7137 building, related electrician 38 1.9 2.0 52.3
7141 painter, related worker 18 .9 .9 53.2
7200 metal, machinery, related trades worker 2 .1 .1 53.3
7211 metal molder, coremaker 6 .3 .3 53.6
7212 welder, flamecutter 11 .5 .6 54.2
7213 sheet metal worker 2 .1 .1 54.3
7214 struct. metal preparer, erector 5 .2 .3 54.6
7220 blacksmiths, tool-makers etc trades workers 11 .5 .6 55.1
7221 blacksmith, hammer smith, relat. 4 .2 .2 55.3
7222 tool maker, related worker 3 .1 .2 55.5
7223 machine tool setter, operator 65 3.2 3.4 58.9
7224 metal polisher, tool sharpener 19 .9 1.0 59.9
7230 machinery mechanics & fitters 33 1.6 1.7 61.6
7231 motor vehicle mechanic, fitter 29 1.4 1.5 63.1
7232 aircraft motor mechanic, fitter 1 .0 .1 63.2
7233 agri., ind., machine mechanic, fitter 3 .1 .2 63.4
7240 electr. equip. mechanic, fitter 8 .4 .4 63.8
7242 electronic fitter 6 .3 .3 64.1
7243 electronic mechanic, servicer 5 .2 .3 64.3
7245 electrical line installer, related. 10 .5 .5 64.9
7310 precision workers in metal etc materials 1 .0 .1 64.9
7311 precision instrument maker, repairer 7 .3 .4 65.3
7321 potter, glassmaker, relat.trades worker 2 .1 .1 65.4
7322 glass maker cutter, related 2 .1 .1 65.5
7323 glass engraver, etcher 1 .0 .1 65.5
7332 textile handicraft worker 2 .1 .1 65.7
7340 printing etc trades workers 2 .1 .1 65.8
7341 compositors, typesetters, relat. worker 3 .1 .2 65.9
7410 food processing, relat. trades worker 2 .1 .1 66.0
7411 butcher, fishmonger, related. 6 .3 .3 66.3
7412 baker, pastry cooks, related. 11 .5 .6 66.9
7413 dairy products maker 2 .1 .1 67.0
7415 food, beverage taster 3 .1 .2 67.2
7420 wd. treat., cabnt. maker, relat. worker 4 .2 .2 67.4
7422 cabinet maker, related worker 15 .7 .8 68.2
7430 textiles, garment, relat. trades worker 2 .1 .1 68.3
7432 weaver, knitter, related worker 3 .1 .2 68.4
7433 tailor, dressmaker, hatter (not mad) 20 1.0 1.0 69.5
7434 furrier, related worker 1 .0 .1 69.5
7436 sewer, embroiderer, related worker 1 .0 .1 69.6
7440 pelt, leather & shoemaking trades workers 1 .0 .1 69.6
7441 pelt dresser, tanner, fellmonger 1 .0 .1 69.7
7442 shoe maker, related worker 8 .4 .4 70.1
7510 manual foremen/supervisers nfs --non farm-- 67 3.3 3.5 73.6
7520 skilled workers nfs (incl. craftsman, artisan, tradesman) 27 1.3 1.4 75.0
8000 plant, machine operator, assembler 1 .0 .1 75.1
8111 mining plant operator 1 .0 .1 75.1
8121 ore, metal furnace plant operators 1 .0 .1 75.2
8122 metal melter, caster, relat. operator 2 .1 .1 75.3
8131 glass, ceramics kiln plant operator 5 .2 .3 75.5
8155 ptrlm., nat. gas refnng. plant operator 3 .1 .2 75.7
8160 power production, relat. plant operator 2 .1 .1 75.8
8161 power production plant operator 3 .1 .2 76.0
8163 incinerator plant, relat. operator 4 .2 .2 76.2
8210 metal- & mineral-products machine operators 5 .2 .3 76.4
8211 machine tool operator 2 .1 .1 76.5
8221 pharmac., toiletry prod. mach. operator 1 .0 .1 76.6
8231 rubber products machine operator 1 .0 .1 76.6
8232 plastic products machine operator 5 .2 .3 76.9
8240 wood products machine operator 5 .2 .3 77.2
8253 paper products machine operator 2 .1 .1 77.3
8262 weaving, knitting machine operator 1 .0 .1 77.3
8263 sewing machine operator 1 .0 .1 77.4
8265 fur, leather prep. machine operator 1 .0 .1 77.4
8266 shoemaking, related machine operator 2 .1 .1 77.5
8269 textile, fur, prod. operator nec 4 .2 .2 77.7
8270 food, relat. prod. machine operator 3 .1 .2 77.9
8278 brewery, wine, relat. mach. operator 1 .0 .1 78.0
8290 other mach. operator, assembler 19 .9 1.0 79.0
8300 drivers & mobile-plant operators 1 .0 .1 79.0
8311 locomotive engine driver 5 .2 .3 79.3
8320 motor vehicle driver 14 .7 .7 80.0
8322 car, taxi, van driver 23 1.1 1.2 81.2
8323 bus, tram driver 18 .9 .9 82.1
8324 heavy truck, lorry driver 63 3.1 3.3 85.4
8331 motor. farm, forestry plant operator 25 1.2 1.3 86.8
8332 earth moving relat. plant operator 10 .5 .5 87.3
8333 crane, hoist, relat. plant operator 7 .3 .4 87.6
8334 lifting truck operator 16 .8 .8 88.5
8340 ship deck crew, related worker 2 .1 .1 88.6
9132 office, hotel, related cleaner 8 .4 .4 89.0
9133 hand launderer, presser 2 .1 .1 89.1
9141 building caretaker 48 2.4 2.5 91.6
9151 messenger, deliverer, porter 6 .3 .3 91.9
9152 doorkeeper, watchperson, related. 29 1.4 1.5 93.5
9153 vend. mach. cashier, meter reader 3 .1 .2 93.6
9160 garbage collector, relat. laborer 4 .2 .2 93.8
9161 garbage collector 4 .2 .2 94.0
9211 farm-hand, laborer 22 1.1 1.2 95.2
9213 fishing, hunting, trapping laborer 1 .0 .1 95.2
9300 labourers in mining, construction, manufact. & transport 52 2.6 2.7 98.0
9313 building construction laborer 9 .4 .5 98.4
9330 transport lab., freight handler 15 .7 .8 99.2
9331 hand, pedal vehicle operator 12 .6 .6 99.8
9332 animal-drawn veh., mach. operator 3 .1 .2 100.0
Total 1910 94.9 100.0
Missing -1 56 2.8

