Descriptives for Russia 1992 household file


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
CASENUM UNIQUE FAMILY(UNIT) NUMBER 6361 1.00 6361.00 3181.0000 1836.40686
HWEIGHT FAMILY(UNIT) SAMPLE WEIGHT 6361 .01 1.60 .9755 .18029
D4 NUMBER OF PERSONS IN FAMILY(UNIT) 6361 1.00 14.00 2.7032 1.36117
D5 FAMILY(UNIT) STRUCTURE 6361 5.00 5.00 5.0000 .00000
D6 NUMBER OF EARNERS IN THE FAMILY(UNIT) 6361 .00 7.00 1.1192 .90697
D27 NUMBER OF CHILDREN UNDER AGE 18 6361 .00 8.00 .7183 .94413
D28 AGE OF THE YOUNGEST CHILD 2867 .00 17.00 7.7161 4.88096
NUM6574 NUMBER OF PERSONS AGED 65 TO 74 6361 .00 3.00 .2173 .48819
NUMGE75 NUMBER OF PERSONS AGED 75 YEARS OR MORE 6361 .00 2.00 .1055 .32895
WEEKHDFT HEAD WEEKS WORKED FULL TIME 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
WEEKHDPT HEAD WEEKS WORKED PART TIME 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
WEEKHDUP HEAD WEEKS UNEMPLOYED 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
WEEKSPUP SPOUSE WEEKS UNEMPLOYED 3930 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
HRSHD HOURS WORKED PER WEEK HEAD 3790 .00 167.00 41.3649 14.21152
HRSSP HOURS WORKED PER WEEK SPOUSE 2267 .00 134.00 36.5509 11.63282
TOTEXP TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) EXPENDITURES 6361 .00 1978242.22 101218.5601 96395.22124
FOODEXP FAMILY(UNIT) FOOD EXPENDITURES 6361 .00 1050277.81 66558.1987 55042.05231
HOUSEXP FAMILY(UNIT) HOUSING EXPENDITURES 6361 .00 104979.37 2732.0439 6086.80638
APPEXP FAMILY(UNIT) CLOTHING EXPENDITURES 6361 .00 217185.35 10048.2307 16777.72820
TRANEXP FAMILY(UNIT) TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURES 244 60.00 148681.92 4283.2074 11276.58154
V1 FAMILY(UNIT) GROSS WAGES AND SALARIES 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V1NET FAMILY(UNIT) NET WAGES AND SALARIES 6361 .00 801869.16 52834.7776 62576.32624
V3 FAMILY(UNIT) NONMANDATORY EMPLOYER CONT. 6361 .00 112149.53 2492.2157 8435.32419
V4 FAMILY(UNIT) FARM SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME 6361 -70072.63 5607605.61 1427.5181 70507.78932
V5 FAMILY(UNIT) NONFARM SELF-EMPLOYMENT INC. 6361 -402985.07 17943925.23 6837.0210 244014.65494
V6 FAMILY(UNIT) IN-KIND EARNINGS 6361 .00 112149.53 2492.2157 8435.32419
V7 FAMILY(UNIT) MAND.CONTRIB. FOR SELF-EMP. 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V8 FAMILY(UNIT) CASH PROPERTY INCOME 6361 .00 134328.36 58.9618 2279.53045
V9 FAMILY(UNIT) NONCASH PROPERTY INCOME 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V10 MARKET VALUE OF RESIDENCE(HOMEOWNERS) 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V11 FAMILY(UNIT) INCOME TAXES 6361 .00 89719.63 2618.4509 5830.55843
V12 FAMILY(UNIT) PROPERTY OR WEALTH TAXES 6361 .00 51724.14 31.6996 717.74186
V13 FAMILY(UNIT) MANDATORY EMPLOYEE CONTRIB. 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V14 FAMILY(UNIT) OTHER DIRECT TAXES 6117 .00 44482.76 132.2693 1114.78609
V15 FAMILY(UNIT) INDIRECT TAXES 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V16 FAMILY(UNIT) SICK PAY 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V17 FAMILY(UNIT) ACCIDENT PAY 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V18 FAMILY(UNIT) DISABILITY PAY 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V19 FAMILY(UNIT) SOCIAL RETIREMENT BENEFITS 6361 .00 87840.00 9113.0712 12291.24739
V20 FAMILY(UNIT) CHILD OR FAMILY ALLOWANCES 6361 .00 12965.52 465.5021 1006.15641
V21 FAMILY(UNIT) UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 6361 .00 31343.28 58.5790 873.74268
V22 FAMILY(UNIT) MATERNITY ALLOWANCES 6361 .00 47102.80 1570.1949 3235.65931
V23 FAMILY(UNIT) MILITARY/VET/WAR BENEFITS 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V24 FAMILY(UNIT) OTHER SOCIAL INSURANCE 6361 .00 62686.57 363.6406 2571.57068
V25 FAMILY(UNIT) MEANS-TESTED CASH BENEFITS 6361 .00 136551.72 677.6590 3701.01140
V26 FAMILY(UNIT) ALL NEAR CASH BENEFITS 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V27 FAMILY(UNIT) FOOD BENEFITS 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V28 FAMILY(UNIT) HOUSING BENEFITS 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V29 FAMILY(UNIT) MEDICAL BENEFITS 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V30 FAMILY(UNIT) HEATING BENEFITS 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V31 FAMILY(UNIT) EDUCATION BENEFITS 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V32 FAMILY(UNIT) PRIVATE PENSIONS 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V33 FAMILY(UNIT) PUBLIC SECTOR PENSIONS 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V34 FAMILY(UNIT) ALIMONY OR CHILD SUPPORT 6361 .00 89552.24 545.9180 3504.72878
