Descriptives for Mexico 2002 household file


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
COUNTRY unique country/year number 17167 138 138 138.00 .000
CASENUM unique unit identifier 17167 1 17167 8584.00 4955.830
HWEIGHT household weight 17167 12 48812 1435.90 2051.631
DEFLATE deflation factor 17167 1 1 1.00 .000
D5 type of unit 17167 5 5 5.00 .000
D4 number of persons 17167 1 17 4.23 2.072
D6 number of earners 17167 0 9 1.57 .987
D27 number of children under age 18 17167 0 11 1.68 1.599
D28 age of youngest child 12011 0 17 6.11 4.975
D29 number of persons under age 14 17167 0 9 1.33 1.405
NUM6574 number of persons aged 65 to 74 17167 0 3 .15 .419
NUMGE75 number of persons aged 75 or more 17167 0 4 .09 .330
HSLOT1 country specific household information 1 0

HSLOT2 country specific household information 2 0

D1 age - head 17167 14 97 46.78 15.444
D2 age - spouse 12695 12 92 41.03 13.459
HOURSUHD usual hours worked per week - head 16797 0 97 41.31 23.760
HOURSUSP usual hours worked per week - spouse 12695 0 97 13.72 21.171
HOURSAHD actual hours worked per week - head 0

HOURSASP actual hours worked per week - spouse 0

WEEKHDTL total weeks worked - head 0

WEEKSPTL total weeks worked - spouse 0

WEEKHDFT weeks worked full-time - head 0

WEEKSPFT weeks worked full-time - spouse 0

WEEKHDPT weeks worked part-time - head 0

WEEKSPPT weeks worked part-time - spouse 0

WEEKHDUP weeks unemployed - head 0

WEEKSPUP weeks unemployed - spouse 0

FOODEXP food and non-alcoholic beverages 16903 105 130377 17804.02 11053.177
ALCOEXP alcohol and tobacco 1928 26 96048 3209.64 5282.839
APPEXP clothing and footwear 14859 16 99760 5520.71 7117.745
HOUSEXP housing and utilities 17147 47 35781424 38248.98 279048.486
EQUIPEXP housing equipment 17079 47 152745 4513.32 7566.961
MEDEXP health 12533 8 640800 4923.50 15988.588
TRANEXP transport 14746 28 709570 10763.28 21446.974
COMMEXP communication 10083 47 122664 4423.28 5455.729
CULTEXP recreation and culture 9180 4 259100 5394.53 9547.168
EDUCEXP education 7230 24 575385 10309.72 22049.768
RESTOEXP restaurants and hotels 9472 79 460377 13505.36 17610.822
MISCEXP miscellaneous goods and services 17014 20 403435 4631.83 7577.368
TOTEXP total expenditures 17167 4499 35800653 100070.56 292078.186
MORTEXP mortgage installments 773 119 196262 13509.33 14491.293
V1 gross wages and salaries 0

V1NET net wages and salaries 12490 160 1200000 63532.11 68484.285
V2 mandatory employer contributions 0

V3 non-mandatory employer contributions 0

V4 farm self-employment income 2602 12 1052532 12141.90 43153.432
V5 non-farm self-employment income 5373 10 1248200 44296.00 73204.645
V6 in-kind earnings 3153 12 341394 9473.64 17332.443
V7 mandatory contributions for self-employment 0

V8 cash property income 590 12 427200 29890.39 53368.925
V8S1 interest and dividends 95 12 240000 15821.37 33961.197
V8S2 rental income 496 360 420000 29887.26 52239.942
V8S3 private savings plans 3 4800 216000 76266.67 121023.193
V8S4 royalties 0

V8SR cash property income n.e.c. 22 800 180000 49064.55 48172.312
V8X interest paid 0

V9 imputed rent for owner-occupied housing 14974 12 17889656 12616.05 147360.356
V10 market value of residence 0

V11 income taxes 0

V12 property / wealth taxes 179 119 48873 3961.12 5597.065
V13 mandatory employee contributions 0

V14 other direct taxes 0

V15 indirect taxes 0

V16 sickness benefits 0

V17 occupational injury and disease benefits 0

V17S1 short-term occupational injury and disease benefits 0

V17S2 long-term occupational injury and disease benefits 0

V17SR occupational injury and disease benefits n.e.c. 0

V18 disability benefits 0

V18S1 disability pensions 0

V18S2 disability allowances 0

V18SR disability benefits n.e.c. 0

V19 state old-age and survivors benefits 1506 1600 396000 33850.90 38814.122
V19S1 old-age pensions 0

V19S1A universal old-age pensions 0

V19S1B employment-related old-age pensions 0

V19S1C old-age pensions for public sector employees 0

V19S1R old-age pensions n.e.c. 0

V19S3 early retirement benefits 0

V19S4 survivors pensions 0

V19SR state old-age and survivors benefits n.e.c. 1506 1600 396000 33850.90 38814.122
V20 child / family benefits 0

V20S1 child allowances 0

V20S2 advance maintenance 0

V20S3 orphans allowances 0

V20SR child / family benefits n.e.c. 0

V21 unemployment compensation benefits 0

V21S1 unemployment insurance benefits 0

V21S2 (re)training allowances 0

V21S3 placement / resettlement benefits 0

V21SR unemployment compensation benefits n.e.c. 0

V22 maternity and other family leave benefits 0

V22S1 wage replacement 0

V22S2 birth grants 0

V22S3 child care leave benefits 0

V22SR maternity and other family leave benefits n.e.c. 0

V23 military / veterans / war benefits 0

V24 other social insurance benefits 1354 200 180000 6188.60 11225.622
V24S1 invalid carer benefits 0

V24S2 education benefits 0

V24S3 child care cash benefits 0

V24SR other social insurance benefits n.e.c. 1354 200 180000 6188.60 11225.622
V25 social assistance cash benefits 3024 200 170400 4156.71 6021.317
V25S1 general social assistance benefits 0

V25S2 old-age and disability assistance benefits 0

V25S3 unemployment assistance benefits 0

V25S4 parents assistance benefits 2470 220 19840 3656.67 2928.079
V25SR social assistance cash benefits n.e.c. 688 200 170400 5142.34 11279.873
V26 near-cash benefits 0

V26S1 near-cash food benefits 0

V26S2 near-cash housing benefits 0

V26S3 near-cash medical benefits 0

V26S4 near-cash heating benefits 0

V26S5 near-cash education benefits 0

V26S6 near-cash child care benefits 0

V26SR near-cash benefits n.e.c. 0

V27 value of non-cash food benefits 0

V28 value of non-cash housing benefits 0

V29 value of non-cash medical benefits 0

V30 value of non-cash heating benefits 0

V31 value of non-cash education benefits 0

V31A value of non-cash child care benefits 0

ALTNCASH value of home production for own use 3004 2 299657 5891.76 10675.419
V32 private occupational and other pensions 33 6000 360000 85158.97 86618.994
V32S1 occupational pensions 0

V32S1A mandatory occupational pensions 0

V32S1B voluntary occupational pensions 0

V32S1R occupational pensions n.e.c. 0

V32S2 mandatory individual retirement pensions 0

V32SR private occupational and other pensions n.e.c. 33 6000 360000 85158.97 86618.994
V33 public sector occupational pensions 0

V34 alimony / child support 0

V34X alimony / child support paid 0

V35 regular private transfers 3392 80 530000 17356.27 25826.884
V35S1 regular private transfers from relatives 3360 80 530000 17413.46 25868.516
V35S2 regular private transfers from private charity 45 400 42300 8072.62 10932.768
V35SR regular private transfers n.e.c. 0

V35X regular transfers paid to relatives 2366 10 304000 8574.54 17500.972
V36 other cash income 139 400 360000 14649.01 39723.452
V37 realized lump sum income 10845 16 2034364 10104.15 26566.731
V37S1 capital gains and losses 0