System 47 2.3

Total 103 5.1

Total 2013 100.0

D15 occupation - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 armed forces 4 .2 .3 .3
1130 traditional chief, head of village 3 .1 .2 .6
1210 director, chief executive 4 .2 .3 .9
1221 prod., ops. mngr. agri., hunt., fish. 2 .1 .2 1.1
1222 prod., ops. manager manufacturing 1 .0 .1 1.2
1223 prod., ops. manager construction 4 .2 .3 1.5
1224 prod., ops. manager retail, wholesale 9 .4 .7 2.2
1225 prod., ops. mngr., restaurants, hotels 1 .0 .1 2.3
1226 prod., ops. mngr. trnspt., strge. coms. 3 .1 .2 2.6
1227 prod., ops. manager business services 1 .0 .1 2.6
1228 prod., ops. mngr. pers. care, cleaning 3 .1 .2 2.9
1231 financial, administration dept. manager 14 .7 1.2 4.0
1232 personnel, ind. relations dept. manager 1 .0 .1 4.1
1234 advertising, pblc. relatns. dept. mngr. 1 .0 .1 4.2
1235 supply, distribution department manager 1 .0 .1 4.3
1236 computer services department manager 1 .0 .1 4.4
1239 other department manager nec 4 .2 .3 4.7
1311 gen. mngr. agri., hunt., frstry., fish. 1 .0 .1 4.8
1312 general manager manufacturing 4 .2 .3 5.1
1313 general manager construction 1 .0 .1 5.2
1314 general manager wholesale, retail trade 9 .4 .7 5.9
1315 general manager restaurants, hotels 2 .1 .2 6.1
1317 general manager business services 3 .1 .2 6.3
1318 gen. mngr. pers. care, cleaning, relat. 4 .2 .3 6.7
1319 general manager nec 3 .1 .2 6.9
2113 chemist 3 .1 .2 7.2
2122 statistician 2 .1 .2 7.3
2139 computer professional nec 1 .0 .1 7.4
2141 architect, town, traffic planner 3 .1 .2 7.7
2143 electrical engineer 1 .0 .1 7.7
2144 electronic, telecommunications engineer 1 .0 .1 7.8
2145 mechanical engineer 1 .0 .1 7.9
2146 chemical engineer 1 .0 .1 8.0
2149 architect, engineer, relat. pro. nec 3 .1 .2 8.2
2221 medical doctor 5 .2 .4 8.6
2224 pharmacist 2 .1 .2 8.8
2230 nursing, midwifery professional 3 .1 .2 9.1
2310 college, uni., high. edu. teaching pro. 3 .1 .2 9.3
2321 secondary teachers, academic track 12 .6 1.0 10.3
2322 secondary teachers, vocational track 1 .0 .1 10.4
2331 primary education teaching professional 39 1.9 3.2 13.6
2332 pre-primary edu. teaching pro. 16 .8 1.3 14.9
2340 special edu. teaching professional 3 .1 .2 15.2
2359 other teaching professional nec 6 .3 .5 15.7
2400 other professional 2 .1 .2 15.8
2411 accountant 6 .3 .5 16.3
2419 business professional nec 9 .4 .7 17.1
2421 lawyer 1 .0 .1 17.1
2422 judge 1 .0 .1 17.2
2429 legal professional nec 1 .0 .1 17.3
2430 archivists, librarians etc information professionals 1 .0 .1 17.4
2432 librarian, relat. info. professional 2 .1 .2 17.5
2441 economist 4 .2 .3 17.9
2444 philologist, translator, interpreter 2 .1 .2 18.0
2446 social work professional 3 .1 .2 18.3
2450 writer, creative or performing arts 1 .0 .1 18.4
2453 composer, musician, singer 1 .0 .1 18.5
3111 chemical, physical science tech. 1 .0 .1 18.5
3112 civil engineering technician 3 .1 .2 18.8
3116 chemical engineering technician 3 .1 .2 19.0
3118 draughtsperson 3 .1 .2 19.3
3119 physical, engnrng science tech. nec 3 .1 .2 19.5
3121 computer assistant 5 .2 .4 19.9
3122 computer equip. operator 5 .2 .4 20.3
3150 safety & quality inspectors 14 .7 1.2 21.5
3221 medical assistant 21 1.0 1.7 23.2
3223 dietician, nutritionist 2 .1 .2 23.4
3225 dental assistant 2 .1 .2 23.6
3228 pharmaceutical assistant 4 .2 .3 23.9
3231 nursing associate professional 18 .9 1.5 25.4
3232 midwifery associate professional 13 .6 1.1 26.4
3310 primary education teach. asso. pro. 2 .1 .2 26.6
3320 pre primary edu. teach. asso. pro. 1 .0 .1 26.7
3340 other teaching asso. pro. 4 .2 .3 27.0
3400 other associate professionals 6 .3 .5 27.5
3412 insurance representative 3 .1 .2 27.8
3413 estate agent 1 .0 .1 27.8
3414 travel consultant, organiser 1 .0 .1 27.9
3415 technical, commercial sales rep. 11 .5 .9 28.8
3416 buyer 4 .2 .3 29.2
3419 finance, sales asso. pro. nec 18 .9 1.5 30.6
3422 clearing, forwarding agent 2 .1 .2 30.8
3423 employment agent, labor contractor 6 .3 .5 31.3
3431 admin. secrtry, relat. asso. pro. 6 .3 .5 31.8
3432 legal, relat. business asso. pro. 3 .1 .2 32.0
3434 statistical, math., relat. asso. pro. 1 .0 .1 32.1
3439 admin. associate professional nec 8 .4 .7 32.8
3460 social work associate professional 10 .5 .8 33.6
4112 word processor, relat. processor 35 1.7 2.9 36.5
4113 data entry operator 3 .1 .2 36.7
4115 secretary 11 .5 .9 37.6
4121 accounting, bookkeeping clerk 39 1.9 3.2 40.9
4122 statistical, finance clerk 6 .3 .5 41.4
4131 stock clerk 1 .0 .1 41.4
4140 library, mail etc clerks 2 .1 .2 41.6
4142 mail carriers, sorting clerk 3 .1 .2 41.8
4190 other office clerk 3 .1 .2 42.1
4211 cashier, ticket clerk 20 1.0 1.6 43.7
4220 client information clerics 4 .2 .3 44.1
4222 receptionist, information clerk 2 .1 .2 44.2
4223 telephone switchboard operator 5 .2 .4 44.6
5111 travel attendant, steward 3 .1 .2 44.9
5120 housekeeping & restaurant services workers 3 .1 .2 45.1
5122 cook 5 .2 .4 45.6
5123 waiter, waitress, bartender 12 .6 1.0 46.5