V35 FAMILY(UNIT) OTHER REGULAR PRIVATE INCOME 6361 .00 620689.66 2299.8620 15165.54129
V36 FAMILY(UNIT) OTHER CASH INCOME 6361 .00 897196.26 3379.5908 24178.14234
V37 FAMILY(UNIT) REALIZED LUMP SUM INCOME 6361 .00 32373134.33 9113.2895 414009.06044
V39 GROSS WAGE/SALARY HEAD 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V39NET NET WAGE/SALARY HEAD 6361 .00 744897.20 31813.5427 45157.79364
V40 HOURLY WAGE RATE HEAD 6361 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V41 GROSS WAGE/SALARY SPOUSE 3930 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V41NET NET WAGE/SALARY SPOUSE 3930 .00 393053.73 21725.0180 30947.05675
V42 HOURLY WAGE RATE SPOUSE 3930 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
SELFI TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) SELF EMPLOYMENT INCOME 6361 -448598.13 17943925.23 8264.5391 254001.38416
EARNING TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) EARNINGS 6361 -441869.16 18412710.28 63717.7675 266768.96217
FI TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) FACTOR INCOME 6361 -441869.16 18412710.28 63776.7293 266772.87327
MI TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) MARKET INCOME 6361 -441869.16 18412710.28 63776.7293 266772.87327
MEANSI TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) MEANS TESTED INCOME 6361 .00 136551.72 677.6590 3701.01140
OTHSOCI TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) SOC INSURANCE EX 19-21 6361 .00 62686.57 1933.8356 4121.35870
SOCI TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) SOCIAL INSURANCE TRANS 6361 .00 87840.00 11570.9879 11942.87671
SOCTRANS TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) SOCIAL TRANSFERS 6361 .00 193572.41 12248.6469 12880.24515
PRIVATI TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) PRIVATE TRANSFERS 6361 .00 620689.66 2845.7800 15555.12636
TRANSI TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) TRANSFER INCOME 6361 .00 620689.66 15094.4269 19499.16970
GI TOTAL FAMILY(UNIT) GROSS INCOME 6361 -434983.18 18446355.14 82250.7470 268426.05767
DPI NET FAMILY(UNIT) INCOME AFTER TAXES 6361 -441712.15 18446355.14 79632.2961 267814.06672
Valid N (listwise) 58

Frequencies for Russia 1992 household file

Frequency Table


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 2431 38.2 38.2 38.2
1.00 3930 61.8 61.8 100.0
Total 6361 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 15.00 1 .0 .0 .0
16.00 1 .0 .0 .0
17.00 4 .1 .1 .1
18.00 13 .2 .2 .3
19.00 13 .2 .2 .5
20.00 20 .3 .3 .8
21.00 27 .4 .4 1.2
22.00 28 .4 .4 1.7
23.00 38 .6 .6 2.3
24.00 40 .6 .6 2.9
25.00 58 .9 .9 3.8
26.00 65 1.0 1.0 4.8
27.00 73 1.1 1.1 6.0
28.00 76 1.2 1.2 7.2
29.00 108 1.7 1.7 8.9
30.00 101 1.6 1.6 10.5
31.00 137 2.2 2.2 12.6
32.00 128 2.0 2.0 14.6
33.00 157 2.5 2.5 17.1
34.00 141 2.2 2.2 19.3
35.00 132 2.1 2.1 21.4
36.00 126 2.0 2.0 23.4
37.00 161 2.5 2.5 25.9
38.00 165 2.6 2.6 28.5
39.00 138 2.2 2.2 30.7
40.00 171 2.7 2.7 33.4
41.00 143 2.2 2.2 35.6
42.00 171 2.7 2.7 38.3
43.00 145 2.3 2.3 40.6
44.00 121 1.9 1.9 42.5
45.00 148 2.3 2.3 44.8
46.00 119 1.9 1.9 46.7
47.00 64 1.0 1.0 47.7
48.00 50 .8 .8 48.5
49.00 47 .7 .7 49.2
50.00 89 1.4 1.4 50.6
51.00 131 2.1 2.1 52.7
52.00 105 1.7 1.7 54.3
53.00 157 2.5 2.5 56.8
54.00 170 2.7 2.7 59.5
55.00 159 2.5 2.5 62.0
56.00 137 2.2 2.2 64.1
57.00 123 1.9 1.9 66.0
58.00 83 1.3 1.3 67.3
59.00 103 1.6 1.6 69.0
60.00 119 1.9 1.9 70.8
61.00 109 1.7 1.7 72.6
62.00 146 2.3 2.3 74.8
63.00 144 2.3 2.3 77.1
64.00 146 2.3 2.3 79.4
65.00 156 2.5 2.5 81.9
66.00 129 2.0 2.0 83.9
67.00 114 1.8 1.8 85.7
68.00 100 1.6 1.6 87.3
69.00 92 1.4 1.4 88.7
70.00 82 1.3 1.3 90.0
71.00 72 1.1 1.1 91.1
72.00 62 1.0 1.0 92.1
73.00 40 .6 .6 92.7
74.00 54 .8 .8 93.6
75.00 38 .6 .6 94.2
76.00 46 .7 .7 94.9
77.00 48 .8 .8 95.6
78.00 54 .8 .8 96.5
79.00 49 .8 .8 97.3
80.00 42 .7 .7 97.9
81.00 10 .2 .2 98.1
82.00 33 .5 .5 98.6
83.00 26 .4 .4 99.0