V37SR realized lump sum income n.e.c. 10845 16 2034364 10104.15 26566.731
V39 gross wages and salaries - head 0

V39NET net wages and salaries - head 9545 200 1200000 49709.08 56272.516
V41 gross wages and salaries - spouse 0

V41NET net wages and salaries - spouse 2495 150 480000 41307.72 42243.081
SELFI self-employment income 7348 12 1248200 36689.66 69654.709
EARNING earnings 0

EARNNET net earnings 15828 34 1248200 67166.52 79029.653
FI factor income 0

FINET net factor income 15948 34 1648800 67766.93 81050.548
PENSIOI occupational pensions 33 6000 360000 85158.97 86618.994
MI market income 0

MINET net market income 15966 34 1648800 67866.54 81119.559
MEANSI social assistance transfers 3024 200 170400 4156.71 6021.317
OTHSOCI social insurance transfers excl V19-V21 1354 200 180000 6188.60 11225.622
SOCI social insurance transfers 2820 200 396000 21049.22 32523.371
SOCTRANS social transfers 4878 200 396000 14745.53 26416.744
PRIVATI private transfers 3392 80 530000 17356.27 25826.884
TRANSI transfer income 7006 80 530000 18669.88 28791.679
GI gross income 0

GINET net income 17121 400 1648800 71046.94 81367.305
PAYROLL mandatory payroll taxes 0

DPI net disposable income 17121 400 1648800 71046.94 81367.305
Valid N (listwise) 0

Frequencies for Mexico 2002 household file

Frequency Table

MARRIED head living in couple

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 head not living in couple 4472 26.0 26.0 26.0
1 married couple 10334 60.2 60.2 86.2
3 non-married cohabiting couple 2361 13.8 13.8 100.0
Total 17167 100.0 100.0

D7 region

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 Aguascalientes 451 2.6 2.6 2.6
2 Baja California Norte 457 2.7 2.7 5.3
3 Baja California Sur 247 1.4 1.4 6.7
4 Campeche 356 2.1 2.1 8.8
5 Coahuila de Zaragoza 599 3.5 3.5 12.3
6 Colima 337 2.0 2.0 14.3
7 Chiapas 640 3.7 3.7 18.0
8 Chihuahua 703 4.1 4.1 22.1
9 Distrito Federal 1232 7.2 7.2 29.3
10 Durango 572 3.3 3.3 32.6
11 Guanajuato 617 3.6 3.6 36.2
12 Guerroro 534 3.1 3.1 39.3
13 Hidalgo 526 3.1 3.1 42.4
14 Jalisco 541 3.2 3.2 45.5
15 Estado de Mexico 1021 5.9 5.9 51.5
16 Michoacan de Ocampo 613 3.6 3.6 55.0
17 Morelos 291 1.7 1.7 56.7
18 Nayarit 480 2.8 2.8 59.5
19 Nuevo Leon 420 2.4 2.4 62.0
20 Oaxaca 669 3.9 3.9 65.9
21 Puebla 580 3.4 3.4 69.2
22 Queretaro de Arteaga 398 2.3 2.3 71.6
23 Quintana Roo 365 2.1 2.1 73.7
24 San Luis Potosi 506 2.9 2.9 76.6
25 Sinaloa 421 2.5 2.5 79.1
26 Sonora 524 3.1 3.1 82.1
27 Tabasco 455 2.7 2.7 84.8
28 Tamaulipas 511 3.0 3.0 87.8
29 Tlaxcala 332 1.9 1.9 89.7
30 Veracruz-Llave 840 4.9 4.9 94.6
31 Yucatan 501 2.9 2.9 97.5
32 Zacatecas 428 2.5 2.5 100.0
Total 17167 100.0 100.0

D20 area

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 100.000 and more inhabitants 7284 42.4 42.4 42.4
2 15.000 - 99.999 inhabitants 3130 18.2 18.2 60.7
3 2.500 - 14.999 inhabitants 1991 11.6 11.6 72.3
4 less than 2.500 inhabitants 4762 27.7 27.7 100.0
Total 17167 100.0 100.0

D22 tenure of dwelling

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 additional household living at same dwelling as principal ho 207 1.2 1.2 1.2
1 borrowed 1806 10.5 10.5 11.7
2 rent free 136 .8 .8 12.5
3 rented 1986 11.6 11.6 24.1
4 owned and still paying for it 916 5.3 5.3 29.4
5 owned in illegal land 107 .6 .6 30.0
6 owned and built in communal land 1674 9.8 9.8 39.8
7 owned on own land and completely paid for 10027 58.4 58.4 98.2
8 owned and built in borrowed land 216 1.3 1.3 99.5
9 other 92 .5 .5 100.0
Total 17167 100.0 100.0

D1 age - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 14 1 .0 .0 .0
15 1 .0 .0 .0
16 6 .0 .0 .0
17 11 .1 .1 .1
18 36 .2 .2 .3
19 37 .2 .2 .5
20 74 .4 .4 1.0
21 80 .5 .5 1.4
22 138 .8 .8 2.2
23 165 1.0 1.0 3.2
24 185 1.1 1.1 4.3
25 254 1.5 1.5 5.8
26 235 1.4 1.4 7.1
27 292 1.7 1.7 8.8
28 331 1.9 1.9 10.8
29 314 1.8 1.8 12.6
30 395 2.3 2.3 14.9
31 298 1.7 1.7 16.6
32 429 2.5 2.5 19.1
33 427 2.5 2.5 21.6
34 428 2.5 2.5 24.1
35 443 2.6 2.6 26.7
36 463 2.7 2.7 29.4
37 439 2.6 2.6 31.9
38 478 2.8 2.8 34.7
39 425 2.5 2.5 37.2
40 540 3.1 3.1 40.3
41 340 2.0 2.0 42.3
42 531 3.1 3.1 45.4
43 382 2.2 2.2 47.6
44 347 2.0 2.0 49.7
45 411 2.4 2.4 52.1
46 341 2.0 2.0 54.0
47 342 2.0 2.0 56.0
48 447 2.6 2.6 58.6
49 352 2.1 2.1 60.7
50 390 2.3 2.3 63.0
51 275 1.6 1.6 64.6
52 445 2.6 2.6 67.2
53 292 1.7 1.7 68.9
54 288 1.7 1.7 70.5
55 320 1.9 1.9 72.4
56 295 1.7 1.7 74.1
57 251 1.5 1.5 75.6
58 272 1.6 1.6 77.2
59 223 1.3 1.3 78.5
60 316 1.8 1.8 80.3
61 165 1.0 1.0 81.3
62 263 1.5 1.5 82.8
63 214 1.2 1.2 84.0
64 177 1.0 1.0 85.1
65 222 1.3 1.3 86.4
66 174 1.0 1.0 87.4
67 201 1.2 1.2 88.5
68 177 1.0 1.0 89.6
69 125 .7 .7 90.3
70 215 1.3 1.3 91.6
71 85 .5 .5 92.1
72 169 1.0 1.0 93.0
73 110 .6 .6 93.7
74 114 .7 .7 94.3
75 143 .8 .8 95.2
76 95 .6 .6 95.7
77 79 .5 .5 96.2
78 99 .6 .6 96.8
79 60 .3 .3 97.1
80 103 .6 .6 97.7
81 37 .2 .2 97.9
82 73 .4 .4 98.4
83 49 .3 .3 98.6
84 41 .2 .2 98.9
85 31 .2 .2 99.1
86 30 .2 .2 99.2
87 26 .2 .2 99.4
88 21 .1 .1 99.5
89 23 .1 .1 99.6
90 17 .1 .1 99.7
91 9 .1 .1 99.8
92 4 .0 .0 99.8
93 6 .0 .0 99.9
94 7 .0 .0 99.9
95 4 .0 .0 99.9
96 5 .0 .0 99.9
97 97 years or over 9 .1 .1 100.0
Total 17167 100.0 100.0