5130 personal care, related worker 16 .8 1.3 47.9
5141 hairdresser, barber, relat. worker 8 .4 .7 48.5
5143 undertaker, embalmer 1 .0 .1 48.6
5149 other personal services worker nec 2 .1 .2 48.8
5169 protective services worker nec 1 .0 .1 48.8
5220 shop salesperson, demonstrator 85 4.2 7.0 55.8
5230 stall, market salesperson 2 .1 .2 56.0
6110 market gardeners & cropgrowers 4 .2 .3 56.3
6111 field crop, veg. grower 15 .7 1.2 57.6
6112 tree, shrub crop grower 4 .2 .3 57.9
6113 gardener, horticultural, nursery grower 6 .3 .5 58.4
6121 dairy, livestock producer 11 .5 .9 59.3
6122 poultry producer 5 .2 .4 59.7
6129 mrkt. orient. animal producer nec 2 .1 .2 59.9
6130 mrkt. orient. crop, animal producer 9 .4 .7 60.6
6141 forestry worker, logger 3 .1 .2 60.9
6150 fishery worker, hunter, trapper 1 .0 .1 61.0
7110 miners, shotfirers, stone cutters & carvers 1 .0 .1 61.0
7111 miner, quarry worker 1 .0 .1 61.1
7121 builders, traditional materials 1 .0 .1 61.2
7122 bricklayer, stonemason 3 .1 .2 61.4
7136 plumber, pipe fitter 1 .0 .1 61.5
7137 building, related electrician 1 .0 .1 61.6
7141 painter, related worker 1 .0 .1 61.7
7210 metal workers 1 .0 .1 61.8
7212 welder, flamecutter 1 .0 .1 61.9
7213 sheet metal worker 2 .1 .2 62.0
7214 struct. metal preparer, erector 1 .0 .1 62.1
7220 blacksmiths, tool-makers etc trades workers 2 .1 .2 62.3
7223 machine tool setter, operator 4 .2 .3 62.6
7224 metal polisher, tool sharpener 5 .2 .4 63.0
7231 motor vehicle mechanic, fitter 1 .0 .1 63.1
7240 electr. equip. mechanic, fitter 3 .1 .2 63.3
7242 electronic fitter 2 .1 .2 63.5
7243 electronic mechanic, servicer 1 .0 .1 63.6
7245 electrical line installer, related. 2 .1 .2 63.8
7311 precision instrument maker, repairer 3 .1 .2 64.0
7321 potter, glassmaker, relat.trades worker 2 .1 .2 64.2
7322 glass maker cutter, related 2 .1 .2 64.3
7330 handicraft workers in wood,textile, leather etc 1 .0 .1 64.4
7332 textile handicraft worker 4 .2 .3 64.7
7340 printing etc trades workers 1 .0 .1 64.8
7341 compositors, typesetters, relat. worker 2 .1 .2 65.0
7345 bookbinder, relat. worker 1 .0 .1 65.1
7410 food processing, relat. trades worker 2 .1 .2 65.2
7411 butcher, fishmonger, related. 10 .5 .8 66.1
7412 baker, pastry cooks, related. 3 .1 .2 66.3
7414 fruit, veg., related preserver 3 .1 .2 66.6
7415 food, beverage taster 1 .0 .1 66.6
7420 wd. treat., cabnt. maker, relat. worker 4 .2 .3 67.0
7422 cabinet maker, related worker 2 .1 .2 67.1
7430 textiles, garment, relat. trades worker 6 .3 .5 67.6
7432 weaver, knitter, related worker 7 .3 .6 68.2
7433 tailor, dressmaker, hatter (not mad) 54 2.7 4.4 72.7
7434 furrier, related worker 2 .1 .2 72.8
7435 textile, leather pattern maker, cutter 1 .0 .1 72.9
7436 sewer, embroiderer, related worker 1 .0 .1 73.0
7437 upholsterer, related worker 1 .0 .1 73.1
7441 pelt dresser, tanner, fellmonger 1 .0 .1 73.1
7442 shoe maker, related worker 14 .7 1.2 74.3
7510 manual foremen/supervisers nfs --non farm-- 23 1.1 1.9 76.2
7520 skilled workers nfs (incl. craftsman, artisan, tradesman) 29 1.4 2.4 78.6
8122 metal melter, caster, relat. operator 1 .0 .1 78.7
8131 glass, ceramics kiln plant operator 2 .1 .2 78.8
8160 power production, relat. plant operator 1 .0 .1 78.9
8161 power production plant operator 1 .0 .1 79.0
8210 metal- & mineral-products machine operators 2 .1 .2 79.2
8211 machine tool operator 5 .2 .4 79.6
8212 cement, relat. prod. machine operator 1 .0 .1 79.7
8221 pharmac., toiletry prod. mach. operator 2 .1 .2 79.8
8232 plastic products machine operator 5 .2 .4 80.2
8240 wood products machine operator 5 .2 .4 80.6
8251 printing machine operator 2 .1 .2 80.8
8253 paper products machine operator 4 .2 .3 81.1
8262 weaving, knitting machine operator 1 .0 .1 81.2
8263 sewing machine operator 1 .0 .1 81.3
8266 shoemaking, related machine operator 6 .3 .5 81.8
8269 textile, fur, prod. operator nec 3 .1 .2 82.0
8270 food, relat. prod. machine operator 2 .1 .2 82.2
8290 other mach. operator, assembler 3 .1 .2 82.5
8311 locomotive engine driver 1 .0 .1 82.5
8323 bus, tram driver 2 .1 .2 82.7
8331 motor. farm, forestry plant operator 3 .1 .2 82.9
8334 lifting truck operator 2 .1 .2 83.1
9131 domestic helper, cleaner 1 .0 .1 83.2
9132 office, hotel, related cleaner 29 1.4 2.4 85.6
9133 hand launderer, presser 7 .3 .6 86.2
9141 building caretaker 89 4.4 7.3 93.5
9142 vehicle, window, related cleaner 1 .0 .1 93.6
9151 messenger, deliverer, porter 9 .4 .7 94.3
9152 doorkeeper, watchperson, related. 5 .2 .4 94.7
9153 vend. mach. cashier, meter reader 2 .1 .2 94.9
9160 garbage collector, relat. laborer 4 .2 .3 95.2
9211 farm-hand, laborer 17 .8 1.4 96.6
9213 fishing, hunting, trapping laborer 1 .0 .1 96.7
9300 labourers in mining, construction, manufact. & transport 16 .8 1.3 98.0
9313 building construction laborer 2 .1 .2 98.2
9330 transport lab., freight handler 5 .2 .4 98.6
9331 hand, pedal vehicle operator 17 .8 1.4 100.0
Total 1214 60.3 100.0
Missing -1 759 37.7