84.00 16 .3 .3 99.3
85.00 10 .2 .2 99.4
86.00 5 .1 .1 99.5
87.00 11 .2 .2 99.7
88.00 5 .1 .1 99.7
89.00 4 .1 .1 99.8
90.00 7 .1 .1 99.9
91.00 1 .0 .0 99.9
92.00 3 .0 .0 100.0
93.00 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 6361 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 18.00 4 .1 .1 .1
19.00 17 .3 .4 .5
20.00 7 .1 .2 .7
21.00 28 .4 .7 1.4
22.00 39 .6 1.0 2.4
23.00 35 .6 .9 3.3
24.00 38 .6 1.0 4.3
25.00 51 .8 1.3 5.6
26.00 56 .9 1.4 7.0
27.00 78 1.2 2.0 9.0
28.00 92 1.4 2.3 11.3
29.00 81 1.3 2.1 13.4
30.00 90 1.4 2.3 15.7
31.00 100 1.6 2.5 18.2
32.00 110 1.7 2.8 21.0
33.00 113 1.8 2.9 23.9
34.00 110 1.7 2.8 26.7
35.00 118 1.9 3.0 29.7
36.00 120 1.9 3.1 32.7
37.00 119 1.9 3.0 35.8
38.00 122 1.9 3.1 38.9
39.00 110 1.7 2.8 41.7
40.00 103 1.6 2.6 44.3
41.00 113 1.8 2.9 47.2
42.00 104 1.6 2.6 49.8
43.00 110 1.7 2.8 52.6
44.00 87 1.4 2.2 54.8
45.00 79 1.2 2.0 56.8
46.00 87 1.4 2.2 59.1
47.00 50 .8 1.3 60.3
48.00 42 .7 1.1 61.4
49.00 38 .6 1.0 62.4
50.00 54 .8 1.4 63.7
51.00 58 .9 1.5 65.2
52.00 75 1.2 1.9 67.1
53.00 110 1.7 2.8 69.9
54.00 93 1.5 2.4 72.3
55.00 80 1.3 2.0 74.3
56.00 80 1.3 2.0 76.4
57.00 72 1.1 1.8 78.2
58.00 51 .8 1.3 79.5
59.00 63 1.0 1.6 81.1
60.00 54 .8 1.4 82.5
61.00 70 1.1 1.8 84.2
62.00 65 1.0 1.7 85.9
63.00 74 1.2 1.9 87.8
64.00 72 1.1 1.8 89.6
65.00 60 .9 1.5 91.1
66.00 57 .9 1.5 92.6
67.00 52 .8 1.3 93.9
68.00 60 .9 1.5 95.4
69.00 37 .6 .9 96.4
70.00 30 .5 .8 97.2
71.00 21 .3 .5 97.7
72.00 15 .2 .4 98.1
73.00 10 .2 .3 98.3
74.00 13 .2 .3 98.7
75.00 6 .1 .2 98.8
76.00 7 .1 .2 99.0
77.00 7 .1 .2 99.2
78.00 5 .1 .1 99.3
79.00 7 .1 .2 99.5
80.00 5 .1 .1 99.6
81.00 5 .1 .1 99.7
82.00 5 .1 .1 99.8
84.00 1 .0 .0 99.9
85.00 2 .0 .1 99.9
86.00 1 .0 .0 99.9
89.00 1 .0 .0 100.0
91.00 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 3930 61.8 100.0
Missing System 2431 38.2

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1.00 male 4311 67.8 67.8 67.8
2.00 female 2050 32.2 32.2 100.0
Total 6361 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100.00 St. Petersburg City, METRO M,SP 353 5.5 5.5 5.5
103.00 Moscow City, METRO M,SP 340 5.3 5.3 10.9
201.00 St. Petersburg Obl, NORTH,NWEST 350 5.5 5.5 16.4
202.00 Novgorodl, NORTH,NWEST 282 4.4 4.4 20.8
304.00 Moscow Obl, CENTRAL, BLACK EARTH 273 4.3 4.3 25.1
305.00 Rjasan Obl 1, CENTRAL, BLACK EARTH 359 5.6 5.6 30.8
306.00 Rjasan Obl 2, CENTRAL, BLACK EARTH 359 5.6 5.6 36.4
407.00 Kazan, VOLGA BASIN 292 4.6 4.6 41.0
408.00 Saratov Obl, VOLGA BASIN 295 4.6 4.6 45.6
509.00 Nal'chik, NORTH CAUCASIAN 350 5.5 5.5 51.1
510.00 Stavropol Kray, NORTH CAUCASIAN 264 4.2 4.2 55.3
511.00 Novotcherkassk(Rostov), NORTH CAUCASIAN 278 4.4 4.4 59.7
612.00 Ekaterinburg City, URAL 310 4.9 4.9 64.5
613.00 Ekaterinburg Obl, URAL 335 5.3 5.3 69.8
614.00 Chelyabinsk City, URAL 278 4.4 4.4 74.2
615.00 Chelyabinsk Obl, URAL 298 4.7 4.7 78.9
716.00 Gorno-altaisk, W.SIBERIA 315 5.0 5.0 83.8
717.00 Omsk,W.SIBERIA 153 2.4 2.4 86.2
718.00 Tomsk Obl, W.SIBERIA 319 5.0 5.0 91.2
819.00 Nakhodka, E.SIBERIA, FAR EAST 271 4.3 4.3 95.5
820.00 Ussurijsk, E.SIBERIA,FAR EAST 287 4.5 4.5 100.0
Total 6361 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1.00 Azeri 10 .2 .2 .2
2.00 Armenian 14 .2 .2 .4
3.00 Bashkir 27 .4 .4 .8
4.00 Byelorussian 51 .8 .8 1.6
5.00 Georgian 10 .2 .2 1.8
6.00 Jewish 28 .4 .4 2.2
8.00 Latvian 2 .0 .0 2.2
10.00 Moldavian 6 .1 .1 2.3
11.00 Mordvin 30 .5 .5 2.8
12.00 German 36 .6 .6 3.4
13.00 Russian 5388 84.7 85.2 88.5
14.00 Polish 8 .1 .1 88.7
15.00 Tatar 181 2.8 2.9 91.5
16.00 Ukrainian 208 3.3 3.3 94.8
17.00 Estonian 3 .0 .0 94.9
18.00 Chuvash 17 .3 .3 95.1
19.00 Mari 3 .0 .0 95.2
20.00 Komi-Permiak 1 .0 .0 95.2
21.00 Osetian 15 .2 .2 95.4
22.00 Kabardin 98 1.5 1.5 97.0
23.00 Udmurt 3 .0 .0 97.0
25.00 Uzbek 1 .0 .0 97.0
26.00 Tsygan 3 .0 .0 97.1
27.00 Karachaev 1 .0 .0 97.1
28.00 Kazakh 37 .6 .6 97.7
31.00 Korean 7 .1 .1 97.8
35.00 Kirgiz 2 .0 .0 97.8
37.00 Karelian 4 .1 .1 97.9
38.00 Ingush 2 .0 .0 97.9
39.00 Finnish 3 .0 .0 98.0
40.00 Greek 5 .1 .1 98.1
41.00 Chechen 3 .0 .0 98.1
45.00 Altai 30 .5 .5 98.6
46.00 Avarets 3 .0 .0 98.6
47.00 Adygeits 1 .0 .0 98.6
48.00 Balkarets 51 .8 .8 99.4
49.00 Bulgarian 3 .0 .0 99.5
50.00 Buryat 1 .0 .0 99.5
51.00 Vagul 1 .0 .0 99.5
53.00 Darginets 1 .0 .0 99.5