D2 age - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 12 1 .0 .0 .0
13 1 .0 .0 .0
14 1 .0 .0 .0
15 7 .0 .1 .1
16 14 .1 .1 .2
17 42 .2 .3 .5
18 56 .3 .4 1.0
19 76 .4 .6 1.6
20 126 .7 1.0 2.6
21 122 .7 1.0 3.5
22 201 1.2 1.6 5.1
23 209 1.2 1.6 6.7
24 243 1.4 1.9 8.7
25 288 1.7 2.3 10.9
26 301 1.8 2.4 13.3
27 331 1.9 2.6 15.9
28 338 2.0 2.7 18.6
29 366 2.1 2.9 21.4
30 438 2.6 3.5 24.9
31 306 1.8 2.4 27.3
32 425 2.5 3.3 30.7
33 362 2.1 2.9 33.5
34 363 2.1 2.9 36.4
35 353 2.1 2.8 39.1
36 393 2.3 3.1 42.2
37 379 2.2 3.0 45.2
38 408 2.4 3.2 48.4
39 294 1.7 2.3 50.8
40 430 2.5 3.4 54.1
41 290 1.7 2.3 56.4
42 417 2.4 3.3 59.7
43 322 1.9 2.5 62.3
44 280 1.6 2.2 64.5
45 308 1.8 2.4 66.9
46 253 1.5 2.0 68.9
47 251 1.5 2.0 70.9
48 291 1.7 2.3 73.1
49 206 1.2 1.6 74.8
50 268 1.6 2.1 76.9
51 165 1.0 1.3 78.2
52 242 1.4 1.9 80.1
53 182 1.1 1.4 81.5
54 192 1.1 1.5 83.0
55 179 1.0 1.4 84.4
56 169 1.0 1.3 85.8
57 149 .9 1.2 86.9
58 175 1.0 1.4 88.3
59 97 .6 .8 89.1
60 154 .9 1.2 90.3
61 88 .5 .7 91.0
62 125 .7 1.0 92.0
63 110 .6 .9 92.8
64 72 .4 .6 93.4
65 119 .7 .9 94.4
66 91 .5 .7 95.1
67 74 .4 .6 95.7
68 90 .5 .7 96.4
69 46 .3 .4 96.7
70 81 .5 .6 97.4
71 34 .2 .3 97.6
72 56 .3 .4 98.1
73 31 .2 .2 98.3
74 35 .2 .3 98.6
75 33 .2 .3 98.8
76 27 .2 .2 99.1
77 24 .1 .2 99.3
78 20 .1 .2 99.4
79 5 .0 .0 99.4
80 23 .1 .2 99.6
81 7 .0 .1 99.7
82 10 .1 .1 99.8
83 5 .0 .0 99.8
84 6 .0 .0 99.9
85 4 .0 .0 99.9
86 3 .0 .0 99.9
87 3 .0 .0 99.9
88 4 .0 .0 100.0
89 1 .0 .0 100.0
90 3 .0 .0 100.0
92 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 12695 74.0 100.0
Missing -1 4472 26.0

Total 17167 100.0

D3 gender - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 13799 80.4 80.4 80.4
2 female 3368 19.6 19.6 100.0
Total 17167 100.0 100.0

SEXSP gender - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 179 1.0 1.4 1.4
2 female 12516 72.9 98.6 100.0
Total 12695 74.0 100.0
Missing -1 4472 26.0

Total 17167 100.0

D21 marital status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 never married 1030 6.0 6.0 6.0
2 married 10856 63.2 63.3 69.3
3 cohabiting 2057 12.0 12.0 81.3
4 separated 1053 6.1 6.1 87.4
5 divorced 353 2.1 2.1 89.5
6 widowed 1804 10.5 10.5 100.0
Total 17153 99.9 100.0
Missing System 14 .1

Total 17167 100.0

MARTSP marital status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 never married 5 .0 .0 .0
2 married 10656 62.1 83.9 84.0
3 cohabiting 2032 11.8 16.0 100.0
4 separated 1 .0 .0 100.0
5 divorced 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 12695 74.0 100.0
Missing -1 4472 26.0

Total 17167 100.0

PARSTAHD partnership and parenthood status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 1683 9.8 9.8 9.8
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 9054 52.7 52.7 62.5
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 1958 11.4 11.4 74.0
4 single head, without children 1814 10.6 10.6 84.5
5 single head, with children, youngest child < 18 1287 7.5 7.5 92.0
6 single head, with children, youngest child 18+ 1371 8.0 8.0 100.0
Total 17167 100.0 100.0

PARSTASP partnership and parenthood status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 1683 9.8 13.3 13.3
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 9054 52.7 71.3 84.6
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 1958 11.4 15.4 100.0
Total 12695 74.0 100.0
Missing -1 4472 26.0

Total 17167 100.0

D8 ethnicity/nationality - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 can read and write Spanish 14481 84.4 86.2 86.2
2 cannot read and write Spanish, but can in another language/d 49 .3 .3 86.5
3 cannot read and write in any language 2267 13.2 13.5 100.0
Total 16797 97.8 100.0
Missing System 370 2.2

Total 17167 100.0

ETHNATSP ethnicity/nationality - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 can read and write Spanish 10838 63.1 85.4 85.4
2 cannot read and write Spanish, but can in another language/d 59 .3 .5 85.8
3 cannot read and write in any language 1798 10.5 14.2 100.0
Total 12695 74.0 100.0
Missing -1 4472 26.0

Total 17167 100.0

IMMIGRHD immigration status - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

IMMIGRSP immigration status - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

D10 educational level - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 no education, cannot read and write 2075 12.1 12.4 12.4
102 no education, can read and write 441 2.6 2.6 15.0
111 pre-primary education, cannot read and write 192 1.1 1.1 16.1
112 pre-primary education, can read and write 3960 23.1 23.6 39.7
120 primary 3835 22.3 22.8 62.5
131 general lower secondary 2385 13.9 14.2 76.7
132 technical and commercial career, lower secondary level 127 .7 .8 77.5
139 lower secondary level, type unknown 467 2.7 2.8 80.3
210 upper secondary (preparatoria o bachillerato) 895 5.2 5.3 85.6
220 normal, upper secondary level 110 .6 .7 86.2
230 technical and commercial career, upper secondary level 456 2.7 2.7 89.0
290 upper secondary, type unknown 672 3.9 4.0 93.0
312 technical and commercial career, tertiary level 57 .3 .3 93.3
319 tertiary level, licenciatura or normal 984 5.7 5.9 99.2
320 master 120 .7 .7 99.9
330 doctorate 21 .1 .1 100.0
Total 16797 97.8 100.0
Missing System 370 2.2

Total 17167 100.0

D11 educational level - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 no education, cannot read and write 1618 9.4 12.7 12.7
102 no education, can read and write 216 1.3 1.7 14.4
111 pre-primary education, cannot read and write 180 1.0 1.4 15.9
112 pre-primary education, can read and write 2912 17.0 22.9 38.8
120 primary 3215 18.7 25.3 64.1
131 general lower secondary 1942 11.3 15.3 79.4
132 technical and commercial career, lower secondary level 154 .9 1.2 80.6
139 lower secondary level, type unknown 245 1.4 1.9 82.6
210 upper secondary (preparatoria o bachillerato) 590 3.4 4.6 87.2
220 normal, upper secondary level 84 .5 .7 87.9
230 technical and commercial career, upper secondary level 640 3.7 5.0 92.9
290 upper secondary, type unknown 354 2.1 2.8 95.7
312 technical and commercial career, tertiary level 33 .2 .3 96.0
319 tertiary level, licenciatura or normal 468 2.7 3.7 99.7
320 master 35 .2 .3 99.9
330 doctorate 9 .1 .1 100.0
Total 12695 74.0 100.0
Missing -1 4472 26.0

