Descriptives for Italy 2004 household file


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
COUNTRY unique country/year number 8012 198 198 198.00 .000
CASENUM unique unit identifier 8012 1 8012 4006.50 2313.010
HWEIGHT household weight 8012 332 55447 2828.42 2962.201
DEFLATE deflation factor 8012 1 1 1.00 .000
D5 type of unit 8012 5 5 5.00 .000
D4 number of persons 8012 1 9 2.57 1.277
D6 number of earners 8012 0 5 .94 .908
D27 number of children under age 18 8012 0 5 .39 .756
D28 age of youngest child 2007 0 17 8.40 5.357
D29 number of persons under age 14 8012 0 5 .28 .646
NUM6574 number of persons aged 65 to 74 8012 0 3 .32 .596
NUMGE75 number of persons aged 75 or more 8012 0 4 .23 .501
HSLOT1 country specific household information 1 8012 0 799060 5783.15 16047.902
HSLOT2 country specific household information 2 8012 0 132823 1987.89 4021.988
D1 age - head 8012 18 97 56.83 15.773
D2 age - spouse 5192 16 92 52.66 13.762
HOURSUHD usual hours worked per week - head 7997 0 20070 104.63 1165.913
HOURSUSP usual hours worked per week - spouse 5183 0 20054 65.34 856.483
HOURSAHD actual hours worked per week - head 0

HOURSASP actual hours worked per week - spouse 0

WEEKHDTL total weeks worked - head 8012 0 10048 86.29 795.098
WEEKSPTL total weeks worked - spouse 5192 0 10039 60.63 634.556
WEEKHDFT weeks worked full-time - head 8012 0 20035 2255.36 6291.177
WEEKSPFT weeks worked full-time - spouse 5192 0 20009 1616.67 5415.461
WEEKHDPT weeks worked part-time - head 8012 0 20043 2327.58 6412.368
WEEKSPPT weeks worked part-time - spouse 5192 0 20026 1631.62 5471.070
WEEKHDUP weeks unemployed - head 0

WEEKSPUP weeks unemployed - spouse 0

FOODEXP food and non-alcoholic beverages 8012 600 60000 5996.76 3194.980
ALCOEXP alcohol and tobacco 0

APPEXP clothing and footwear 0

HOUSEXP housing and utilities 8012 120 147000 6435.41 6122.388
EQUIPEXP housing equipment 2188 30 40000 1794.95 3307.512
MEDEXP health 0

TRANEXP transport 869 50 200000 12408.71 11745.633
COMMEXP communication 0

CULTEXP recreation and culture 0

EDUCEXP education 0

RESTOEXP restaurants and hotels 0

MISCEXP miscellaneous goods and services 2870 1 40000 1993.07 3109.719
TOTEXP total expenditures 8012 -2450 214700 22389.51 14063.151
MORTEXP mortgage installments 629 500 50000 5742.58 3969.882
V1 gross wages and salaries 0

V1NET net wages and salaries 4142 250 102800 21279.75 12670.022
V2 mandatory employer contributions 0

V3 non-mandatory employer contributions 0

V4 farm self-employment income 0

V5 non-farm self-employment income 1391 -50000 1000000 25890.36 45584.814
V6 in-kind earnings 538 30 75000 1465.86 4672.355
V7 mandatory contributions for self-employment 0

V8 cash property income 6645 0 114371 1062.26 4152.122
V8S1 interest and dividends 6625 0 70654 506.61 1780.469
V8S2 rental income 391 10 113400 7730.52 10787.612
V8S3 private savings plans 60 390 39000 11329.84 10223.847
V8S4 royalties 0

V8SR cash property income n.e.c. 0

V8X interest paid 935 29 31422 2463.27 2509.195
V9 imputed rent for owner-occupied housing 6333 600 120000 6396.20 4703.296
V10 market value of residence 8012 5000 2000000 177460.05 143234.598
V11 income taxes 0

V12 property / wealth taxes 0

V13 mandatory employee contributions 0

V14 other direct taxes 0

V15 indirect taxes 0

V16 sickness benefits 0

V17 occupational injury and disease benefits 95 120 19240 5657.01 4226.801
V17S1 short-term occupational injury and disease benefits 0

V17S2 long-term occupational injury and disease benefits 95 120 19240 5657.01 4226.801
V17SR occupational injury and disease benefits n.e.c. 0

V18 disability benefits 282 832 28600 6302.41 3231.675
V18S1 disability pensions 282 832 28600 6302.41 3231.675
V18S2 disability allowances 0

V18SR disability benefits n.e.c. 0

V19 state old-age and survivors benefits 4021 650 76700 14147.73 8034.008
V19S1 old-age pensions 3384 663 76700 14574.59 8230.652
V19S1A universal old-age pensions 0

V19S1B employment-related old-age pensions 2955 663 76700 13395.18 7389.995
V19S1C old-age pensions for public sector employees 494 1800 59800 16829.13 8533.093
V19S1R old-age pensions n.e.c. 96 1560 66635 14834.15 8962.273
V19S3 early retirement benefits 0

V19S4 survivors pensions 1007 250 65000 7500.64 4147.498
V19SR state old-age and survivors benefits n.e.c. 2 5200 9256 7228.00 2868.025
V20 child / family benefits 761 39 7208 930.17 999.474
V20S1 child allowances 761 39 7208 930.17 999.474
V20S2 advance maintenance 0

V20S3 orphans allowances 0

V20SR child / family benefits n.e.c. 0

V21 unemployment compensation benefits 156 50 32000 4399.83 4979.148
V21S1 unemployment insurance benefits 81 250 7000 2331.52 1650.047
V21S2 (re)training allowances 0

V21S3 placement / resettlement benefits 0

V21SR unemployment compensation benefits n.e.c. 77 50 32000 6461.31 6269.563
V22 maternity and other family leave benefits 0

V22S1 wage replacement 0

V22S2 birth grants 0

V22S3 child care leave benefits 0

V22SR maternity and other family leave benefits n.e.c. 0

V23 military / veterans / war benefits 32 39 14170 4681.84 3824.380
V24 other social insurance benefits 60 70 11160 2363.93 2975.825
V24S1 invalid carer benefits 0

V24S2 education benefits 60 70 11160 2363.93 2975.825
V24S3 child care cash benefits 0