System 40 2.0

Total 799 39.7

Total 2013 100.0

D16 industry - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 3100 mining 68 3.4 3.5 3.5
4000 industry (food, textile, paper, other light & heavy ind, ma 506 25.1 26.1 29.6
5400 electric energy, gas, steam, and water supply 71 3.5 3.7 33.2
6500 construction/building industry 164 8.1 8.4 41.7
7500 retail and wholesale trade 110 5.5 5.7 47.3
7527 other services, repairs (clothes, shoes, household appliance 56 2.8 2.9 50.2
9600 transportation, postal services and telecommunications, ware 166 8.2 8.5 58.8
10600 financial activities (banking, security) 19 .9 1.0 59.7
11705 trade in real estate, leasing 4 .2 .2 59.9
11720 computer technology, research and development 18 .9 .9 60.9
12750 public administration, social security 105 5.2 5.4 66.3
12752 armed forces 26 1.3 1.3 67.6
12753 obligatory military service 1 .0 .1 67.7
13800 education 83 4.1 4.3 71.9
14850 health care and social welfare 79 3.9 4.1 76.0
15901 community service (trade union, church, politics, sanitation 12 .6 .6 76.6
15920 culture, entertainment, sports 30 1.5 1.5 78.2
15931 other personal services (hair, cosmetics, fitness, laundry) 27 1.3 1.4 79.6
15935 person and property protection (security guarding) 15 .7 .8 80.3
20091 agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, fishing (NACE codes 302 15.0 15.6 95.9
20098 catering, tourism (NACE codes 8000 and 9000) 28 1.4 1.4 97.3
20100 other 52 2.6 2.7 100.0
Total 1942 96.5 100.0
Missing -1 56 2.8