Total 17167 100.0

D12 occupational training - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

D13 occupational training - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

ENROLHD currently enrolled in education - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 enrolled in general education, public or official 215 1.3 1.3 1.3
112 enrolled in general education, private 61 .4 .4 1.6
113 enrolled in general education, other 1 .0 .0 1.6
120 enrolled in technical education 163 .9 .9 2.6
200 not enrolled in education 16727 97.4 97.4 100.0
Total 17167 100.0 100.0

ENROLSP currently enrolled in education - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 enrolled in general education, public or official 133 .8 1.0 1.0
112 enrolled in general education, private 34 .2 .3 1.3
113 enrolled in general education, other 3 .0 .0 1.3
120 enrolled in technical education 169 1.0 1.3 2.7
200 not enrolled in education 12356 72.0 97.3 100.0
Total 12695 74.0 100.0
Missing -1 4472 26.0

Total 17167 100.0

D25 disability status - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

D26 disability status - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

CLFSHD labour force status in the current period - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; at work; regular 13814 80.5 82.2 82.2
112 Emp; at work; occasional work + unpaid family worker 4 .0 .0 82.3
113 Emp; at work; occasional work only 64 .4 .4 82.6
114 Emp; at work; unpaid family worker only 76 .4 .5 83.1
121 Emp; absent from work; temp.incapacity (incl.maternity) 34 .2 .2 83.3
122 Emp; absent from work; vacation 17 .1 .1 83.4
123 Emp; absent from work; temp layoff, lack of clients 6 .0 .0 83.4
124 Emp; absent from work; temp layoff, lack of materials/sales 2 .0 .0 83.4
125 Emp; absent from work; temp layoff, repairs at work 4 .0 .0 83.5
126 Emp; absent from work; waiting for further agricultural work 8 .0 .0 83.5
128 Emp; absent from work; bad weather 2 .0 .0 83.5
129 Emp; absent from work; other reason for temp absence 8 .0 .0 83.6
181 Emp; armed forces, at work 41 .2 .2 83.8
211 Unemp; ILO, looking for work in Mexico 132 .8 .8 84.6
212 Unemp; ILO, looking for work outside Mexico 7 .0 .0 84.7
311 NILF; retired or receiving other pension 853 5.0 5.1 89.7
321 NILF; student 58 .3 .3 90.1
331 NILF; homemaker 911 5.3 5.4 95.5
341 NILF; permanent disability, without pension 349 2.0 2.1 97.6
351 NILF; rentier 136 .8 .8 98.4
381 NILF; other situation 241 1.4 1.4 99.8
931 Indist; unpaid apprentice or trainee 30 .2 .2 100.0
Total 16797 97.8 100.0
Missing System 370 2.2

Total 17167 100.0

CLFSSP labour force status in the current period - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; at work; regular 4144 24.1 32.6 32.6
112 Emp; at work; occasional work + unpaid family worker 2 .0 .0 32.7
113 Emp; at work; occasional work only 85 .5 .7 33.3
114 Emp; at work; unpaid family worker only 582 3.4 4.6 37.9
121 Emp; absent from work; temp.incapacity (incl.maternity) 14 .1 .1 38.0
122 Emp; absent from work; vacation 8 .0 .1 38.1
123 Emp; absent from work; temp layoff, lack of clients 2 .0 .0 38.1
126 Emp; absent from work; waiting for further agricultural work 3 .0 .0 38.1
128 Emp; absent from work; bad weather 1 .0 .0 38.1
211 Unemp; ILO, looking for work in Mexico 22 .1 .2 38.3
212 Unemp; ILO, looking for work outside Mexico 2 .0 .0 38.3
311 NILF; retired or receiving other pension 91 .5 .7 39.0
321 NILF; student 45 .3 .4 39.4
331 NILF; homemaker 7559 44.0 59.5 98.9
341 NILF; permanent disability, without pension 55 .3 .4 99.4
351 NILF; rentier 31 .2 .2 99.6
381 NILF; other situation 21 .1 .2 99.8
931 Indist; unpaid apprentice or trainee 28 .2 .2 100.0
Total 12695 74.0 100.0
Missing -1 4472 26.0

Total 17167 100.0

CMASHD main activity status in current period - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; regular paid or self-employed 13831 80.6 82.3 82.3
181 Emp; armed forces 41 .2 .2 82.6
211 Not Emp; retired or receiving other pension 853 5.0 5.1 87.7
221 Not Emp; student 58 .3 .3 88.0
231 Not Emp; homemaker 911 5.3 5.4 93.4
241 Not Emp; permanent disability, without pension 349 2.0 2.1 95.5
242 Not Emp; absent from work, temp incapacity (incl.maternity) 34 .2 .2 95.7
251 Not Emp; rentier 136 .8 .8 96.5
271 Not Emp; ILO unemployed 139 .8 .8 97.4
272 Not Emp; temp layoff 12 .1 .1 97.4
273 Not Emp; absent from work;waiting for further agricult. work 8 .0 .0 97.5
275 Not Emp; absent from work; bad weather 2 .0 .0 97.5
276 Not Emp; absent from work; other reason for temp absence 8 .0 .0 97.5
281 Not Emp; other situation 241 1.4 1.4 99.0
991 Indist; occasional work&unpaid family worker 4 .0 .0 99.0
992 Indist; unpaid apprentice or trainee 30 .2 .2 99.2
993 Indist; occasional work 64 .4 .4 99.5
994 Indist; unpaid family worker 76 .4 .5 100.0
Total 16797 97.8 100.0
Missing System 370 2.2

Total 17167 100.0

CMASSP main activity status in current period - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; regular paid or self-employed 4152 24.2 32.7 32.7
211 Not Emp; retired or receiving other pension 91 .5 .7 33.4
221 Not Emp; student 45 .3 .4 33.8
231 Not Emp; homemaker 7559 44.0 59.5 93.3
241 Not Emp; permanent disability, without pension 55 .3 .4 93.8
242 Not Emp; absent from work, temp incapacity (incl.maternity) 14 .1 .1 93.9
251 Not Emp; rentier 31 .2 .2 94.1
271 Not Emp; ILO unemployed 24 .1 .2 94.3
272 Not Emp; temp layoff 2 .0 .0 94.3
273 Not Emp; absent from work;waiting for further agricult. work 3 .0 .0 94.3
275 Not Emp; absent from work; bad weather 1 .0 .0 94.3
281 Not Emp; other situation 21 .1 .2 94.5
991 Indist; occasional work&unpaid family worker 2 .0 .0 94.5
992 Indist; unpaid apprentice or trainee 28 .2 .2 94.7
993 Indist; occasional work 85 .5 .7 95.4
994 Indist; unpaid family worker 582 3.4 4.6 100.0
Total 12695 74.0 100.0
Missing -1 4472 26.0

Total 17167 100.0

UMASHD usual activity status - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

UMASSP usual activity status - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

ACTIVHD status in employment - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; non-farm worker or employee 7638 44.5 54.1 54.1
112 Emp; rural day laborer or land laborer 1279 7.5 9.1 63.2
181 Emp; Armed Forces 41 .2 .3 63.5
211 Self-emp; employer or owner of business (1-5 sal.employ) 726 4.2 5.1 68.6
212 Self-emp; employer or owner of business (6+ sal.employ) 130 .8 .9 69.6
221 Self-emp; worker in own business 4167 24.3 29.5 99.1
231 Self-emp; member of a cooperative 22 .1 .2 99.2
411 Oth Emp; unpaid family worker 78 .5 .6 99.8
431 Oth Emp; unpaid worker in non-family business 29 .2 .2 100.0
Total 14110 82.2 100.0
Missing -1 3057 17.8

Total 17167 100.0

ACTIVSP status in employment - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; non-farm worker or employee 2296 13.4 47.2 47.2
112 Emp; rural day laborer or land laborer 64 .4 1.3 48.5
211 Self-emp; employer or owner of business (1-5 sal.employ) 98 .6 2.0 50.5
212 Self-emp; employer or owner of business (6+ sal.employ) 8 .0 .2 50.6
221 Self-emp; worker in own business 1786 10.4 36.7 87.3
231 Self-emp; member of a cooperative 2 .0 .0 87.4
411 Oth Emp; unpaid family worker 592 3.4 12.2 99.5
431 Oth Emp; unpaid worker in non-family business 23 .1 .5 100.0
Total 4869 28.4 100.0
Missing -1 12298 71.6