V24SR other social insurance benefits n.e.c. 0

V25 social assistance cash benefits 477 200 33000 5277.21 3322.763
V25S1 general social assistance benefits 77 100 10500 2676.78 2295.457
V25S2 old-age and disability assistance benefits 397 450 26000 5656.13 3128.449
V25S3 unemployment assistance benefits 0

V25S4 parents assistance benefits 0

V25SR social assistance cash benefits n.e.c. 21 150 7200 3125.48 2528.047
V26 near-cash benefits 0

V26S1 near-cash food benefits 0

V26S2 near-cash housing benefits 0

V26S3 near-cash medical benefits 0

V26S4 near-cash heating benefits 0

V26S5 near-cash education benefits 0

V26S6 near-cash child care benefits 0

V26SR near-cash benefits n.e.c. 0

V27 value of non-cash food benefits 0

V28 value of non-cash housing benefits 0

V29 value of non-cash medical benefits 0

V30 value of non-cash heating benefits 0

V31 value of non-cash education benefits 0

V31A value of non-cash child care benefits 0

ALTNCASH value of home production for own use 0

V32 private occupational and other pensions 53 186 22100 7978.30 5129.057
V32S1 occupational pensions 0

V32S1A mandatory occupational pensions 0

V32S1B voluntary occupational pensions 0

V32S1R occupational pensions n.e.c. 0

V32S2 mandatory individual retirement pensions 0

V32SR private occupational and other pensions n.e.c. 53 186 22100 7978.30 5129.057
V33 public sector occupational pensions 0

V34 alimony / child support 59 150 20000 4475.66 3966.498
V34X alimony / child support paid 112 100 36000 4632.04 5664.400
V35 regular private transfers 96 100 16000 3166.20 3466.841
V35S1 regular private transfers from relatives 95 100 16000 3164.37 3477.058
V35S2 regular private transfers from private charity 2 1000 2340 1670.00 947.523
V35SR regular private transfers n.e.c. 0

V35X regular transfers paid to relatives 138 50 12000 2813.77 3096.846
V36 other cash income 107 105 50000 6398.83 7576.518
V37 realized lump sum income 241 50 80000 8289.44 13429.574
V37S1 capital gains and losses 0

V37SR realized lump sum income n.e.c. 241 50 80000 8289.44 13429.574
V39 gross wages and salaries - head 0

V39NET net wages and salaries - head 2749 101 100000 16605.87 8380.628
V41 gross wages and salaries - spouse 0

V41NET net wages and salaries - spouse 1699 350 85000 14624.69 7461.795
SELFI self-employment income 1391 -50000 1000000 25890.36 45584.814
EARNING earnings 0

EARNNET net earnings 4917 -41600 1012000 25249.99 27568.372
FI factor income 0

FINET net factor income 7250 -41575 1014048 18098.33 26276.053
PENSIOI occupational pensions 53 186 22100 7978.30 5129.057
MI market income 0

MINET net market income 7260 -41575 1014048 18131.65 26251.379
MEANSI social assistance transfers 477 200 33000 5277.21 3322.763
OTHSOCI social insurance transfers excl V19-V21 462 39 28600 5641.45 3773.451
SOCI social insurance transfers 4987 39 76700 12209.46 8820.313
SOCTRANS social transfers 5130 39 76700 12359.81 8836.486
PRIVATI private transfers 146 100 20000 3890.54 3822.474
TRANSI transfer income 5211 39 76700 12276.69 8825.820
GI gross income 0

GINET net income 7996 -41575 1014048 24549.06 24468.720
PAYROLL mandatory payroll taxes 0

DPI net disposable income 7996 -41575 1014048 24549.06 24468.720
Valid N (listwise) 0

Frequencies for Italy 2004 household file


Frequency Table

MARRIED head living in couple

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 head not living in couple 2820 35.2 35.2 35.2
1 married couple 5071 63.3 63.3 98.5
3 non-married cohabiting couple 121 1.5 1.5 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

D7 region

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 North West; PIEMONTE 725 9.0 9.0 9.0
102 North West; VAL D'AOSTA 44 .5 .5 9.6
103 North West; LOMBARDIA 843 10.5 10.5 20.1
107 North West; LIGURIA 371 4.6 4.6 24.8
204 North East; TRENTINO 151 1.9 1.9 26.6
205 North East; VENETO 578 7.2 7.2 33.8
206 North East; FRIULI 250 3.1 3.1 37.0
208 North East; EMILIA ROMAGNA 678 8.5 8.5 45.4
309 Central; TOSCANA 641 8.0 8.0 53.4
310 Central; UMBRIA 283 3.5 3.5 57.0
311 Central; MARCHE 389 4.9 4.9 61.8
312 Central; LAZIO 425 5.3 5.3 67.1
413 South; ABRUZZO 220 2.7 2.7 69.9
414 South; MOLISE 99 1.2 1.2 71.1
415 South; CAMPANIA 626 7.8 7.8 78.9
416 South; PUGLIA 450 5.6 5.6 84.5
417 South; BASILICATA 126 1.6 1.6 86.1
418 South; CALABRIA 193 2.4 2.4 88.5
519 Islands; SICILIA 590 7.4 7.4 95.9
520 Islands; SARDEGNA 330 4.1 4.1 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

D20 area

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 < 5,000 1229 15.3 15.3 15.3
2 5,000-20,000 1229 15.3 15.3 30.7
3 20,000-40,000 1475 18.4 18.4 49.1
4 40,000-50,000 700 8.7 8.7 57.8
5 50,000-200,000 2296 28.7 28.7 86.5
6 200,000-500,000 380 4.7 4.7 91.2
7 >500,000 703 8.8 8.8 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

D22 tenure of dwelling

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 owner, with mortgage 619 7.7 7.7 7.7
2 owner, without mortgage 4964 62.0 62.0 69.7
3 rented or sublet 1679 21.0 21.0 90.6
4 occupied under redemption agreement 35 .4 .4 91.1
5 occupied in usufruct 190 2.4 2.4 93.4
6 occupied free of charge 525 6.6 6.6 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