System 15 .7

Total 71 3.5

Total 2013 100.0

D17 industry - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 3100 mining 10 .5 .8 .8
4000 industry (food, textile, paper, other light & heavy ind, ma 332 16.5 26.8 27.6
5400 electric energy, gas, steam, and water supply 32 1.6 2.6 30.2
6500 construction/building industry 24 1.2 1.9 32.2
7500 retail and wholesale trade 122 6.1 9.9 42.0
7527 other services, repairs (clothes, shoes, household appliance 11 .5 .9 42.9
9600 transportation, postal services and telecommunications, ware 57 2.8 4.6 47.5
10600 financial activities (banking, security) 33 1.6 2.7 50.2
11705 trade in real estate, leasing 4 .2 .3 50.5
11720 computer technology, research and development 4 .2 .3 50.8
12750 public administration, social security 71 3.5 5.7 56.6
12752 armed forces 4 .2 .3 56.9
13800 education 145 7.2 11.7 68.6
14850 health care and social welfare 125 6.2 10.1 78.7
15901 community service (trade union, church, politics, sanitation 8 .4 .6 79.4
15920 culture, entertainment, sports 17 .8 1.4 80.8
15931 other personal services (hair, cosmetics, fitness, laundry) 26 1.3 2.1 82.9
15935 person and property protection (security guarding) 1 .0 .1 82.9
20091 agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, fishing (NACE codes 149 7.4 12.0 95.0
20098 catering, tourism (NACE codes 8000 and 9000) 33 1.6 2.7 97.7
20100 other 29 1.4 2.3 100.0
Total 1237 61.5 100.0
Missing -1 759 37.7

System 17 .8

Total 776 38.5

Total 2013 100.0

D18 sector of employment - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 PRI; limited liability company (Ltd.) 191 9.5 25.0 25.0
112 PRI; joint-stock company 58 2.9 7.6 32.6
113 PRI; co-operation (agricultural, water management, industria 18 .9 2.4 35.0
114 PRI; deposit partnership (BT), joint income partnership (KKT 54 2.7 7.1 42.1
115 PRI; foundation, union, non-profit organisation, public util 3 .1 .4 42.5
116 PRI; individual enterprise 119 5.9 15.6 58.1
118 PRI; other 5 .2 .7 58.7
119 PRI; indist 5 .2 .7 59.4
211 PUB; owned by gov't, limited liability company (Ltd.) 9 .4 1.2 60.6
212 PUB; owned by gov't, joint-stock company 45 2.2 5.9 66.4
213 PUB; owned by gov't, co-operation (agricultural, water manag 3 .1 .4 66.8
214 PUB; owned by gov't, deposit partnership (BT), joint income 1 .0 .1 67.0
215 PUB; owned by gov't, foundation, union, non-profit organisat 2 .1 .3 67.2
216 PUB; owned by gov't, state-owned/municipal company 76 3.8 10.0 77.2
217 PUB; owned by gov't, institution, institute or organisation 71 3.5 9.3 86.5
218 PUB; owned by gov't, other 1 .0 .1 86.6
281 PUB; armed forces 9 .4 1.2 87.8
282 PUB; obligatory military service 1 .0 .1 87.9
911 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, limited liability company (Lt 15 .7 2.0 89.9
912 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, joint-stock company 42 2.1 5.5 95.4
913 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, co-operation (agricultural, w 4 .2 .5 95.9
914 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, deposit partnership (BT), joi 1 .0 .1 96.1
915 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, foundation, union, non-profit 2 .1 .3 96.3
916 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, state-owned/municipal company 3 .1 .4 96.7
918 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, other 1 .0 .1 96.9
991 INDIST; unknown extent of gov't own., limited liability comp 6 .3 .8 97.6
992 INDIST; unknown extent of gov't own., joint-stock company 14 .7 1.8 99.5
993 INDIST; unknown extent of gov't own., co-operation (agricult 4 .2 .5 100.0
Total 763 37.9 100.0
Missing -1 1242 61.7

System 8 .4

Total 1250 62.1

Total 2013 100.0

D19 sector of employment - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 PRI; limited liability company (Ltd.) 103 5.1 17.1 17.1
112 PRI; joint-stock company 51 2.5 8.5 25.5
113 PRI; co-operation (agricultural, water management, industria 18 .9 3.0 28.5
114 PRI; deposit partnership (BT), joint income partnership (KKT 37 1.8 6.1 34.7
116 PRI; individual enterprise 72 3.6 11.9 46.6
118 PRI; other 6 .3 1.0 47.6
119 PRI; indist 4 .2 .7 48.3
211 PUB; owned by gov't, limited liability company (Ltd.) 6 .3 1.0 49.3
212 PUB; owned by gov't, joint-stock company 27 1.3 4.5 53.7
213 PUB; owned by gov't, co-operation (agricultural, water manag 5 .2 .8 54.6
215 PUB; owned by gov't, foundation, union, non-profit organisat 1 .0 .2 54.7
216 PUB; owned by gov't, state-owned/municipal company 111 5.5 18.4 73.1
217 PUB; owned by gov't, institution, institute or organisation 104 5.2 17.2 90.4
219 PUB; owned by gov't, indist 3 .1 .5 90.9
281 PUB; armed forces 1 .0 .2 91.0
911 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, limited liability company (Lt 6 .3 1.0 92.0
912 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, joint-stock company 20 1.0 3.3 95.4
913 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, co-operation (agricultural, w 2 .1 .3 95.7
914 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, deposit partnership (BT), joi 1 .0 .2 95.9
916 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, state-owned/municipal company 2 .1 .3 96.2
918 INDIST; partly owned by gov't, other 1 .0 .2 96.4
991 INDIST; unknown extent of gov't own., limited liability comp 7 .3 1.2 97.5
992 INDIST; unknown extent of gov't own., joint-stock company 11 .5 1.8 99.3
995 INDIST; unknown extent of gov't own., foundation, union, non 1 .0 .2 99.5
996 INDIST; unknown extent of gov't own., state-owned/municipal 2 .1 .3 99.8
997 INDIST; state-owned/municipal company, not owned by gov't 1 .0 .2 100.0
Total 603 30.0 100.0
Missing -1 1401 69.6