Total 17167 100.0

D14 occupation - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 11 professionals 324 1.9 2.3 2.3
12 technicians 352 2.1 2.5 4.8
13 workers in the education 410 2.4 2.9 7.7
14 workers in art, show busines and sports 82 .5 .6 8.3
21 civil servants and directors in public/private sector 320 1.9 2.3 10.5
41 workers in agriculture/forestry/hunting and fishing 3125 18.2 22.1 32.7
51 heads and supervisors in crafts industry 277 1.6 2.0 34.7
52 craftsmen and workers in processing industry, etc 2342 13.6 16.6 51.3
53 operators in the industrial production (assembly line) 480 2.8 3.4 54.7
54 labourers in craft or industrial manufacturing 843 4.9 6.0 60.6
55 drivers and mobile plant operators 979 5.7 6.9 67.6
61 heads/supervisors of administrative activities/services 318 1.9 2.3 69.8
62 support workers in administrative activities 513 3.0 3.6 73.5
71 shopkeepers, shop employees and sales agents 1434 8.4 10.2 83.6
72 street vendors, door-to-door sales or services 493 2.9 3.5 87.1
81 workers in personal services in establishments 903 5.3 6.4 93.5
82 workers in domestic services 445 2.6 3.2 96.7
83 armed forces, surveillance and protective services 470 2.7 3.3 100.0
Total 14110 82.2 100.0
Missing -1 3057 17.8

Total 17167 100.0

D15 occupation - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 11 professionals 107 .6 2.2 2.2
12 technicians 162 .9 3.3 5.5
13 workers in the education 317 1.8 6.5 12.0
14 workers in art, show busines and sports 14 .1 .3 12.3
21 civil servants and directors in public/private sector 61 .4 1.3 13.6
41 workers in agriculture/forestry/hunting and fishing 648 3.8 13.3 26.9
51 heads and supervisors in crafts industry 38 .2 .8 27.7
52 craftsmen and workers in processing industry, etc 614 3.6 12.6 40.3
53 operators in the industrial production (assembly line) 149 .9 3.1 43.3
54 labourers in craft or industrial manufacturing 129 .8 2.6 46.0
55 drivers and mobile plant operators 13 .1 .3 46.3
61 heads/supervisors of administrative activities/services 87 .5 1.8 48.0
62 support workers in administrative activities 357 2.1 7.3 55.4
71 shopkeepers, shop employees and sales agents 952 5.5 19.6 74.9
72 street vendors, door-to-door sales or services 335 2.0 6.9 81.8
81 workers in personal services in establishments 422 2.5 8.7 90.5
82 workers in domestic services 445 2.6 9.1 99.6
83 armed forces, surveillance and protective services 19 .1 .4 100.0
Total 4869 28.4 100.0
Missing -1 12298 71.6

Total 17167 100.0

D16 industry - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1011 growing of crops; market gardening; horticulture 2317 13.5 18.0 18.0
1012 farming of animals 667 3.9 5.2 23.2
1014 agric. and animal husbandry service activities 34 .2 .3 23.5
1020 forestry, logging & related service activities 107 .6 .8 24.3
2050 fishing, operation of fish hatcheries & fish farms; rsa 93 .5 .7 25.1
3100 mining of coal & lignite; extraction of peat 149 .9 1.2 26.2
3111 extraction of crude petroleum & natural gas 52 .3 .4 26.6
3112 service act. incidental to oil & gas extract. exc. sur. 2 .0 .0 26.6
4150 manufacture of food products and beverages 414 2.4 3.2 29.9
4171 preparation and spinning of textile fibres 55 .3 .4 30.3
4173 finishing of textiles 49 .3 .4 30.7
4180 manuf. of wearing apparel; dressing, dyeing of fur 195 1.1 1.5 32.2
4190 tanning & dressing of leather; manuf. of luggage, etc. 70 .4 .5 32.7
4200 manuf. of wood & wood products except furniture 146 .9 1.1 33.9
4210 manuf. of paper & paper products 31 .2 .2 34.1
4222 printing and service activities related to printing 44 .3 .3 34.4
4230 manuf. of coke, refined petroleum products, nuclear fuel 9 .1 .1 34.5
4240 manuf. of chemicals & chemical products 67 .4 .5 35.0
4250 manuf. of rubber & plastic products 74 .4 .6 35.6
4260 manuf. of other non-metallic mineral products 123 .7 1.0 36.6
4270 manuf. of basic metals 58 .3 .5 37.0
4280 manuf. of fabricated metal products, exc. machinery 198 1.2 1.5 38.6
4290 manuf. of machinery & equipment n.e.c 36 .2 .3 38.8
4300 manuf. of office, accounting & computing machinery 102 .6 .8 39.6
4310 manuf. of electrical mach. & apparatus n.e.c. 50 .3 .4 40.0
4340 manuf. of motor vehicles, trailers & semi-trailers 159 .9 1.2 41.3
4360 manuf. of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c. 105 .6 .8 42.1
5401 production and distribution of electricity 43 .3 .3 42.4
5410 collection, purification, distribution of water 45 .3 .4 42.8
6450 construction 1460 8.5 11.4 54.1
7000 wholesale and retail trade 2104 12.3 16.4 70.5
8551 hotels 96 .6 .7 71.3
8552 camping sites, other provision of short-stay accomod. 455 2.7 3.5 74.8
9601 transport via railways 6 .0 .0 74.8
9602 other land transport 633 3.7 4.9 79.8
9603 transport via pipelines 2 .0 .0 79.8
9610 water transport 1 .0 .0 79.8
9620 air transport 14 .1 .1 79.9
9630 supporting & auxiliary transport activities; travel ag. 100 .6 .8 80.7
9641 post and courier activities 25 .1 .2 80.9
10650 financial intermediation exc. insurance & pension 33 .2 .3 81.1
10651 monetary intermediation 4 .0 .0 81.2
10660 insurance & pension funding exc. compul. social sec. 14 .1 .1 81.3
10671 activ. auxil. to financ. int. exc. insurance & pension 2 .0 .0 81.3
11700 real estate activities 30 .2 .2 81.5
11710 renting of machinery & equipment w/o operator 22 .1 .2 81.7
11720 computer & related activities 8 .0 .1 81.8
11740 other business activities 414 2.4 3.2 85.0
12750 public administration & defence; compul. social sec. 875 5.1 6.8 91.8
13800 education 607 3.5 4.7 96.5
14850 health and social work 7 .0 .1 96.6
14851 human health services 292 1.7 2.3 98.8
14853 social work activities 17 .1 .1 99.0
15920 recreational, cultural, sporting activities 78 .5 .6 99.6
15923 other entertainment activities 2 .0 .0 99.6
15924 news agency activities 50 .3 .4 100.0
17990 extra-territorial organisations & bodies 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 12846 74.8 100.0
Missing -1 3057 17.8