D1 age - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 18 4 .0 .0 .0
19 6 .1 .1 .1
20 6 .1 .1 .2
21 13 .2 .2 .4
22 3 .0 .0 .4
23 11 .1 .1 .5
24 24 .3 .3 .8
25 36 .4 .4 1.3
26 29 .4 .4 1.6
27 31 .4 .4 2.0
28 41 .5 .5 2.5
29 55 .7 .7 3.2
30 82 1.0 1.0 4.3
31 62 .8 .8 5.0
32 76 .9 .9 6.0
33 52 .6 .6 6.6
34 127 1.6 1.6 8.2
35 120 1.5 1.5 9.7
36 123 1.5 1.5 11.2
37 121 1.5 1.5 12.8
38 128 1.6 1.6 14.4
39 145 1.8 1.8 16.2
40 158 2.0 2.0 18.1
41 125 1.6 1.6 19.7
42 152 1.9 1.9 21.6
43 132 1.6 1.6 23.2
44 185 2.3 2.3 25.5
45 143 1.8 1.8 27.3
46 159 2.0 2.0 29.3
47 145 1.8 1.8 31.1
48 146 1.8 1.8 33.0
49 142 1.8 1.8 34.7
50 187 2.3 2.3 37.1
51 154 1.9 1.9 39.0
52 159 2.0 2.0 41.0
53 148 1.8 1.8 42.8
54 216 2.7 2.7 45.5
55 148 1.8 1.8 47.4
56 161 2.0 2.0 49.4
57 177 2.2 2.2 51.6
58 182 2.3 2.3 53.8
59 167 2.1 2.1 55.9
60 157 2.0 2.0 57.9
61 123 1.5 1.5 59.4
62 146 1.8 1.8 61.2
63 143 1.8 1.8 63.0
64 163 2.0 2.0 65.1
65 157 2.0 2.0 67.0
66 162 2.0 2.0 69.0
67 151 1.9 1.9 70.9
68 147 1.8 1.8 72.8
69 178 2.2 2.2 75.0
70 147 1.8 1.8 76.8
71 155 1.9 1.9 78.8
72 145 1.8 1.8 80.6
73 133 1.7 1.7 82.2
74 171 2.1 2.1 84.4
75 140 1.7 1.7 86.1
76 153 1.9 1.9 88.0
77 125 1.6 1.6 89.6
78 129 1.6 1.6 91.2
79 110 1.4 1.4 92.6
80 104 1.3 1.3 93.9
81 68 .8 .8 94.7
82 92 1.1 1.1 95.9
83 74 .9 .9 96.8
84 83 1.0 1.0 97.8
85 35 .4 .4 98.3
86 14 .2 .2 98.4
87 24 .3 .3 98.7
88 18 .2 .2 99.0
89 25 .3 .3 99.3
90 15 .2 .2 99.5
91 13 .2 .2 99.6
92 13 .2 .2 99.8
93 10 .1 .1 99.9
94 4 .0 .0 100.0
95 1 .0 .0 100.0
96 1 .0 .0 100.0
97 2 .0 .0 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

D2 age - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 16 1 .0 .0 .0
18 1 .0 .0 .0
19 1 .0 .0 .1
20 3 .0 .1 .1
21 9 .1 .2 .3
22 8 .1 .2 .4
23 10 .1 .2 .6
24 16 .2 .3 .9
25 13 .2 .3 1.2
26 20 .2 .4 1.6
27 21 .3 .4 2.0
28 31 .4 .6 2.6
29 30 .4 .6 3.2
30 39 .5 .8 3.9
31 59 .7 1.1 5.0
32 63 .8 1.2 6.3
33 69 .9 1.3 7.6
34 96 1.2 1.8 9.4
35 95 1.2 1.8 11.3
36 94 1.2 1.8 13.1
37 91 1.1 1.8 14.8
38 102 1.3 2.0 16.8
39 136 1.7 2.6 19.4
40 126 1.6 2.4 21.8
41 114 1.4 2.2 24.0
42 117 1.5 2.3 26.3
43 125 1.6 2.4 28.7
44 110 1.4 2.1 30.8
45 141 1.8 2.7 33.5
46 131 1.6 2.5 36.1
47 114 1.4 2.2 38.3
48 139 1.7 2.7 40.9
49 131 1.6 2.5 43.5
50 130 1.6 2.5 46.0
51 120 1.5 2.3 48.3
52 129 1.6 2.5 50.8
53 123 1.5 2.4 53.1
54 125 1.6 2.4 55.5
55 123 1.5 2.4 57.9
56 139 1.7 2.7 60.6
57 128 1.6 2.5 63.0
58 132 1.6 2.5 65.6
59 107 1.3 2.1 67.6
60 105 1.3 2.0 69.7
61 117 1.5 2.3 71.9
62 114 1.4 2.2 74.1
63 93 1.2 1.8 75.9
64 96 1.2 1.8 77.8
65 112 1.4 2.2 79.9
66 112 1.4 2.2 82.1
67 104 1.3 2.0 84.1
68 90 1.1 1.7 85.8
69 81 1.0 1.6 87.4
70 70 .9 1.3 88.7
71 76 .9 1.5 90.2
72 69 .9 1.3 91.5
73 64 .8 1.2 92.7
74 64 .8 1.2 94.0
75 37 .5 .7 94.7
76 53 .7 1.0 95.7
77 40 .5 .8 96.5
78 34 .4 .7 97.1
79 30 .4 .6 97.7
80 26 .3 .5 98.2
81 23 .3 .4 98.7
82 12 .1 .2 98.9
83 15 .2 .3 99.2
84 16 .2 .3 99.5
85 12 .1 .2 99.7
86 4 .0 .1 99.8
87 2 .0 .0 99.8
88 1 .0 .0 99.8
89 2 .0 .0 99.9
90 5 .1 .1 100.0
92 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 5192 64.8 100.0
Missing -1 2820 35.2

Total 8012 100.0

D3 gender - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 4885 61.0 61.0 61.0
2 female 3127 39.0 39.0 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

SEXSP gender - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 1220 15.2 23.5 23.5
2 female 3972 49.6 76.5 100.0
Total 5192 64.8 100.0
Missing -1 2820 35.2

Total 8012 100.0

D21 marital status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 never married 915 11.4 11.4 11.4
2 married 5124 64.0 64.0 75.4
3 separated/divorced 539 6.7 6.7 82.1
4 widowed 1434 17.9 17.9 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

MARTSP marital status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 never married 68 .8 1.3 1.3
2 married 5081 63.4 97.9 99.2
3 separated/divorced 31 .4 .6 99.8
4 widowed 12 .1 .2 100.0
Total 5192 64.8 100.0
Missing -1 2820 35.2