System 9 .4

Total 1410 70.0

Total 2013 100.0

SKILLHD skill level in employment - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 manager; top manager (above dept. head) 61 3.0 3.1 3.1
2 manager; medium-level manager (dept. head) 80 4.0 4.1 7.3
3 manager; lower-level manager (below dept. head) 53 2.6 2.7 10.0
4 manager; directly in production (supervising blue-collar wor 90 4.5 4.6 14.6
5 non-manual; diploma indispensible 119 5.9 6.1 20.7
6 non-manual; without diploma 155 7.7 8.0 28.7
7 non-manual; free-lance 11 .5 .6 29.3
8 manual; skilled worker (non-agricultural) 549 27.3 28.3 57.5
9 artisan, craftsman (in production); self-emp 43 2.1 2.2 59.8
10 manual; semi-skilled worker (non-agricultural) 358 17.8 18.4 78.2
11 manual; unskilled worker (non-agricultural) 164 8.1 8.4 86.6
12 farmer; self-emp 26 1.3 1.3 88.0
13 manual; agricultural 145 7.2 7.5 95.4
14 tradesman; self-emp 30 1.5 1.5 97.0
15 service provider; self-emp 59 2.9 3.0 100.0
Total 1943 96.5 100.0
Missing -1 56 2.8

System 14 .7

Total 70 3.5

Total 2013 100.0

SKILLSP skill level in employment - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 manager; top manager (above dept. head) 21 1.0 1.7 1.7
2 manager; medium-level manager (dept. head) 35 1.7 2.8 4.5
3 manager; lower-level manager (below dept. head) 28 1.4 2.3 6.8
4 manager; directly in production (supervising blue-collar wor 27 1.3 2.2 9.0
5 non-manual; diploma indispensible 131 6.5 10.6 19.6
6 non-manual; without diploma 241 12.0 19.5 39.1
7 non-manual; free-lance 6 .3 .5 39.6
8 manual; skilled worker (non-agricultural) 198 9.8 16.0 55.6
9 artisan, craftsman (in production); self-emp 8 .4 .6 56.2
10 manual; semi-skilled worker (non-agricultural) 283 14.1 22.9 79.1
11 manual; unskilled worker (non-agricultural) 124 6.2 10.0 89.2
12 farmer; self-emp 5 .2 .4 89.6
13 manual; agricultural 78 3.9 6.3 95.9
14 tradesman; self-emp 28 1.4 2.3 98.1
15 service provider; self-emp 23 1.1 1.9 100.0
Total 1236 61.4 100.0
Missing -1 759 37.7

System 18 .9

Total 777 38.6

Total 2013 100.0

NEMPHD number of persons in local unit - business of head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 fewer than 11 people 227 11.3 29.9 29.9
2 between 11 and 50 people 155 7.7 20.4 50.4
3 between 51 and 100 people 93 4.6 12.3 62.7
4 between 101 and 500 people 130 6.5 17.2 79.8
5 more than 500 people 153 7.6 20.2 100.0
Total 758 37.7 100.0
Missing -1 1242 61.7

System 13 .6

Total 1255 62.3

Total 2013 100.0

NEMPSP number of persons in local unit - business of spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 fewer than 11 people 154 7.7 25.6 25.6
2 between 11 and 50 people 162 8.0 26.9 52.5
3 between 51 and 100 people 84 4.2 14.0 66.4
4 between 101 and 500 people 102 5.1 16.9 83.4
5 more than 500 people 100 5.0 16.6 100.0
Total 602 29.9 100.0
Missing -1 1401 69.6

System 10 .5

Total 1411 70.1

Total 2013 100.0

FULPARHD full-time or part-time and reason why - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 46 2.3 6.1 6.1
6 1 .0 .1 6.3
8 1 .0 .1 6.4
10 3 .1 .4 6.8
12 2 .1 .3 7.1
13 1 .0 .1 7.2
18 1 .0 .1 7.4
19 2 .1 .3 7.6
20 12 .6 1.6 9.2
21 1 .0 .1 9.4
24 1 .0 .1 9.5
24 1 .0 .1 9.6
25 1 .0 .1 9.8
29 1 .0 .1 9.9
30 13 .6 1.7 11.6
32 1 .0 .1 11.8
35 3 .1 .4 12.2
36 7 .3 .9 13.1
38 1 .0 .1 13.2
38 2 .1 .3 13.5
39 1 .0 .1 13.6
40 455 22.6 60.8 74.5
41 1 .0 .1 74.6
42 13 .6 1.7 76.3
43 5 .2 .7 77.0
43 3 .1 .4 77.4
44 4 .2 .5 77.9
45 19 .9 2.5 80.5
46 1 .0 .1 80.6
47 1 .0 .1 80.7
48 24 1.2 3.2 84.0
50 45 2.2 6.0 90.0
53 2 .1 .3 90.2
54 1 .0 .1 90.4
55 5 .2 .7 91.0
56 1 .0 .1 91.2
56 1 .0 .1 91.3
60 36 1.8 4.8 96.1
63 1 .0 .1 96.3
68 1 .0 .1 96.4
70 11 .5 1.5 97.9
72 2 .1 .3 98.1
80 6 .3 .8 98.9
84 2 .1 .3 99.2
90 2 .1 .3 99.5
99 1 .0 .1 99.6
100 2 .1 .3 99.9
110 1 .0 .1 100.0
Total 748 37.2 100.0
Missing -1 1242 61.7