System 1264 7.4

Total 4321 25.2

Total 17167 100.0

D17 industry - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1011 growing of crops; market gardening; horticulture 194 1.1 4.5 4.5
1012 farming of animals 446 2.6 10.4 15.0
1014 agric. and animal husbandry service activities 2 .0 .0 15.0
1020 forestry, logging & related service activities 19 .1 .4 15.4
2050 fishing, operation of fish hatcheries & fish farms; rsa 5 .0 .1 15.6
3100 mining of coal & lignite; extraction of peat 14 .1 .3 15.9
3111 extraction of crude petroleum & natural gas 6 .0 .1 16.0
4150 manufacture of food products and beverages 255 1.5 6.0 22.0
4171 preparation and spinning of textile fibres 68 .4 1.6 23.6
4173 finishing of textiles 79 .5 1.8 25.4
4180 manuf. of wearing apparel; dressing, dyeing of fur 182 1.1 4.3 29.7
4190 tanning & dressing of leather; manuf. of luggage, etc. 19 .1 .4 30.1
4200 manuf. of wood & wood products except furniture 6 .0 .1 30.3
4210 manuf. of paper & paper products 7 .0 .2 30.4
4222 printing and service activities related to printing 5 .0 .1 30.5
4230 manuf. of coke, refined petroleum products, nuclear fuel 1 .0 .0 30.6
4240 manuf. of chemicals & chemical products 19 .1 .4 31.0
4250 manuf. of rubber & plastic products 18 .1 .4 31.4
4260 manuf. of other non-metallic mineral products 19 .1 .4 31.9
4270 manuf. of basic metals 2 .0 .0 31.9
4280 manuf. of fabricated metal products, exc. machinery 18 .1 .4 32.3
4290 manuf. of machinery & equipment n.e.c 2 .0 .0 32.4
4300 manuf. of office, accounting & computing machinery 54 .3 1.3 33.7
4310 manuf. of electrical mach. & apparatus n.e.c. 14 .1 .3 34.0
4340 manuf. of motor vehicles, trailers & semi-trailers 52 .3 1.2 35.2
4360 manuf. of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c. 10 .1 .2 35.4
5401 production and distribution of electricity 3 .0 .1 35.5
5410 collection, purification, distribution of water 4 .0 .1 35.6
6450 construction 42 .2 1.0 36.6
7000 wholesale and retail trade 1291 7.5 30.2 66.7
8551 hotels 29 .2 .7 67.4
8552 camping sites, other provision of short-stay accomod. 291 1.7 6.8 74.2
9602 other land transport 21 .1 .5 74.7
9630 supporting & auxiliary transport activities; travel ag. 8 .0 .2 74.9
9641 post and courier activities 3 .0 .1 75.0
10650 financial intermediation exc. insurance & pension 14 .1 .3 75.3
10651 monetary intermediation 1 .0 .0 75.3
10660 insurance & pension funding exc. compul. social sec. 8 .0 .2 75.5
11700 real estate activities 8 .0 .2 75.7
11710 renting of machinery & equipment w/o operator 13 .1 .3 76.0
11720 computer & related activities 3 .0 .1 76.1
11740 other business activities 116 .7 2.7 78.8
12750 public administration & defence; compul. social sec. 228 1.3 5.3 84.1
13800 education 428 2.5 10.0 94.1
14850 health and social work 5 .0 .1 94.2
14851 human health services 198 1.2 4.6 98.9
14853 social work activities 27 .2 .6 99.5
15920 recreational, cultural, sporting activities 9 .1 .2 99.7
15923 other entertainment activities 3 .0 .1 99.8
15924 news agency activities 10 .1 .2 100.0
Total 4279 24.9 100.0
Missing -1 12298 71.6

System 590 3.4

Total 12888 75.1

Total 17167 100.0

D18 sector of employment - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Private 12178 70.9 86.4 86.4
211 Government or public 1877 10.9 13.3 99.7
281 Armed forces 41 .2 .3 100.0
Total 14096 82.1 100.0
Missing -1 3057 17.8

System 14 .1

Total 3071 17.9

Total 17167 100.0

D19 sector of employment - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Private 4081 23.8 83.9 83.9
211 Government or public 786 4.6 16.1 100.0
Total 4867 28.4 100.0
Missing -1 12298 71.6

System 2 .0

Total 12300 71.6

Total 17167 100.0

SKILLHD skill level in employment - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

SKILLSP skill level in employment - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

NEMPHD number of persons in local unit - business of head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 3441 20.0 28.2 28.2
2 2165 12.6 17.8 46.0
3 1229 7.2 10.1 56.1
4 752 4.4 6.2 62.2
5 460 2.7 3.8 66.0
6 340 2.0 2.8 68.8
7 175 1.0 1.4 70.2
8 204 1.2 1.7 71.9
9 77 .4 .6 72.5
10 329 1.9 2.7 75.2
11 45 .3 .4 75.6
12 127 .7 1.0 76.6
13 27 .2 .2 76.9
14 28 .2 .2 77.1
15 177 1.0 1.5 78.5
16 43 .3 .4 78.9
17 17 .1 .1 79.0
18 40 .2 .3 79.4
19 10 .1 .1 79.4
20 246 1.4 2.0 81.5
21 12 .1 .1 81.6
22 21 .1 .2 81.7
23 12 .1 .1 81.8
24 15 .1 .1 82.0
25 91 .5 .7 82.7
26 9 .1 .1 82.8
27 9 .1 .1 82.8
28 10 .1 .1 82.9
29 1 .0 .0 82.9
30 201 1.2 1.6 84.6
31 5 .0 .0 84.6
32 16 .1 .1 84.8
33 4 .0 .0 84.8
34 1 .0 .0 84.8
35 41 .2 .3 85.1
36 6 .0 .0 85.2
37 3 .0 .0 85.2
38 3 .0 .0 85.2
39 1 .0 .0 85.2
40 112 .7 .9 86.2
41 2 .0 .0 86.2
42 3 .0 .0 86.2
43 3 .0 .0 86.2
44 1 .0 .0 86.2
45 20 .1 .2 86.4
46 8 .0 .1 86.5
47 1 .0 .0 86.5
48 5 .0 .0 86.5
50 161 .9 1.3 87.8
52 4 .0 .0 87.9
53 4 .0 .0 87.9
54 3 .0 .0 87.9
55 7 .0 .1 88.0
56 4 .0 .0 88.0
57 1 .0 .0 88.0
60 82 .5 .7 88.7
61 1 .0 .0 88.7
62 1 .0 .0 88.7
64 1 .0 .0 88.7
65 6 .0 .0 88.8
67 1 .0 .0 88.8
70 55 .3 .5 89.2
72 1 .0 .0 89.2
73 1 .0 .0 89.2
75 11 .1 .1 89.3
78 2 .0 .0 89.4
79 1 .0 .0 89.4
80 70 .4 .6 89.9
81 1 .0 .0 89.9
83 1 .0 .0 90.0
85 8 .0 .1 90.0
86 2 .0 .0 90.0
87 1 .0 .0 90.0
90 16 .1 .1 90.2
92 1 .0 .0 90.2
95 2 .0 .0 90.2
96 1 .0 .0 90.2
98 17 .1 .1 90.3
100 159 .9 1.3 91.7
102 2 .0 .0 91.7
103 1 .0 .0 91.7
104 1 .0 .0 91.7
105 1 .0 .0 91.7
108 2 .0 .0 91.7
110 8 .0 .1 91.8
115 3 .0 .0 91.8
119 1 .0 .0 91.8
120 46 .3 .4 92.2
125 3 .0 .0 92.2
126 1 .0 .0 92.2
130 12 .1 .1 92.3
135 2 .0 .0 92.3
140 6 .0 .0 92.4
150 79 .5 .6 93.0
155 1 .0 .0 93.0
156 1 .0 .0 93.0
160 8 .0 .1 93.1
163 1 .0 .0 93.1
170 2 .0 .0 93.1
175 1 .0 .0 93.1
180 7 .0 .1 93.2
182 1 .0 .0 93.2
185 4 .0 .0 93.2
187 1 .0 .0 93.2
189 1 .0 .0 93.3
199 1 .0 .0 93.3
200 127 .7 1.0 94.3
206 1 .0 .0 94.3
210 4 .0 .0 94.3
215 5 .0 .0 94.4
220 5 .0 .0 94.4
225 1 .0 .0 94.4
228 1 .0 .0 94.4
230 7 .0 .1 94.5
235 1 .0 .0 94.5
240 4 .0 .0 94.5
242 1 .0 .0 94.6
250 43 .3 .4 94.9
253 1 .0 .0 94.9
260 5 .0 .0 95.0
270 1 .0 .0 95.0
280 7 .0 .1 95.0
285 1 .0 .0 95.0
290 2 .0 .0 95.0
300 104 .6 .9 95.9
307 1 .0 .0 95.9
315 1 .0 .0 95.9
320 3 .0 .0 95.9
323 1 .0 .0 95.9
329 1 .0 .0 96.0
339 1 .0 .0 96.0
340 3 .0 .0 96.0
345 1 .0 .0 96.0
350 26 .2 .2 96.2
400 50 .3 .4 96.6
411 1 .0 .0 96.6
420 2 .0 .0 96.6
427 1 .0 .0 96.7
430 2 .0 .0 96.7
448 1 .0 .0 96.7
450 10 .1 .1 96.8
455 1 .0 .0 96.8
480 7 .0 .1 96.8
500 76 .4 .6 97.4
518 1 .0 .0 97.5
520 2 .0 .0 97.5
540 1 .0 .0 97.5
550 1 .0 .0 97.5
580 1 .0 .0 97.5
600 35 .2 .3 97.8
630 1 .0 .0 97.8
650 3 .0 .0 97.8
680 2 .0 .0 97.8
700 19 .1 .2 98.0
710 1 .0 .0 98.0
750 2 .0 .0 98.0
800 22 .1 .2 98.2
850 2 .0 .0 98.2
890 3 .0 .0 98.2
900 7 .0 .1 98.3
1000 47 .3 .4 98.7
1100 3 .0 .0 98.7
1200 12 .1 .1 98.8
1300 6 .0 .0 98.9
1500 18 .1 .1 99.0
1600 3 .0 .0 99.0
1800 7 .0 .1 99.1
1900 3 .0 .0 99.1
2000 35 .2 .3 99.4
2200 4 .0 .0 99.4
2300 1 .0 .0 99.4
2500 9 .1 .1 99.5
2800 1 .0 .0 99.5
2900 1 .0 .0 99.5
3000 22 .1 .2 99.7
3200 2 .0 .0 99.7
3500 4 .0 .0 99.8
4000 2 .0 .0 99.8
4003 1 .0 .0 99.8
5000 16 .1 .1 99.9
5500 2 .0 .0 99.9
6000 3 .0 .0 100.0
7000 1 .0 .0 100.0
8000 1 .0 .0 100.0
9000 1 .0 .0 100.0
9998 1 .0 .0 100.0
10000 2 .0 .0 100.0
Total 12192 71.0 100.0
Missing -1 4975 29.0