Total 8012 100.0

PARSTAHD partnership and parenthood status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 1938 24.2 24.2 24.2
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 1785 22.3 22.3 46.5
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 1469 18.3 18.3 64.8
4 single head, without children 2212 27.6 27.6 92.4
5 single head, with children, youngest child < 18 150 1.9 1.9 94.3
6 single head, with children, youngest child 18+ 458 5.7 5.7 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

PARSTASP partnership and parenthood status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 1938 24.2 37.3 37.3
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 1785 22.3 34.4 71.7
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 1469 18.3 28.3 100.0
Total 5192 64.8 100.0
Missing -1 2820 35.2

Total 8012 100.0

D8 ethnicity/nationality - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

ETHNATSP ethnicity/nationality - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

IMMIGRHD immigration status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 born outside Italy 325 4.1 4.1 4.1
2 born in the south (incl. islands), lives in the north 476 5.9 5.9 10.0
3 born in the south (incl. islands), lives in the centre 140 1.7 1.7 11.7
4 born in the centre, lives in the north 79 1.0 1.0 12.7
5 born in the centre, lives in the south (incl. islands) 23 .3 .3 13.0
6 born in the north, lives in the centre 49 .6 .6 13.6
7 born in the north, lives in the south (incl. islands) 34 .4 .4 14.1
8 lives in the area of birth 6886 85.9 85.9 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

IMMIGRSP immigration status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 born outside Italy 243 3.0 4.7 4.7
2 born in the south (incl. islands), lives in the north 289 3.6 5.6 10.2
3 born in the south (incl. islands), lives in the centre 85 1.1 1.6 11.9
4 born in the centre, lives in the north 52 .6 1.0 12.9
5 born in the centre, lives in the south (incl. islands) 9 .1 .2 13.1
6 born in the north, lives in the centre 31 .4 .6 13.7
7 born in the north, lives in the south (incl. islands) 22 .3 .4 14.1
8 lives in the area of birth 4461 55.7 85.9 100.0
Total 5192 64.8 100.0
Missing -1 2820 35.2

Total 8012 100.0

D10 educational level - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 none 511 6.4 6.4 6.4
120 elementary school 2319 28.9 28.9 35.3
130 middle school 2166 27.0 27.0 62.4
210 professional secondary school diploma - 3 years of study 475 5.9 5.9 68.3
220 high school; school for professional studies 263 3.3 3.3 71.6
230 high school; technical school 1031 12.9 12.9 84.4
240 high school; classical, scientific, language 266 3.3 3.3 87.8
250 high school; art school /institute 51 .6 .6 88.4
260 high school; teacher training 205 2.6 2.6 91.0
270 high school; other 32 .4 .4 91.4
310 associate's degree or other short university degree 56 .7 .7 92.0
320 bachelor's degree 616 7.7 7.7 99.7
330 post-graduate qualification 21 .3 .3 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

D11 educational level - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 none 258 3.2 5.0 5.0
120 elementary school 1503 18.8 28.9 33.9
130 middle school 1581 19.7 30.5 64.4
210 professional secondary school diploma - 3 years of study 317 4.0 6.1 70.5
220 high school; school for professional studies 158 2.0 3.0 73.5
230 high school; technical school 478 6.0 9.2 82.7
240 high school; classical, scientific, language 178 2.2 3.4 86.2
250 high school; art school /institute 42 .5 .8 87.0
260 high school; teacher training 293 3.7 5.6 92.6
270 high school; other 14 .2 .3 92.9
310 associate's degree or other short university degree 31 .4 .6 93.5
320 bachelor's degree 336 4.2 6.5 99.9
330 post-graduate qualification 3 .0 .1 100.0
Total 5192 64.8 100.0
Missing -1 2820 35.2

Total 8012 100.0

D12 occupational training - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

D13 occupational training - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

ENROLHD currently enrolled in education - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

ENROLSP currently enrolled in education - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

D25 disability status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 no 7695 96.0 96.0 96.0
1 yes 317 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

D26 disability status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 no 5065 63.2 97.6 97.6
1 yes 127 1.6 2.4 100.0
Total 5192 64.8 100.0
Missing -1 2820 35.2

Total 8012 100.0

CLFSHD labour force status in the current period - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

CLFSSP labour force status in the current period - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

CMASHD main activity status in current period - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

CMASSP main activity status in current period - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

UMASHD usual activity status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; regular employment; one full-year job 3190 39.8 39.8 39.8
112 Emp; regular employment; one part-year job 180 2.2 2.2 42.1
114 Emp; regular emp; >1 job during year, at least 1 full-year 99 1.2 1.2 43.3
115 Emp; regular emp; several jobs during year, all part-year 17 .2 .2 43.5
121 Emp; occasional employment; one job 15 .2 .2 43.7
131 Emp; regular and occasional emp, at least one full-year 19 .2 .2 43.9
132 Emp; regular and occasional employment, none full-year 3 .0 .0 44.0
182 Emp; community or military service 2 .0 .0 44.0
211 Not Emp; job pensioner 2866 35.8 35.8 79.8
221 Not Emp; student (from primary school up) 32 .4 .4 80.2
231 Not Emp; homemaker 696 8.7 8.7 88.9
251 Not Emp; well-off 12 .1 .1 89.0
278 Not Emp; first-job seeker 26 .3 .3 89.3
279 Not Emp; unemployed 181 2.3 2.3 91.6
291 Not Emp; non-job pensioner (disability/survivor's social) 674 8.4 8.4 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

UMASSP usual activity status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; regular employment; one full-year job 1861 23.2 35.8 35.8
112 Emp; regular employment; one part-year job 146 1.8 2.8 38.7
114 Emp; regular emp; >1 job during year, at least 1 full-year 44 .5 .8 39.5
115 Emp; regular emp; several jobs during year, all part-year 6 .1 .1 39.6
121 Emp; occasional employment; one job 9 .1 .2 39.8
131 Emp; regular and occasional emp, at least one full-year 3 .0 .1 39.8
211 Not Emp; job pensioner 1107 13.8 21.3 61.2
221 Not Emp; student (from primary school up) 3 .0 .1 61.2
231 Not Emp; homemaker 1705 21.3 32.8 94.1
251 Not Emp; well-off 6 .1 .1 94.2
278 Not Emp; first-job seeker 22 .3 .4 94.6
279 Not Emp; unemployed 96 1.2 1.8 96.5
291 Not Emp; non-job pensioner (disability/survivor's social) 184 2.3 3.5 100.0
Total 5192 64.8 100.0
Missing -1 2820 35.2