System 23 1.1

Total 1265 62.8

Total 2013 100.0

FULPARSP full-time or part-time and reason why - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 76 3.8 12.8 12.8
3 1 .0 .2 13.0
9 1 .0 .2 13.2
10 2 .1 .3 13.5
14 1 .0 .2 13.7
20 23 1.1 3.9 17.6
21 2 .1 .3 17.9
22 1 .0 .2 18.1
23 3 .1 .5 18.6
24 1 .0 .2 18.8
28 1 .0 .2 18.9
30 23 1.1 3.9 22.8
32 6 .3 1.0 23.8
33 1 .0 .2 24.0
34 1 .0 .2 24.2
35 9 .4 1.5 25.7
36 7 .3 1.2 26.9
37 1 .0 .2 27.0
39 2 .1 .3 27.4
40 363 18.0 61.3 88.7
41 1 .0 .2 88.9
42 7 .3 1.2 90.0
43 1 .0 .2 90.2
43 1 .0 .2 90.4
44 1 .0 .2 90.5
44 6 .3 1.0 91.6
45 11 .5 1.9 93.4
48 10 .5 1.7 95.1
50 10 .5 1.7 96.8
52 2 .1 .3 97.1
56 4 .2 .7 97.8
60 6 .3 1.0 98.8
68 1 .0 .2 99.0
70 4 .2 .7 99.7
100 1 .0 .2 99.8
120 1 .0 .2 100.0
Total 592 29.4 100.0
Missing -1 1401 69.6

System 20 1.0

Total 1421 70.6

Total 2013 100.0

CONTRAHD permanency of contract - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

CONTRASP permanency of contract - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

SUPERVHD supervise other workers - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 has no employees 1581 78.5 81.7 81.7
1 30 1.5 1.5 83.2
2 31 1.5 1.6 84.8
3 24 1.2 1.2 86.1
4 20 1.0 1.0 87.1
5 29 1.4 1.5 88.6
6 21 1.0 1.1 89.7
7 7 .3 .4 90.0
8 12 .6 .6 90.7
9 4 .2 .2 90.9
10 27 1.3 1.4 92.3
11 2 .1 .1 92.4
12 9 .4 .5 92.8
13 4 .2 .2 93.0
14 7 .3 .4 93.4
15 12 .6 .6 94.0
16 1 .0 .1 94.1
17 1 .0 .1 94.1
19 3 .1 .2 94.3
20 15 .7 .8 95.0
21 1 .0 .1 95.1
22 1 .0 .1 95.1
23 1 .0 .1 95.2
24 3 .1 .2 95.4
25 5 .2 .3 95.6
26 1 .0 .1 95.7
27 3 .1 .2 95.8
28 3 .1 .2 96.0
30 14 .7 .7 96.7
32 1 .0 .1 96.7
35 3 .1 .2 96.9
40 10 .5 .5 97.4
50 11 .5 .6 98.0
52 1 .0 .1 98.0
56 1 .0 .1 98.1
60 2 .1 .1 98.2
70 3 .1 .2 98.3
74 1 .0 .1 98.4
80 3 .1 .2 98.6
100 5 .2 .3 98.8
105 1 .0 .1 98.9
110 4 .2 .2 99.1
120 1 .0 .1 99.1
150 1 .0 .1 99.2
200 2 .1 .1 99.3
217 1 .0 .1 99.3
230 1 .0 .1 99.4
250 2 .1 .1 99.5
300 2 .1 .1 99.6
380 1 .0 .1 99.6
450 2 .1 .1 99.7
500 1 .0 .1 99.8
600 1 .0 .1 99.8
900 1 .0 .1 99.9
2500 1 .0 .1 99.9
9999 1 .0 .1 100.0
Total 1936 96.2 100.0
Missing -1 56 2.8

System 21 1.0

Total 77 3.8

Total 2013 100.0

SUPERVSP supervise other workers - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 has no employees 1095 54.4 88.7 88.7
1 17 .8 1.4 90.1
2 14 .7 1.1 91.2
3 17 .8 1.4 92.6
4 8 .4 .6 93.3
5 7 .3 .6 93.8
6 9 .4 .7 94.6
7 3 .1 .2 94.8
8 7 .3 .6 95.4
9 3 .1 .2 95.6
10 6 .3 .5 96.1
11 1 .0 .1 96.2
12 5 .2 .4 96.6
14 2 .1 .2 96.8
15 7 .3 .6 97.3
16 2 .1 .2 97.5
17 2 .1 .2 97.6
18 2 .1 .2 97.8
19 1 .0 .1 97.9
20 5 .2 .4 98.3
21 1 .0 .1 98.4
22 1 .0 .1 98.5
24 1 .0 .1 98.5
27 1 .0 .1 98.6
28 2 .1 .2 98.8
30 2 .1 .2 98.9
33 1 .0 .1 99.0
34 2 .1 .2 99.2
35 1 .0 .1 99.3
36 1 .0 .1 99.4
40 1 .0 .1 99.4
60 1 .0 .1 99.5
80 1 .0 .1 99.6
90 1 .0 .1 99.7
120 2 .1 .2 99.8
150 1 .0 .1 99.9
1600 1 .0 .1 100.0
Total 1234 61.3 100.0
Missing -1 759 37.7