54.00 Dagestanets 1 .0 .0 99.6
56.00 Izhor 7 .1 .1 99.7
57.00 Spanish 1 .0 .0 99.7
59.00 Kumandinets 4 .1 .1 99.7
60.00 Lachka 1 .0 .0 99.8
61.00 Lezgin 1 .0 .0 99.8
62.00 Metis 3 .0 .0 99.8
63.00 Moksha 1 .0 .0 99.8
64.00 Nagaibochka 2 .0 .0 99.9
65.00 Rutelets 1 .0 .0 99.9
66.00 Tat 2 .0 .0 99.9
67.00 Talysh 1 .0 .0 99.9
68.00 Turkmen 1 .0 .0 100.0
69.00 Khorvatka 1 .0 .0 100.0
71.00 Cheldonka 1 .0 .0 100.0
72.00 Cherkess 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 6327 99.5 100.0
Missing System 34 .5

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1.00 Azeri 1 .0 .0 .0
2.00 Armenian 8 .1 .2 .2
3.00 Bashkir 14 .2 .4 .6
4.00 Byelorussian 42 .7 1.1 1.7
5.00 Georgian 1 .0 .0 1.7
6.00 Jewish 14 .2 .4 2.0
8.00 Latvian 4 .1 .1 2.1
10.00 Moldavian 4 .1 .1 2.3
11.00 Mordvin 14 .2 .4 2.6
12.00 German 15 .2 .4 3.0
13.00 Russian 3356 52.8 85.9 88.9
14.00 Polish 5 .1 .1 89.0
15.00 Tatar 118 1.9 3.0 92.0
16.00 Ukrainian 115 1.8 2.9 95.0
17.00 Estonian 1 .0 .0 95.0
18.00 Chuvash 17 .3 .4 95.4
19.00 Mari 2 .0 .1 95.5
20.00 Komi-Permiak 1 .0 .0 95.5
21.00 Osetian 7 .1 .2 95.7
22.00 Kabardin 59 .9 1.5 97.2
23.00 Udmurt 2 .0 .1 97.2
25.00 Uzbek 1 .0 .0 97.3
26.00 Tsygan 3 .0 .1 97.3
28.00 Kazakh 26 .4 .7 98.0
31.00 Korean 4 .1 .1 98.1
35.00 Kirgiz 1 .0 .0 98.1
37.00 Karelian 1 .0 .0 98.2
38.00 Ingush 2 .0 .1 98.2
39.00 Finnish 2 .0 .1 98.3
40.00 Greek 1 .0 .0 98.3
45.00 Altai 19 .3 .5 98.8
46.00 Avarets 1 .0 .0 98.8
48.00 Balkarets 31 .5 .8 99.6
53.00 Darginets 1 .0 .0 99.6
56.00 Izhor 5 .1 .1 99.7
59.00 Kumandinets 2 .0 .1 99.8
61.00 Lezgin 2 .0 .1 99.8
62.00 Metis 1 .0 .0 99.9
64.00 Nagaibochka 1 .0 .0 99.9
66.00 Tat 1 .0 .0 99.9
70.00 Khokhlushka 1 .0 .0 99.9
71.00 Cheldonka 1 .0 .0 100.0
73.00 Yakut 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 3908 61.4 100.0
Missing System 2453 38.6

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 no formal education 117 1.8 1.8 1.8
1.00 1 year school 41 .6 .6 2.5
2.00 2 years school 84 1.3 1.3 3.8
3.00 3 years school 103 1.6 1.6 5.4
4.00 4 years school 284 4.5 4.5 9.9
5.00 5 years school 137 2.2 2.2 12.1
6.00 6 years school 85 1.3 1.3 13.4
7.00 7 years school 303 4.8 4.8 18.2
8.00 8 years school 242 3.8 3.8 22.0
9.00 9 years school 33 .5 .5 22.5
10.00 10 years school 349 5.5 5.5 28.0
11.00 11 years school 53 .8 .8 28.9
12.00 0-6+tried voc courses 10 .2 .2 29.0
13.00 7-9+tried voc courses 35 .6 .6 29.6
14.00 10-11+tried voc courses 20 .3 .3 29.9
15.00 0-6+finish voc courses 276 4.3 4.4 34.2
16.00 7-9+finish voc courses 833 13.1 13.1 47.4
17.00 10-11+finish voc courses 611 9.6 9.6 57.0
18.00 0-6+start tech institute 3 .0 .0 57.0
19.00 7-9+start tech institute 58 .9 .9 58.0
20.00 10-11+start tech institute 131 2.1 2.1 60.0
21.00 0-6+finish tech institute 14 .2 .2 60.2
22.00 7-9+finish tech institute 524 8.2 8.3 68.5
23.00 10-11+finish tech institute 773 12.2 12.2 80.7
25.00 7-9+start college 33 .5 .5 81.2
26.00 10-11+start college 190 3.0 3.0 84.2
28.00 7-9+finish college 118 1.9 1.9 86.1
29.00 10-11+finish college 819 12.9 12.9 99.0
32.00 10-11+some post graduate 7 .1 .1 99.1
34.00 7-9+finish graduate degree 6 .1 .1 99.2
35.00 10-11+finish graduate degree 52 .8 .8 100.0
Total 6344 99.7 100.0
Missing System 17 .3

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 no formal education 23 .4 .6 .6
1.00 1 year school 12 .2 .3 .9
2.00 2 years school 27 .4 .7 1.6
3.00 3 years school 56 .9 1.4 3.0
4.00 4 years school 144 2.3 3.7 6.7
5.00 5 years school 75 1.2 1.9 8.6
6.00 6 years school 47 .7 1.2 9.8
7.00 7 years school 229 3.6 5.8 15.6
8.00 8 years school 168 2.6 4.3 19.9
9.00 9 years school 24 .4 .6 20.5
10.00 10 years school 266 4.2 6.8 27.3
11.00 11 years school 46 .7 1.2 28.5
13.00 7-9+tried voc courses 17 .3 .4 28.9
14.00 10-11+tried voc courses 10 .2 .3 29.1
15.00 0-6+finish voc courses 38 .6 1.0 30.1
16.00 7-9+finish voc courses 315 5.0 8.0 38.1
17.00 10-11+finish voc courses 355 5.6 9.0 47.2
19.00 7-9+start tech institute 38 .6 1.0 48.2
20.00 10-11+start tech institute 71 1.1 1.8 50.0
21.00 0-6+finish tech institute 1 .0 .0 50.0
22.00 7-9+finish tech institute 382 6.0 9.7 59.7
23.00 10-11+finish tech institute 871 13.7 22.2 81.9
25.00 7-9+start college 10 .2 .3 82.2
26.00 10-11+start college 82 1.3 2.1 84.3
27.00 0-6+finish college 1 .0 .0 84.3