Total 17167 100.0

NEMPSP number of persons in local unit - business of spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 1829 10.7 44.8 44.8
2 749 4.4 18.3 63.1
3 336 2.0 8.2 71.4
4 164 1.0 4.0 75.4
5 124 .7 3.0 78.4
6 77 .4 1.9 80.3
7 32 .2 .8 81.1
8 37 .2 .9 82.0
9 11 .1 .3 82.3
10 59 .3 1.4 83.7
11 17 .1 .4 84.1
12 26 .2 .6 84.8
13 10 .1 .2 85.0
14 9 .1 .2 85.2
15 40 .2 1.0 86.2
16 7 .0 .2 86.4
17 5 .0 .1 86.5
18 7 .0 .2 86.7
19 1 .0 .0 86.7
20 38 .2 .9 87.6
21 2 .0 .0 87.7
22 6 .0 .1 87.8
23 3 .0 .1 87.9
24 3 .0 .1 88.0
25 14 .1 .3 88.3
26 2 .0 .0 88.4
27 1 .0 .0 88.4
28 1 .0 .0 88.4
29 3 .0 .1 88.5
30 45 .3 1.1 89.6
31 1 .0 .0 89.6
32 3 .0 .1 89.7
33 2 .0 .0 89.7
34 1 .0 .0 89.8
35 8 .0 .2 90.0
36 1 .0 .0 90.0
37 1 .0 .0 90.0
38 1 .0 .0 90.0
39 1 .0 .0 90.1
40 29 .2 .7 90.8
41 2 .0 .0 90.8
42 3 .0 .1 90.9
45 6 .0 .1 91.0
46 2 .0 .0 91.1
47 1 .0 .0 91.1
48 1 .0 .0 91.1
50 35 .2 .9 92.0
54 1 .0 .0 92.0
55 2 .0 .0 92.1
60 20 .1 .5 92.6
64 1 .0 .0 92.6
65 2 .0 .0 92.6
66 1 .0 .0 92.7
70 9 .1 .2 92.9
73 1 .0 .0 92.9
80 18 .1 .4 93.3
90 5 .0 .1 93.5
96 1 .0 .0 93.5
100 28 .2 .7 94.2
104 1 .0 .0 94.2
105 1 .0 .0 94.2
110 1 .0 .0 94.2
120 15 .1 .4 94.6
123 1 .0 .0 94.6
130 3 .0 .1 94.7
150 15 .1 .4 95.1
156 2 .0 .0 95.1
180 2 .0 .0 95.2
200 29 .2 .7 95.9
210 2 .0 .0 95.9
220 1 .0 .0 96.0
240 3 .0 .1 96.0
250 14 .1 .3 96.4
253 1 .0 .0 96.4
280 1 .0 .0 96.4
300 22 .1 .5 97.0
320 1 .0 .0 97.0
340 1 .0 .0 97.0
350 1 .0 .0 97.0
360 1 .0 .0 97.1
370 1 .0 .0 97.1
382 1 .0 .0 97.1
400 6 .0 .1 97.3
450 1 .0 .0 97.3
500 25 .1 .6 97.9
518 1 .0 .0 97.9
600 6 .0 .1 98.1
700 4 .0 .1 98.2
720 1 .0 .0 98.2
750 2 .0 .0 98.2
760 1 .0 .0 98.3
800 6 .0 .1 98.4
1000 19 .1 .5 98.9
1100 1 .0 .0 98.9
1200 8 .0 .2 99.1
1250 1 .0 .0 99.1
1300 4 .0 .1 99.2
1350 1 .0 .0 99.2
1500 7 .0 .2 99.4
1600 1 .0 .0 99.4
1700 1 .0 .0 99.5
1800 2 .0 .0 99.5
2000 8 .0 .2 99.7
2500 3 .0 .1 99.8
3000 5 .0 .1 99.9
4000 1 .0 .0 99.9
5000 2 .0 .0 100.0
6112 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 4083 23.8 100.0
Missing -1 13084 76.2