Total 8012 100.0

ACTIVHD status in employment - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Paid Emp; regular full-year 2518 31.4 38.2 38.2
112 Paid Emp; regular part-year 185 2.3 2.8 41.0
182 Paid Emp; conscripts 2 .0 .0 41.1
191 Paid Emp, indist 2487 31.0 37.8 78.8
211 Self-emp; several persons business, sole proprietor 47 .6 .7 79.6
221 Self-emp; one person business, member of the professions 142 1.8 2.2 81.7
222 Self-emp; one person business, sole proprietor 25 .3 .4 82.1
223 Self-emp; one person business, free-lance 253 3.2 3.8 85.9
225 Self-emp; one person business, active shareholder / partner 2 .0 .0 86.0
291 Self-emp; several persons business, member of the profession 66 .8 1.0 87.0
292 Self-emp; several persons business, free-lance 106 1.3 1.6 88.6
294 Self-emp; several persons business, active shareholder / par 81 1.0 1.2 89.8
295 Self-emp; unknown number of persons, member of the professio 32 .4 .5 90.3
296 Self-emp; unknown number of persons, sole proprietor 50 .6 .8 91.1
297 Self-emp; unknown number of persons, free-lance 323 4.0 4.9 96.0
298 Self-emp; unknown number of persons, contingent worker or n. 93 1.2 1.4 97.4
299 Self-emp; unknown number of persons, active shareholder / pa 7 .1 .1 97.5
411 Oth Emp; owner or member of family business 166 2.1 2.5 100.0
Total 6585 82.2 100.0
Missing -1 1426 17.8

System 1 .0

Total 1427 17.8

Total 8012 100.0

ACTIVSP status in employment - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Paid Emp; regular full-year 1551 19.4 47.3 47.3
112 Paid Emp; regular part-year 132 1.6 4.0 51.3
131 Paid Emp; occasional 1 .0 .0 51.4
191 Paid Emp, indist 961 12.0 29.3 80.7
211 Self-emp; several persons business, sole proprietor 18 .2 .5 81.2
221 Self-emp; one person business, member of the professions 45 .6 1.4 82.6
222 Self-emp; one person business, sole proprietor 18 .2 .5 83.2
223 Self-emp; one person business, free-lance 104 1.3 3.2 86.3
225 Self-emp; one person business, active shareholder / partner 5 .1 .2 86.5
291 Self-emp; several persons business, member of the profession 16 .2 .5 87.0
292 Self-emp; several persons business, free-lance 43 .5 1.3 88.3
294 Self-emp; several persons business, active shareholder / par 41 .5 1.3 89.5
295 Self-emp; unknown number of persons, member of the professio 10 .1 .3 89.8
296 Self-emp; unknown number of persons, sole proprietor 17 .2 .5 90.4
297 Self-emp; unknown number of persons, free-lance 135 1.7 4.1 94.5
298 Self-emp; unknown number of persons, contingent worker or n. 39 .5 1.2 95.7
299 Self-emp; unknown number of persons, active shareholder / pa 5 .1 .2 95.8
411 Oth Emp; owner or member of family business 137 1.7 4.2 100.0
Total 3278 40.9 100.0
Missing -1 4730 59.0

System 4 .0

Total 4734 59.1

Total 8012 100.0

D14 occupation - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

D15 occupation - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

D16 industry - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 agric., hunting, forestry, fishing, fish-farming & rel. svcs 617 7.7 9.4 9.4
6000 building and construction 538 6.7 8.2 17.6
9000 transport, warehouse and storage and communication services 288 3.6 4.4 22.0
10000 services of credit and insurance institutions 212 2.6 3.2 25.2
11000 real estate, IT services, research, other bus. activities 233 2.9 3.5 28.7
12750 conscript 2 .0 .0 28.8
17000 extraterritorial organisations and entities 21 .3 .3 29.1
20001 multiple ISIC categories; see LM mapping on line 1918 23.9 29.2 58.3
20002 trade, motor vehicle repair, lodging and catering services 837 10.4 12.7 71.0
20003 domestic srvcs provided to households and oth. private srvcs 231 2.9 3.5 74.6
20004 general govt, defence, educ, health and other pub. services 1671 20.9 25.4 100.0
Total 6568 82.0 100.0
Missing -1 Not in Universe 1440 18.0

System 4 .0

Total 1444 18.0

Total 8012 100.0

D17 industry - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 agric., hunting, forestry, fishing, fish-farming & rel. svcs 304 3.8 9.3 9.3
6000 building and construction 181 2.3 5.5 14.8
9000 transport, warehouse and storage and communication services 112 1.4 3.4 18.3
10000 services of credit and insurance institutions 90 1.1 2.8 21.0
11000 real estate, IT services, research, other bus. activities 117 1.5 3.6 24.6
17000 extraterritorial organisations and entities 7 .1 .2 24.8
20001 multiple ISIC categories; see LM mapping on line 859 10.7 26.3 51.1
20002 trade, motor vehicle repair, lodging and catering services 494 6.2 15.1 66.2
20003 domestic srvcs provided to households and oth. private srvcs 180 2.2 5.5 71.7
20004 general govt, defence, educ, health and other pub. services 923 11.5 28.3 100.0
Total 3267 40.8 100.0
Missing -1 Not in Universe 4740 59.2

System 5 .1

Total 4745 59.2

Total 8012 100.0

D18 sector of employment - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Private sector 1963 24.5 71.4 71.4
282 Public sector; conscripts 2 .0 .1 71.4
291 Public sector; indistinguishable 786 9.8 28.6 100.0
Total 2751 34.3 100.0
Missing -1 5261 65.7

Total 8012 100.0

D19 sector of employment - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Private sector 1181 14.7 69.5 69.5
291 Public sector; indistinguishable 518 6.5 30.5 100.0
Total 1699 21.2 100.0
Missing -1 6313 78.8

Total 8012 100.0

SKILLHD skill level in employment - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 blue-collar worker 2755 34.4 41.9 41.9
2 office worker 1647 20.6 25.1 67.0
3 school teacher 320 4.0 4.9 71.9
4 junior manager / cadre 299 3.7 4.6 76.4
5 manager, senior official 177 2.2 2.7 79.1
6 member of the arts or professions 228 2.8 3.5 82.6
7 sole proprietor 141 1.8 2.1 84.7
8 free lance 692 8.6 10.5 95.3
9 owner or member of a family business 152 1.9 2.3 97.6
10 active shareholder / partner 83 1.0 1.3 98.8
19 conscript 2 .0 .0 98.9
20 contingent worker employed on none account 59 .7 .9 99.8
21 other employee 11 .1 .2 99.9
22 other self-employed 5 .1 .1 100.0
Total 6571 82.0 100.0
Missing -1 1440 18.0