28.00 7-9+finish college 59 .9 1.5 85.8
29.00 10-11+finish college 546 8.6 13.9 99.7
32.00 10-11+some post graduate 3 .0 .1 99.8
35.00 10-11+finish graduate degree 9 .1 .2 100.0
Total 3925 61.7 100.0
Missing System 2436 38.3

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1.00 no tech, no college 2171 34.1 34.1 34.1
2.00 no tech, college 697 11.0 11.0 45.1
3.00 no tech,grad degree 44 .7 .7 45.8
4.00 no coll, voc educ 1392 21.9 21.9 67.7
5.00 no coll, hgr tech 1796 28.2 28.2 95.9
6.00 coll, voc educ 52 .8 .8 96.7
7.00 adv dgr, voc educ 2 .0 .0 96.7
8.00 coll, hgr tech 195 3.1 3.1 99.8
9.00 adv dgr, hgr tech 12 .2 .2 100.0
Total 6361 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1.00 no tech, no college 1291 20.3 32.8 32.8
2.00 no tech, college 474 7.5 12.1 44.9
3.00 no tech,grad degree 9 .1 .2 45.1
4.00 no coll, voc educ 517 8.1 13.2 58.3
5.00 no coll, hgr tech 1504 23.6 38.3 96.6
6.00 coll, voc educ 22 .3 .6 97.1
8.00 coll, hgr tech 113 1.8 2.9 100.0
Total 3930 61.8 100.0
Missing System 2431 38.2

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110.00 Armed forces 61 1.0 1.5 1.5
1120.00 Sr government officials 2 .0 .0 1.5
1130.00 Traditional chiefs & heads of villages 6 .1 .1 1.7
1231.00 Finance & administration dept mgr 1 .0 .0 1.7
1239.00 Other dept mgr NEC 1 .0 .0 1.7
1311.00 Gen mgr in agric, hunting, forestry & fishing 7 .1 .2 1.9
1312.00 Gen mgr in mfg 27 .4 .7 2.5
1313.00 Gen mgr in constr 17 .3 .4 3.0
1314.00 Gen mgr in wholesale & retail trade 6 .1 .1 3.1
1315.00 Commandants (not military); administrator with higher educ 6 .1 .1 3.2
1316.00 Gen mgr in transport, storage & communications 8 .1 .2 3.4
1317.00 Gen mgr of business services 9 .1 .2 3.7
1318.00 Gen mgr in personal care, cleaning & related services 1 .0 .0 3.7
1319.00 Gen mgr NEC 79 1.2 1.9 5.6
2100.00 1 .0 .0 5.6
2111.00 Physicists & astronomers 5 .1 .1 5.7
2113.00 Chemists 6 .1 .1 5.9
2114.00 Geologists & geophysicists 3 .0 .1 6.0
2119.00 1 .0 .0 6.0
2121.00 Mathematicians & related professionals 10 .2 .2 6.2
2131.00 Computer systems designers & analysts 2 .0 .0 6.3
2132.00 Computer programmers 5 .1 .1 6.4
2139.00 Computing professionals NEC 5 .1 .1 6.5
2141.00 Architects, town & traffic planners 30 .5 .7 7.2
2142.00 Civil engineers 32 .5 .8 8.0
2143.00 Electrical engineers 14 .2 .3 8.4
2144.00 Electronics & telecommunications engineers 18 .3 .4 8.8
2145.00 Mechanical engineers 35 .6 .8 9.6
2146.00 Chemical engineers 6 .1 .1 9.8
2147.00 Mining engineers, metallurgists & related professionals 6 .1 .1 9.9
2149.00 Architects, engineers & related professionals n.e.c 170 2.7 4.1 14.1
2211.00 Biologists, botanists, zoologists & related professionals 2 .0 .0 14.1
2213.00 Agronomists & related professionals 7 .1 .2 14.3
2221.00 Medical doctors 33 .5 .8 15.1
2222.00 Dentists 3 .0 .1 15.1
2223.00 Veterinarians 6 .1 .1 15.3
2224.00 Pharmacists 1 .0 .0 15.3
2230.00 Nursing & midwifery professionals 3 .0 .1 15.4
2310.00 College, univ & higher educ teaching professionals 57 .9 1.4 16.8
2320.00 Secondary educ teaching professionals 46 .7 1.1 17.9
2331.00 Primary educ teaching professionals 1 .0 .0 17.9
2351.00 Education methods specialists 3 .0 .1 18.0
2359.00 Other teaching professionals NEC 17 .3 .4 18.4
2411.00 Accountants 17 .3 .4 18.8
2412.00 Personnel & careers professionals 3 .0 .1 18.9
2421.00 Lawyers 17 .3 .4 19.3
2429.00 Legal professionals NEC 1 .0 .0 19.3
2432.00 Librarians & related information professionals 11 .2 .3 19.6
2441.00 Economists 41 .6 1.0 20.6
2442.00 Sociologists, anthropologists & related professionals 1 .0 .0 20.6
2444.00 Philologists, translators & interpreters 3 .0 .1 20.7
2451.00 Authors, journalist & other writers 11 .2 .3 20.9
2452.00 Sculptor, painters & related artists 10 .2 .2 21.2
2453.00 Composers, musicians & singers 1 .0 .0 21.2
2454.00 Choreographers & dancers 2 .0 .0 21.3
2455.00 Film, stage & related actors & directors 6 .1 .1 21.4
2460.00 Religious professionals 1 .0 .0 21.4
2490.00 1 .0 .0 21.4
3112.00 Civil engineering technicians 2 .0 .0 21.5
3113.00 Electrical engineering technicians' 3 .0 .1 21.6
3115.00 Mechanical engineering technicians 4 .1 .1 21.7
3116.00 Chemical engineering technicians 2 .0 .0 21.7
3119.00 Physical & engineering science technicians NEC 12 .2 .3 22.0