Total 17167 100.0

FULPARHD full-time or part-time and reason why - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 12 .1 .1 .1
2 14 .1 .1 .2
3 23 .1 .2 .3
4 33 .2 .2 .6
5 35 .2 .2 .8
6 46 .3 .3 1.2
7 42 .2 .3 1.5
8 69 .4 .5 1.9
9 22 .1 .2 2.1
10 120 .7 .9 2.9
11 7 .0 .0 3.0
12 114 .7 .8 3.8
13 1 .0 .0 3.8
14 74 .4 .5 4.3
15 114 .7 .8 5.1
16 76 .4 .5 5.7
17 1 .0 .0 5.7
18 100 .6 .7 6.4
19 5 .0 .0 6.4
20 247 1.4 1.8 8.2
21 85 .5 .6 8.8
22 22 .1 .2 8.9
23 7 .0 .0 9.0
24 313 1.8 2.2 11.2
25 206 1.2 1.5 12.7
26 7 .0 .0 12.7
27 28 .2 .2 12.9
28 136 .8 1.0 13.9
29 2 .0 .0 13.9
30 589 3.4 4.2 18.1
31 1 .0 .0 18.1
32 92 .5 .7 18.7
33 21 .1 .1 18.9
34 9 .1 .1 18.9
35 297 1.7 2.1 21.0
36 361 2.1 2.6 23.6
37 5 .0 .0 23.6
38 27 .2 .2 23.8
39 6 .0 .0 23.9
40 1747 10.2 12.4 36.3
41 6 .0 .0 36.3
42 486 2.8 3.4 39.7
43 15 .1 .1 39.9
44 188 1.1 1.3 41.2
45 486 2.8 3.4 44.6
46 114 .7 .8 45.4
47 22 .1 .2 45.6
48 2862 16.7 20.3 65.9
49 116 .7 .8 66.7
50 665 3.9 4.7 71.4
51 31 .2 .2 71.6
52 93 .5 .7 72.3
53 28 .2 .2 72.5
54 445 2.6 3.2 75.6
55 184 1.1 1.3 76.9
56 471 2.7 3.3 80.3
57 21 .1 .1 80.4
58 44 .3 .3 80.7
59 9 .1 .1 80.8
60 1026 6.0 7.3 88.1
61 12 .1 .1 88.2
62 21 .1 .1 88.3
63 124 .7 .9 89.2
64 36 .2 .3 89.4
65 81 .5 .6 90.0
66 141 .8 1.0 91.0
67 17 .1 .1 91.1
68 43 .3 .3 91.4
69 6 .0 .0 91.5
70 323 1.9 2.3 93.8
71 1 .0 .0 93.8
72 336 2.0 2.4 96.2
73 6 .0 .0 96.2
74 3 .0 .0 96.2
75 10 .1 .1 96.3
76 7 .0 .0 96.4
77 38 .2 .3 96.6
78 37 .2 .3 96.9
80 33 .2 .2 97.1
81 2 .0 .0 97.1
82 5 .0 .0 97.2
83 1 .0 .0 97.2
84 215 1.3 1.5 98.7
85 5 .0 .0 98.7
86 3 .0 .0 98.8
87 2 .0 .0 98.8
88 4 .0 .0 98.8
89 1 .0 .0 98.8
90 39 .2 .3 99.1
91 18 .1 .1 99.2
92 1 .0 .0 99.2
93 1 .0 .0 99.2
94 6 .0 .0 99.3
95 2 .0 .0 99.3
96 52 .3 .4 99.6
97 50 .3 .4 100.0
Total 14110 82.2 100.0
Missing -1 3057 17.8

Total 17167 100.0

FULPARSP full-time or part-time and reason why - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 8 .0 .2 .2
2 33 .2 .7 .8
3 46 .3 .9 1.8
4 68 .4 1.4 3.2
5 52 .3 1.1 4.3
6 72 .4 1.5 5.7
7 110 .6 2.3 8.0
8 88 .5 1.8 9.8
9 31 .2 .6 10.4
10 142 .8 2.9 13.3
11 6 .0 .1 13.5
12 119 .7 2.4 15.9
13 4 .0 .1 16.0
14 133 .8 2.7 18.7
15 110 .6 2.3 21.0
16 39 .2 .8 21.8
17 2 .0 .0 21.8
18 81 .5 1.7 23.5
19 5 .0 .1 23.6
20 214 1.2 4.4 28.0
21 111 .6 2.3 30.3
22 12 .1 .2 30.5
23 10 .1 .2 30.7
24 160 .9 3.3 34.0
25 165 1.0 3.4 37.4
26 4 .0 .1 37.5
27 12 .1 .2 37.7
28 88 .5 1.8 39.5
29 3 .0 .1 39.6
30 328 1.9 6.7 46.3
31 2 .0 .0 46.4
32 28 .2 .6 47.0
33 14 .1 .3 47.2
34 5 .0 .1 47.3
35 143 .8 2.9 50.3
36 121 .7 2.5 52.8
37 3 .0 .1 52.8
38 11 .1 .2 53.0
39 5 .0 .1 53.2
40 600 3.5 12.3 65.5
41 4 .0 .1 65.6
42 131 .8 2.7 68.2
43 1 .0 .0 68.3
44 27 .2 .6 68.8
45 114 .7 2.3 71.2
46 22 .1 .5 71.6
47 3 .0 .1 71.7
48 508 3.0 10.4 82.1
49 33 .2 .7 82.8
50 132 .8 2.7 85.5
51 5 .0 .1 85.6
52 11 .1 .2 85.8
53 4 .0 .1 85.9
54 64 .4 1.3 87.2
55 31 .2 .6 87.9
56 122 .7 2.5 90.4
57 3 .0 .1 90.4
58 6 .0 .1 90.6
59 1 .0 .0 90.6
60 139 .8 2.9 93.4
62 5 .0 .1 93.5
63 29 .2 .6 94.1
64 10 .1 .2 94.3
65 10 .1 .2 94.5
66 22 .1 .5 95.0
67 1 .0 .0 95.0
68 7 .0 .1 95.2
70 75 .4 1.5 96.7
72 33 .2 .7 97.4
74 3 .0 .1 97.4
75 1 .0 .0 97.5
77 16 .1 .3 97.8
78 7 .0 .1 97.9
80 7 .0 .1 98.1
81 1 .0 .0 98.1
82 1 .0 .0 98.1
84 50 .3 1.0 99.1
85 2 .0 .0 99.2
86 1 .0 .0 99.2
87 1 .0 .0 99.2
90 8 .0 .2 99.4
91 9 .1 .2 99.6
94 3 .0 .1 99.6
96 3 .0 .1 99.7
97 15 .1 .3 100.0
Total 4869 28.4 100.0
Missing -1 12298 71.6

Total 17167 100.0

CONTRAHD permanency of contract - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 base or indefinite contract 3869 22.5 43.2 43.2
120 fixed-term contract 887 5.2 9.9 53.1
200 no written contract 4202 24.5 46.9 100.0
Total 8958 52.2 100.0
Missing -1 8209 47.8

Total 17167 100.0

CONTRASP permanency of contract - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 base or indefinite contract 1180 6.9 50.0 50.0
120 fixed-term contract 269 1.6 11.4 61.4
200 no written contract 911 5.3 38.6 100.0
Total 2360 13.7 100.0
Missing -1 14807 86.3

Total 17167 100.0

SUPERVHD supervise other workers - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

SUPERVSP supervise other workers - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

TENUREHD tenure in current job - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

TENURESP tenure in current job - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

SECJOBHD more than one job - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Has 2nd job as non-farm worker or employee 388 2.3 2.7 2.7
112 Has 2nd job as rural day laborer or land laborer 104 .6 .7 3.5
121 Has 2nd job as employer 172 1.0 1.2 4.7
122 Has 2nd job as worker in own business 1508 8.8 10.7 15.4
123 Has 2nd job as member of a cooperative 7 .0 .0 15.4
141 Has 2nd job as unpaid family worker 64 .4 .5 15.9
143 Has 2nd job as unpaid worker in non-family business 41 .2 .3 16.2
200 No second job 11826 68.9 83.8 100.0
Total 14110 82.2 100.0
Missing -1 3057 17.8

Total 17167 100.0

SECJOBSP more than one job - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Has 2nd job as non-farm worker or employee 62 .4 1.3 1.3
112 Has 2nd job as rural day laborer or land laborer 4 .0 .1 1.4
121 Has 2nd job as employer 11 .1 .2 1.6
122 Has 2nd job as worker in own business 233 1.4 4.8 6.4
123 Has 2nd job as member of a cooperative 3 .0 .1 6.4
141 Has 2nd job as unpaid family worker 92 .5 1.9 8.3
143 Has 2nd job as unpaid worker in non-family business 12 .1 .2 8.6
200 No second job 4452 25.9 91.4 100.0
Total 4869 28.4 100.0
Missing -1 12298 71.6

Total 17167 100.0

WEXPHDTL total duration of all work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

WEXPSPTL total duration of all work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

WEXPHDFT duration of full-time work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

WEXPSPFT duration of full-time work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

WEXPHDPT duration of part-time work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

WEXPSPPT duration of part-time work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

SEARCHHD looking for job and reason why - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

SEARCHSP looking for job and reason why - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

CAREHD current caregiving status - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0

CARESP current caregiving status - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 17167 100.0