System 1 .0

Total 1441 18.0

Total 8012 100.0

SKILLSP skill level in employment - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 blue-collar worker 1327 16.6 40.6 40.6
2 office worker 867 10.8 26.5 67.1
3 school teacher 297 3.7 9.1 76.2
4 junior manager / cadre 104 1.3 3.2 79.4
5 manager, senior official 50 .6 1.5 80.9
6 member of the arts or professions 78 1.0 2.4 83.3
7 sole proprietor 55 .7 1.7 85.0
8 free lance 282 3.5 8.6 93.6
9 owner or member of a family business 126 1.6 3.9 97.5
10 active shareholder / partner 51 .6 1.6 99.1
20 contingent worker employed on none account 25 .3 .8 99.8
21 other employee 2 .0 .1 99.9
22 other self-employed 4 .0 .1 100.0
Total 3268 40.8 100.0
Missing -1 4740 59.2

System 4 .0

Total 4744 59.2

Total 8012 100.0

NEMPHD number of persons in local unit - business of head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 10002 up to 4 261 3.3 9.4 9.4
10012 from 5 to 19 555 6.9 20.0 29.4
10035 from 20 to 49 342 4.3 12.3 41.8
10075 from 50 to 99 258 3.2 9.3 51.1
10300 from 100 to 499 249 3.1 9.0 60.1
10500 500 or more 268 3.3 9.7 69.8
20001 self emp, 1 worker 435 5.4 15.7 85.5
20002 self emp, 2 workers 148 1.8 5.3 90.8
20003 self emp, 3 workers 90 1.1 3.2 94.0
20004 self emp, 4 workers 36 .4 1.3 95.3
20005 self emp, 5 workers 27 .3 1.0 96.3
20006 self emp, 6 workers 23 .3 .8 97.1
20007 self emp, 7 workers 6 .1 .2 97.4
20008 self emp, 8 workers 10 .1 .4 97.7
20009 self emp, 9 workers 6 .1 .2 97.9
20010 self emp, 10 workers 9 .1 .3 98.3
20011 self emp, 11 workers 3 .0 .1 98.4
20012 self emp, 12 workers 5 .1 .2 98.6
20013 self emp, 13 workers 1 .0 .0 98.6
20015 self emp, 15 workers 7 .1 .3 98.8
20018 self emp, 18 workers 3 .0 .1 99.0
20019 self emp, 19 workers 1 .0 .0 99.0
20020 self emp, 20 workers 3 .0 .1 99.1
20025 self emp, 25 workers 3 .0 .1 99.2
20028 self emp, 28 workers 1 .0 .0 99.2
20029 self emp, 29 workers 1 .0 .0 99.3
20030 self emp, 30 workers 5 .1 .2 99.5
20031 self emp, 31 workers 1 .0 .0 99.5
20035 self emp, 35 workers 1 .0 .0 99.5
20036 self emp, 36 workers 1 .0 .0 99.6
20040 self emp, 40 workers 3 .0 .1 99.7
20045 self emp, 45 workers 1 .0 .0 99.7
20048 self emp, 48 workers 1 .0 .0 99.7
20050 self emp, 50 workers 2 .0 .1 99.8
20058 self emp, 58 workers 1 .0 .0 99.9
20060 self emp, 60 workers 1 .0 .0 99.9
20100 self emp, 100 workers 3 .0 .1 100.0
Total 2771 34.6 100.0
Missing -1 5162 64.4

System 79 1.0

Total 5241 65.4

Total 8012 100.0

NEMPSP number of persons in local unit - business of spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 10002 up to 4 174 2.2 11.2 11.2
10012 from 5 to 19 336 4.2 21.6 32.8
10035 from 20 to 49 233 2.9 15.0 47.8
10075 from 50 to 99 136 1.7 8.7 56.5
10300 from 100 to 499 130 1.6 8.4 64.9
10500 500 or more 162 2.0 10.4 75.3
20001 self emp, 1 worker 179 2.2 11.5 86.8
20002 self emp, 2 workers 91 1.1 5.9 92.7
20003 self emp, 3 workers 42 .5 2.7 95.4
20004 self emp, 4 workers 13 .2 .8 96.2
20005 self emp, 5 workers 15 .2 1.0 97.2
20006 self emp, 6 workers 6 .1 .4 97.6
20007 self emp, 7 workers 5 .1 .3 97.9
20008 self emp, 8 workers 6 .1 .4 98.3
20009 self emp, 9 workers 2 .0 .1 98.4
20010 self emp, 10 workers 6 .1 .4 98.8
20012 self emp, 12 workers 3 .0 .2 99.0
20014 self emp, 14 workers 1 .0 .1 99.0
20015 self emp, 15 workers 2 .0 .1 99.2
20016 self emp, 16 workers 1 .0 .1 99.2
20018 self emp, 18 workers 1 .0 .1 99.3
20019 self emp, 19 workers 1 .0 .1 99.4
20020 self emp, 20 workers 1 .0 .1 99.4
20029 self emp, 29 workers 1 .0 .1 99.5
20030 self emp, 30 workers 2 .0 .1 99.6
20040 self emp, 40 workers 1 .0 .1 99.7
20050 self emp, 50 workers 1 .0 .1 99.7
20100 self emp, 100 workers 1 .0 .1 99.8
20105 self emp, 105 workers 1 .0 .1 99.9
20250 self emp, 250 workers 1 .0 .1 99.9
20500 self emp, 500 workers 1 .0 .1 100.0
Total 1555 19.4 100.0
Missing -1 6420 80.1

System 37 .5

Total 6457 80.6

Total 8012 100.0

FULPARHD full-time or part-time and reason why - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Full-time 2563 32.0 93.2 93.2
200 Part-time 186 2.3 6.8 100.0
Total 2749 34.3 100.0
Missing -1 5263 65.7

Total 8012 100.0

FULPARSP full-time or part-time and reason why - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Full-time 1459 18.2 85.9 85.9
200 Part-time 240 3.0 14.1 100.0
Total 1699 21.2 100.0
Missing -1 6313 78.8