3122.00 Computer equipment operators 1 .0 .0 22.0
3131.00 Photographers & image & sound recording equipment operators 2 .0 .0 22.1
3132.00 Broadcasting & telecommunications equipment operators 11 .2 .3 22.3
3133.00 Medical equipment operators 2 .0 .0 22.4
3139.00 Optical & electronic equipment operators NEC 6 .1 .1 22.5
3142.00 Ships deck officers & pilots 16 .3 .4 22.9
3143.00 Aircraft pilots & related assoc professionals 11 .2 .3 23.2
3151.00 Building & fire inspectors 1 .0 .0 23.2
3152.00 Safety, health & quality inspectors 51 .8 1.2 24.5
3212.00 Agronomy & forestry technicians 1 .0 .0 24.5
3221.00 Medical assistants 11 .2 .3 24.7
3222.00 Sanitarians 10 .2 .2 25.0
3227.00 Veterinary assistants 10 .2 .2 25.2
3228.00 Pharmaceutical assistants 2 .0 .0 25.3
3229.00 Modern health assoc professionals (except nursing) NEC 5 .1 .1 25.4
3231.00 Nursing assoc professionals; nurses w/o higher educ, NEC 25 .4 .6 26.0
3240.00 1 .0 .0 26.0
3320.00 Pre-primary educ teaching assoc professionals 11 .2 .3 26.3
3340.00 Other teaching assoc professionals; voc educ masters 7 .1 .2 26.5
3412.00 Insurance representatives 2 .0 .0 26.5
3413.00 Estate agents 1 .0 .0 26.5
3415.00 Technical & commercial sales representatives 5 .1 .1 26.7
3419.00 Finance & sales assoc professionals NEC 5 .1 .1 26.8
3421.00 Trade brokers 2 .0 .0 26.8
3422.00 Clearing & forwarding agents 10 .2 .2 27.1
3423.00 Employment agents & labor contractors 2 .0 .0 27.1
3431.00 Administrative secretaries & related assoc professionals 1 .0 .0 27.1
3433.00 Bookkeepers 37 .6 .9 28.0
3439.00 Administrative assoc professionals NEC 2 .0 .0 28.1
3449.00 Customs, tax & related government assoc professionals NEC 3 .0 .1 28.2
3450.00 Police inspectors & detectives 11 .2 .3 28.4
3460.00 Social work assoc professionals 4 .1 .1 28.5
3473.00 Street, night-club & related musicians, singers & dancers 2 .0 .0 28.6
3475.00 Athletes, sportspersons & related assoc professionals 8 .1 .2 28.8
3490.00 1 .0 .0 28.8
4111.00 Stenographers & typists 5 .1 .1 28.9
4112.00 Word-processor & related operators 3 .0 .1 29.0
4114.00 Calculating machine operators 3 .0 .1 29.1
4115.00 Secretaries 4 .1 .1 29.2
4121.00 Accounting & bookkeeping clerks 3 .0 .1 29.2
4131.00 Stock clerks 57 .9 1.4 30.6
4132.00 Production clerks 16 .3 .4 31.0
4133.00 Transport clerks 13 .2 .3 31.3
4142.00 Mail carriers & sorting clerks 5 .1 .1 31.4
4143.00 Coding, proof-reading & related clerks 1 .0 .0 31.5
4190.00 Other office clerks 12 .2 .3 31.7
4211.00 Cashiers & ticket clerks 8 .1 .2 31.9
4222.00 Receptionists & information clerks 2 .0 .0 32.0
4223.00 Telephone switchboard operators 2 .0 .0 32.0
5111.00 Travel attendants & travel stewards 5 .1 .1 32.2
5112.00 Transport conductors 1 .0 .0 32.2
5113.00 Travel guides 1 .0 .0 32.2
5122.00 Cooks 29 .5 .7 32.9
5123.00 Waiters, waitresses & bartenders 4 .1 .1 33.0
5131.00 Child-care workers 2 .0 .0 33.1
5141.00 Hairdressers, barbers, beauticians & related workers 4 .1 .1 33.2
5149.00 Other personal services workers NEC 1 .0 .0 33.2
5161.00 Fire-fighters 11 .2 .3 33.4
5162.00 Police officers 29 .5 .7 34.1
5169.00 Protective services workers NEC 23 .4 .6 34.7
5220.00 Shop salespersons & demonstrators 36 .6 .9 35.6
6123.00 Apiarists & sericulturists 4 .1 .1 35.7
6141.00 Forestry workers & loggers 8 .1 .2 35.9
6142.00 Charcoal burners & related workers 1 .0 .0 35.9
6149.00 3 .0 .1 36.0
6210.00 Subsistence agricultural & fishery workers 6 .1 .1 36.1
7000.00 Masters; brigadiers NEC (not in agric) 12 .2 .3 36.4
7100.00 Construction workers NEC 1 .0 .0 36.4
7113.00 Stone-splitters, cutters & carvers 3 .0 .1 36.5
7121.00 Builders, traditional materials 15 .2 .4 36.9
7122.00 Bricklayers & stonemasons 37 .6 .9 37.8
7123.00 Concrete placers, concrete finishers & related workers 4 .1 .1 37.9
7124.00 Carpenters & joiners 61 1.0 1.5 39.3
7129.00 Building frame & related trades workers NEC 65 1.0 1.6 40.9
7131.00 Roofers 4 .1 .1 41.0
7132.00 Floor layers & tile setters 8 .1 .2 41.2
7133.00 Plasterers 16 .3 .4 41.6
7134.00 Insulation workers 1 .0 .0 41.6
7136.00 Plumbers & pipe fitters 31 .5 .8 42.4
7137.00 Building & related electricians 49 .8 1.2 43.6
7141.00 Painters & related workers 12 .2 .3 43.8
7211.00 Metal molders & coremakers 8 .1 .2 44.0