System 20 1.0

Total 779 38.7

Total 2013 100.0

TENUREHD tenure in current job - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

TENURESP tenure in current job - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

SECJOBHD more than one job - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Additional job; part-time/secondary 6 .3 .8 .8
112 Additional job; member of a joint business 12 .6 1.6 2.4
113 Additional job; entrepreneur 21 1.0 2.8 5.3
114 Additional job; contractual legal relationship 13 .6 1.8 7.0
118 Additional job; earns secondary income in another way 34 1.7 4.6 11.7
119 Additional job; type unknown 1 .0 .1 11.8
121 Two additional jobs 7 .3 .9 12.7
131 Three or more additional jobs 4 .2 .5 13.3
191 At least one additional job 6 .3 .8 14.1
200 NO ADDITIONAL JOB 634 31.5 85.9 100.0
Total 738 36.7 100.0
Missing -1 1242 61.7

System 33 1.6

Total 1275 63.3

Total 2013 100.0

SECJOBSP more than one job - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Additional job; part-time/secondary 5 .2 .8 .8
112 Additional job; member of a joint business 4 .2 .7 1.5
113 Additional job; entrepreneur 7 .3 1.2 2.7
114 Additional job; contractual legal relationship 9 .4 1.5 4.2
118 Additional job; earns secondary income in another way 14 .7 2.3 6.5
119 Additional job; type unknown 1 .0 .2 6.7
121 Two additional jobs 6 .3 1.0 7.7
131 Three or more additional jobs 1 .0 .2 7.9
191 At least one additional job 10 .5 1.7 9.5
200 NO ADDITIONAL JOB 540 26.8 90.5 100.0
Total 597 29.7 100.0
Missing -1 1401 69.6

System 15 .7

Total 1416 70.3

Total 2013 100.0

WEXPHDTL total duration of all work experience - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 never employed 47 2.3 2.7 2.7
1 previously or currently employed 1664 82.7 97.3 100.0
Total 1711 85.0 100.0
Missing System 302 15.0

Total 2013 100.0

WEXPSPTL total duration of all work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 never employed 49 2.4 4.1 4.1
1 previously or currently employed 1157 57.5 95.9 100.0
Total 1206 59.9 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

System 102 5.1

Total 807 40.1

Total 2013 100.0

WEXPHDFT duration of full-time work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

WEXPSPFT duration of full-time work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

WEXPHDPT duration of part-time work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

WEXPSPPT duration of part-time work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

SEARCHHD looking for job and reason why - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 involved in job search; employed 51 2.5 2.9 2.9
121 involved in job search; not employed 168 8.3 9.7 12.6
211 not involved in job search; employed 717 35.6 41.3 53.9
212 not involved in job search; not emp; already found job 1 .0 .1 53.9
213 not involved in job search; not emp; don't want a job 744 37.0 42.8 96.8
221 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; no jobs in vi 9 .4 .5 97.3
223 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; not qualified 1 .0 .1 97.4
224 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; over- or unde 6 .3 .3 97.7
225 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; family reason 2 .1 .1 97.8
226 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; health reason 17 .8 1.0 98.8
228 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; other reasons 5 .2 .3 99.1
229 not involved in job search; not emp; indist 11 .5 .6 99.7
291 not involved in job search; unknown emp 1 .0 .1 99.8
911 unknown job search; employed 2 .1 .1 99.9
921 unknown job search; not employed; don't want a job 1 .0 .1 99.9
991 unknown job search; not employed; unknown desire for job 1 .0 .1 100.0
Total 1737 86.3 100.0
Missing System 276 13.7

Total 2013 100.0

SEARCHSP looking for job and reason why - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 involved in job search; employed 30 1.5 2.4 2.4
121 involved in job search; not employed 88 4.4 7.1 9.6
211 not involved in job search; employed 580 28.8 47.1 56.7
213 not involved in job search; not emp; don't want a job 466 23.1 37.8 94.5
221 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; no jobs in vi 12 .6 1.0 95.5
222 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; overqualified 2 .1 .2 95.6
223 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; not qualified 2 .1 .2 95.8
224 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; over- or unde 1 .0 .1 95.9
225 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; family reason 15 .7 1.2 97.1
226 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; health reason 13 .6 1.1 98.1
228 not involved in job search; not emp; want emp; other reasons 5 .2 .4 98.5
229 not involved in job search; not emp; indist 15 .7 1.2 99.8
291 not involved in job search; unknown emp 1 .0 .1 99.8
911 unknown job search; employed 2 .1 .2 100.0
Total 1232 61.2 100.0
Missing -1 705 35.0

System 76 3.8

Total 781 38.8

Total 2013 100.0

CAREHD current caregiving status - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0

CARESP current caregiving status - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 2013 100.0