Total 8012 100.0

CONTRAHD permanency of contract - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Under Contract; Fixed term 207 2.6 7.5 7.5
201 No Contract; at will 2529 31.6 92.0 99.5
901 Indist; for temporary workers (job agencies) 13 .2 .5 100.0
Total 2749 34.3 100.0
Missing -1 5263 65.7

Total 8012 100.0

CONTRASP permanency of contract - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Under Contract; Fixed term 124 1.5 7.3 7.3
201 No Contract; at will 1567 19.6 92.2 99.5
901 Indist; for temporary workers (job agencies) 8 .1 .5 100.0
Total 1699 21.2 100.0
Missing -1 6313 78.8

Total 8012 100.0

SUPERVHD supervise other workers - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

SUPERVSP supervise other workers - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

TENUREHD tenure in current job - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 60 .7 1.7 1.7
1 104 1.3 3.0 4.7
2 114 1.4 3.2 7.9
3 105 1.3 3.0 10.9
4 141 1.8 4.0 14.9
5 108 1.3 3.1 18.0
6 96 1.2 2.7 20.7
7 89 1.1 2.5 23.2
8 93 1.2 2.6 25.9
9 87 1.1 2.5 28.3
10 102 1.3 2.9 31.2
11 84 1.0 2.4 33.6
12 90 1.1 2.6 36.2
13 85 1.1 2.4 38.6
14 107 1.3 3.0 41.6
15 103 1.3 2.9 44.6
16 97 1.2 2.8 47.3
17 87 1.1 2.5 49.8
18 103 1.3 2.9 52.7
19 88 1.1 2.5 55.2
20 107 1.3 3.0 58.3
21 91 1.1 2.6 60.9
22 91 1.1 2.6 63.4
23 78 1.0 2.2 65.7
24 103 1.3 2.9 68.6
25 106 1.3 3.0 71.6
26 105 1.3 3.0 74.6
27 78 1.0 2.2 76.8
28 94 1.2 2.7 79.5
29 77 1.0 2.2 81.7
30 91 1.1 2.6 84.3
31 73 .9 2.1 86.3
32 60 .7 1.7 88.0
33 64 .8 1.8 89.9
34 50 .6 1.4 91.3
35 41 .5 1.2 92.4
36 37 .5 1.1 93.5
37 43 .5 1.2 94.7
38 26 .3 .7 95.5
39 25 .3 .7 96.2
40 28 .3 .8 97.0
41 12 .1 .3 97.3
42 15 .2 .4 97.7
43 8 .1 .2 98.0
44 10 .1 .3 98.2
45 15 .2 .4 98.7
46 5 .1 .1 98.8
47 13 .2 .4 99.2
48 8 .1 .2 99.4
49 5 .1 .1 99.5
50 5 .1 .1 99.7
51 3 .0 .1 99.8
52 1 .0 .0 99.8
53 1 .0 .0 99.8
54 1 .0 .0 99.9
55 1 .0 .0 99.9
59 1 .0 .0 99.9
61 1 .0 .0 99.9
63 1 .0 .0 100.0
64 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 3518 43.9 100.0
Missing -1 4489 56.0

System 5 .1

Total 4494 56.1

Total 8012 100.0

TENURESP tenure in current job - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 33 .4 1.6 1.6
1 40 .5 1.9 3.5
2 67 .8 3.3 6.8
3 71 .9 3.4 10.2
4 78 1.0 3.8 14.0
5 50 .6 2.4 16.5
6 65 .8 3.2 19.6
7 59 .7 2.9 22.5
8 51 .6 2.5 25.0
9 65 .8 3.2 28.1
10 58 .7 2.8 30.9
11 41 .5 2.0 32.9
12 60 .7 2.9 35.8
13 44 .5 2.1 38.0
14 71 .9 3.4 41.4
15 48 .6 2.3 43.7
16 57 .7 2.8 46.5
17 59 .7 2.9 49.4
18 68 .8 3.3 52.7
19 60 .7 2.9 55.6
20 80 1.0 3.9 59.5
21 45 .6 2.2 61.7
22 68 .8 3.3 65.0
23 58 .7 2.8 67.8
24 64 .8 3.1 70.9
25 69 .9 3.3 74.2
26 45 .6 2.2 76.4
27 47 .6 2.3 78.7
28 37 .5 1.8 80.5
29 44 .5 2.1 82.6
30 62 .8 3.0 85.6
31 56 .7 2.7 88.3
32 33 .4 1.6 90.0
33 29 .4 1.4 91.4
34 28 .3 1.4 92.7
35 34 .4 1.7 94.4
36 21 .3 1.0 95.4
37 17 .2 .8 96.2
38 21 .3 1.0 97.2
39 9 .1 .4 97.7
40 10 .1 .5 98.2
41 7 .1 .3 98.5
42 10 .1 .5 99.0
43 3 .0 .1 99.1
44 3 .0 .1 99.3
45 3 .0 .1 99.4
46 2 .0 .1 99.5
47 2 .0 .1 99.6
48 2 .0 .1 99.7
49 2 .0 .1 99.8
50 1 .0 .0 99.9
51 3 .0 .1 100.0
Total 2060 25.7 100.0
Missing -1 5943 74.2

System 9 .1

Total 5952 74.3

Total 8012 100.0

SECJOBHD more than one job - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

SECJOBSP more than one job - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