7212.00 Welders & flamecutters 113 1.8 2.7 46.8
7213.00 Sheet-metal workers 76 1.2 1.8 48.6
7214.00 Structural-metal preparers & erectors 1 .0 .0 48.6
7215.00 Riggers & cable-splicers 5 .1 .1 48.8
7216.00 Underwater workers 1 .0 .0 48.8
7219.00 4 .1 .1 48.9
7221.00 Blacksmiths, hammer-smiths & forging-press workers 7 .1 .2 49.1
7222.00 Tool-makers & related workers 6 .1 .1 49.2
7224.00 Polisher - Shlifovshchitsa 14 .2 .3 49.5
7231.00 Mekhanik 240 3.8 5.8 55.4
7232.00 Aircraft engine mechanics & fitters 2 .0 .0 55.4
7233.00 Agricultural- or industrial-machinery mechanics & fitters 71 1.1 1.7 57.1
7241.00 Locksmith 63 1.0 1.5 58.7
7242.00 Electronics fitters 15 .2 .4 59.0
7243.00 Electronics mechanics & servicers 7 .1 .2 59.2
7244.00 Telegraph & telephone installers & servicers 11 .2 .3 59.5
7245.00 Electrical line installers, repairer & cable jointers 13 .2 .3 59.8
7263.00 14 .2 .3 60.1
7311.00 Precision-instrument makers & repairers 1 .0 .0 60.1
7312.00 Musical-instrument makers & tuners 1 .0 .0 60.2
7313.00 Jewelry & precious-metal workers 1 .0 .0 60.2
7322.00 Glass-makers, cutters, grinders & finishers 1 .0 .0 60.2
7331.00 Handicraft workers in wood & related materials 1 .0 .0 60.2
7341.00 Compositors, typesetter & related workers 1 .0 .0 60.3
7344.00 Photographic & related workers 1 .0 .0 60.3
7345.00 Bookbinders & related workers 1 .0 .0 60.3
7349.00 3 .0 .1 60.4
7411.00 Butchers, fishmongers & related food preparers 2 .0 .0 60.4
7412.00 Bakers, pastry-cooks & confectionery makers 4 .1 .1 60.5
7413.00 Dairy-product makers 5 .1 .1 60.6
7414.00 Fruit, vegetable & related preservers 2 .0 .0 60.7
7421.00 Wood treaters; coopers (cask makers) 2 .0 .0 60.7
7422.00 Cabinet-makers & related workers 7 .1 .2 60.9
7424.00 Basketry weavers, brush makers & related workers 1 .0 .0 60.9
7432.00 Weavers, knitters & related workers 1 .0 .0 61.0
7433.00 Tailors, dressmakers & hatters 3 .0 .1 61.0
7435.00 Textile, leather & related pattern-makers & cutters 4 .1 .1 61.1
7437.00 Upholsterers & related workers 1 .0 .0 61.1
7441.00 Pelt dressers, tanners & fellmongers 1 .0 .0 61.2
7442.00 Shoe-makers & related workers 6 .1 .1 61.3
8111.00 Mining-plant operators 2 .0 .0 61.4
8112.00 Mineral-ore- & stone-processing-plant operators 3 .0 .1 61.4
8113.00 Well drillers & borers & related workers 8 .1 .2 61.6
8121.00 Ore & metal furnace operators 2 .0 .0 61.7
8122.00 Metal melters, casters, & rolling-mill operators 4 .1 .1 61.8
8123.00 Metal-heat-treating-plant operators 3 .0 .1 61.9
8124.00 Metal drawers & extruders 7 .1 .2 62.0
8141.00 Wood-processing-plant operators 1 .0 .0 62.0
8152.00 Chemical-heat-treating-plant operators 1 .0 .0 62.1
8153.00 Chemical-filtering- & separating-equipment operators 1 .0 .0 62.1
8155.00 Petroleum- & natural-gas-refining-plant operators 7 .1 .2 62.3
8159.00 Chemical-processing-plant operators NEC 3 .0 .1 62.3
8161.00 Power-production-plant operators 18 .3 .4 62.8
8162.00 Steam-engine & boiler operators 43 .7 1.0 63.8
8163.00 Incinerator, water-treatment & related plant operators 8 .1 .2 64.0
8171.00 Automated-assembly-line operators 1 .0 .0 64.0
8211.00 Machine-tool operators (rotary milling) 26 .4 .6 64.7
8212.00 Cement & other mineral products machine operators 6 .1 .1 64.8
8219.00 1 .0 .0 64.8
8221.00 Pharmaceutical- & toiletry-products machine operators 1 .0 .0 64.9
8223.00 Metal finishing-, plating- & coating-machine operators 4 .1 .1 65.0
8229.00 Chemical-products machine operators NEC 5 .1 .1 65.1
8231.00 Rubber-products machine operators 5 .1 .1 65.2
8232.00 Plastic-products machine operators 1 .0 .0 65.2
8240.00 Wood-products machine operators 3 .0 .1 65.3
8251.00 Printing-machine operators 6 .1 .1 65.4
8252.00 Bookbinding-machine operators 1 .0 .0 65.5
8253.00 Paper-products machine operators 4 .1 .1 65.6
8261.00 Fibre-preparing-, spinning- & winding-machine operators 1 .0 .0 65.6
8262.00 Weaving- & knitting-machine operators 2 .0 .0 65.6
8263.00 Sewing-machine operators 10 .2 .2 65.9
8264.00 Bleaching-, dyeing- & cleaning-machine operators 1 .0 .0 65.9
8269.00 Textile-, fur- & leather-products machine operators NEC 1 .0 .0 65.9
8271.00 Meat- & fish-processing-machine operators 2 .0 .0 66.0
8273.00 Grain- & spice-milling-machine operators 1 .0 .0 66.0