WEXPHDTL total duration of all work experience - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 never worked 964 12.0 12.0 12.0
1 19 .2 .2 12.3
2 24 .3 .3 12.6
3 28 .3 .3 12.9
4 37 .5 .5 13.4
5 32 .4 .4 13.8
6 45 .6 .6 14.3
7 46 .6 .6 14.9
8 50 .6 .6 15.5
9 48 .6 .6 16.1
10 64 .8 .8 16.9
11 73 .9 .9 17.9
12 72 .9 .9 18.8
13 62 .8 .8 19.5
14 99 1.2 1.2 20.8
15 94 1.2 1.2 21.9
16 102 1.3 1.3 23.2
17 112 1.4 1.4 24.6
18 114 1.4 1.4 26.0
19 117 1.5 1.5 27.5
20 122 1.5 1.5 29.0
21 108 1.3 1.3 30.4
22 131 1.6 1.6 32.0
23 108 1.3 1.3 33.3
24 136 1.7 1.7 35.0
25 140 1.7 1.7 36.8
26 149 1.9 1.9 38.7
27 121 1.5 1.5 40.2
28 143 1.8 1.8 42.0
29 127 1.6 1.6 43.5
30 155 1.9 1.9 45.5
31 150 1.9 1.9 47.3
32 127 1.6 1.6 48.9
33 143 1.8 1.8 50.7
34 125 1.6 1.6 52.3
35 126 1.6 1.6 53.9
36 128 1.6 1.6 55.5
37 152 1.9 1.9 57.3
38 117 1.5 1.5 58.8
39 143 1.8 1.8 60.6
40 120 1.5 1.5 62.1
41 112 1.4 1.4 63.5
42 134 1.7 1.7 65.2
43 117 1.5 1.5 66.6
44 145 1.8 1.8 68.4
45 106 1.3 1.3 69.8
46 119 1.5 1.5 71.2
47 116 1.4 1.4 72.7
48 136 1.7 1.7 74.4
49 127 1.6 1.6 76.0
50 126 1.6 1.6 77.6
51 137 1.7 1.7 79.3
52 107 1.3 1.3 80.6
53 116 1.4 1.4 82.0
54 109 1.4 1.4 83.4
55 131 1.6 1.6 85.0
56 104 1.3 1.3 86.3
57 97 1.2 1.2 87.6
58 94 1.2 1.2 88.7
59 85 1.1 1.1 89.8
60 96 1.2 1.2 91.0
61 85 1.1 1.1 92.0
62 82 1.0 1.0 93.1
63 75 .9 .9 94.0
64 78 1.0 1.0 95.0
65 67 .8 .8 95.8
66 59 .7 .7 96.6
67 47 .6 .6 97.1
68 40 .5 .5 97.6
69 38 .5 .5 98.1
70 30 .4 .4 98.5
71 14 .2 .2 98.7
72 23 .3 .3 99.0
73 12 .1 .1 99.1
74 18 .2 .2 99.3
75 12 .1 .1 99.5
76 9 .1 .1 99.6
77 12 .1 .1 99.7
78 8 .1 .1 99.8
79 3 .0 .0 99.9
80 4 .0 .0 99.9
81 4 .0 .0 100.0
83 1 .0 .0 100.0
88 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 8009 100.0 100.0
Missing System 3 .0

Total 8012 100.0

WEXPSPTL total duration of all work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 never worked 1386 17.3 26.9 26.9
1 8 .1 .2 27.0
2 13 .2 .3 27.3
3 17 .2 .3 27.6
4 28 .3 .5 28.2
5 20 .2 .4 28.5
6 31 .4 .6 29.1
7 26 .3 .5 29.6
8 36 .4 .7 30.3
9 45 .6 .9 31.2
10 40 .5 .8 32.0
11 47 .6 .9 32.9
12 46 .6 .9 33.8
13 39 .5 .8 34.5
14 69 .9 1.3 35.9
15 50 .6 1.0 36.9
16 60 .7 1.2 38.0
17 65 .8 1.3 39.3
18 77 1.0 1.5 40.8
19 80 1.0 1.6 42.3
20 105 1.3 2.0 44.4
21 66 .8 1.3 45.6
22 90 1.1 1.7 47.4
23 86 1.1 1.7 49.1
24 98 1.2 1.9 50.9
25 108 1.3 2.1 53.0
26 85 1.1 1.6 54.7
27 83 1.0 1.6 56.3
28 78 1.0 1.5 57.8
29 75 .9 1.5 59.3
30 104 1.3 2.0 61.3
31 96 1.2 1.9 63.1
32 91 1.1 1.8 64.9
33 86 1.1 1.7 66.6
34 83 1.0 1.6 68.2
35 89 1.1 1.7 69.9
36 76 .9 1.5 71.4
37 67 .8 1.3 72.7
38 94 1.2 1.8 74.5
39 68 .8 1.3 75.8
40 76 .9 1.5 77.3
41 68 .8 1.3 78.6
42 98 1.2 1.9 80.5
43 59 .7 1.1 81.7
44 71 .9 1.4 83.0
45 74 .9 1.4 84.5
46 62 .8 1.2 85.7
47 54 .7 1.0 86.7
48 56 .7 1.1 87.8
49 59 .7 1.1 88.9
50 55 .7 1.1 90.0
51 54 .7 1.0 91.1
52 55 .7 1.1 92.1
53 41 .5 .8 92.9
54 38 .5 .7 93.7
55 37 .5 .7 94.4
56 32 .4 .6 95.0
57 29 .4 .6 95.6
58 39 .5 .8 96.3
59 32 .4 .6 96.9
60 20 .2 .4 97.3
61 18 .2 .3 97.7
62 14 .2 .3 97.9
63 19 .2 .4 98.3
64 11 .1 .2 98.5
65 13 .2 .3 98.8
66 15 .2 .3 99.1
67 13 .2 .3 99.3
68 7 .1 .1 99.5
69 6 .1 .1 99.6
70 8 .1 .2 99.7
71 4 .0 .1 99.8
72 4 .0 .1 99.9
73 2 .0 .0 99.9
75 2 .0 .0 100.0
76 2 .0 .0 100.0
Total 5158 64.4 100.0
Missing -1 2820 35.2

System 34 .4

Total 2854 35.6

Total 8012 100.0

WEXPHDFT duration of full-time work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

WEXPSPFT duration of full-time work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

WEXPHDPT duration of part-time work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

WEXPSPPT duration of part-time work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

SEARCHHD looking for job and reason why - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Looked for job 414 5.2 5.2 5.2
211 Did not look for job, in employment 3322 41.5 41.5 46.6
212 Did not look for job, pensioner 3513 43.8 43.8 90.5
213 Did not look for job, not in employment 762 9.5 9.5 100.0
218 Did not look for job, conscript 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 8012 100.0 100.0

SEARCHSP looking for job and reason why - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Looked for job 249 3.1 4.8 4.8
211 Did not look for job, in employment 1975 24.7 38.1 42.9
212 Did not look for job, pensioner 1288 16.1 24.8 67.7
213 Did not look for job, not in employment 1677 20.9 32.3 100.0
Total 5189 64.8 100.0
Missing -1 2820 35.2

System 3 .0

Total 2823 35.2

Total 8012 100.0

CAREHD current caregiving status - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0

CARESP current caregiving status - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 8012 100.0