8274.00 Baked-goods, cereal & chocolate-products machine operators 1 .0 .0 66.0
8281.00 Mechanical-machinery assemblers 22 .3 .5 66.6
8282.00 Electrical-equipment assemblers 29 .5 .7 67.3
8283.00 Electronic-equipment assemblers 3 .0 .1 67.3
8289.00 1 .0 .0 67.4
8290.00 Other machine operators & assemblers 54 .8 1.3 68.7
8311.00 Locomotive-engine drivers 21 .3 .5 69.2
8312.00 Railway brakers, signallers & shunters 29 .5 .7 69.9
8313.00 1 .0 .0 69.9
8320.00 Drivers not specified 354 5.6 8.6 78.5
8322.00 Car, taxi & van drivers 26 .4 .6 79.1
8323.00 Bus & tram drivers 17 .3 .4 79.5
8324.00 Heavy truck & lorry drivers 41 .6 1.0 80.5
8331.00 Motorized farm & forestry plant operators 196 3.1 4.8 85.3
8332.00 Earth-moving- & related plant operators 24 .4 .6 85.8
8333.00 Crane, hoist & related plant operators 43 .7 1.0 86.9
8334.00 Lifting-truck operators 6 .1 .1 87.0
8340.00 Ships deck crews & related workers 29 .5 .7 87.7
9112.00 Street vendors, non-food products 4 .1 .1 87.8
9132.00 Helpers & cleaners in offices, hotels & other establishments 62 1.0 1.5 89.3
9141.00 Building caretakers 13 .2 .3 89.7
9142.00 Vehicle, window & related cleaners 1 .0 .0 89.7
9151.00 Messengers, package & luggage porters & deliverers 11 .2 .3 89.9
9152.00 Doorkeepers, watchpersons & related workers 96 1.5 2.3 92.3
9161.00 Garbage collectors 17 .3 .4 92.7
9162.00 Sweepers & related laborers 1 .0 .0 92.7
9211.00 Farm-hands & laborers 114 1.8 2.8 95.5
9212.00 Forestry laborers 12 .2 .3 95.8
9213.00 Fishery, hunting & trapping laborers 7 .1 .2 95.9
9312.00 Constr & maintenance laborers: roads, dams etc 8 .1 .2 96.1
9322.00 Hand packers & other mfg laborers 18 .3 .4 96.6
9329.00 Unskilled workers, NEC 82 1.3 2.0 98.5
9332.00 Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles & machinery 3 .0 .1 98.6
9333.00 Freight handlers 51 .8 1.2 99.9
9999.00 Housewives; students; pupils; unemployed 6 .1 .1 100.0
Total 4126 64.9 100.0
Missing System 2235 35.1

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110.00 Armed forces 7 .1 .3 .3
1120.00 Sr government officials 4 .1 .2 .4
1130.00 Traditional chiefs & heads of villages 3 .0 .1 .6
1311.00 Gen mgr in agric, hunting, forestry & fishing 1 .0 .0 .6
1312.00 Gen mgr in mfg 3 .0 .1 .7
1314.00 Gen mgr in wholesale & retail trade 3 .0 .1 .8
1315.00 Commandants (not military); administrator with higher educ 9 .1 .4 1.2
1316.00 Gen mgr in transport, storage & communications 6 .1 .2 1.5
1317.00 Gen mgr of business services 2 .0 .1 1.5
1319.00 Gen mgr NEC 25 .4 1.0 2.5
2111.00 Physicists & astronomers 1 .0 .0 2.6
2113.00 Chemists 4 .1 .2 2.7
2114.00 Geologists & geophysicists 1 .0 .0 2.8
2121.00 Mathematicians & related professionals 10 .2 .4 3.2
2132.00 Computer programmers 4 .1 .2 3.4
2139.00 Computing professionals NEC 1 .0 .0 3.4
2141.00 Architects, town & traffic planners 12 .2 .5 3.9
2142.00 Civil engineers 20 .3 .8 4.7
2143.00 Electrical engineers 3 .0 .1 4.8
2144.00 Electronics & telecommunications engineers 4 .1 .2 5.0
2145.00 Mechanical engineers 3 .0 .1 5.1
2146.00 Chemical engineers 6 .1 .2 5.3
2147.00 Mining engineers, metallurgists & related professionals 3 .0 .1 5.5
2149.00 Architects, engineers & related professionals n.e.c 100 1.6 4.0 9.5
2211.00 Biologists, botanists, zoologists & related professionals 2 .0 .1 9.6
2212.00 Pharmacologists, pathologists & related professionals 4 .1 .2 9.7
2213.00 Agronomists & related professionals 4 .1 .2 9.9
2221.00 Medical doctors 36 .6 1.5 11.4
2222.00 Dentists 1 .0 .0 11.4
2223.00 Veterinarians 6 .1 .2 11.6
2224.00 Pharmacists 2 .0 .1 11.7
2230.00 Nursing & midwifery professionals 3 .0 .1 11.8
2231.00 2 .0 .1 11.9
2310.00 College, univ & higher educ teaching professionals 54 .8 2.2 14.1
2320.00 Secondary educ teaching professionals 97 1.5 3.9 18.0
2331.00 Primary educ teaching professionals 14 .2 .6 18.6
2332.00 Pre-primary educ teaching professionals 7 .1 .3 18.9
2340.00 Special educ teaching professionals 1 .0 .0 18.9
2351.00 Education methods specialists 5 .1 .2 19.1
2359.00 Other teaching professionals NEC 18 .3 .7 19.8
2411.00 Accountants 38 .6 1.5 21.4
2412.00 Personnel & careers professionals 5 .1 .2 21.6
2419.00 Business professionals NEC 1 .0 .0 21.6
2421.00 Lawyers 4 .1 .2 21.8
2429.00 Legal professionals NEC 1 .0 .0 21.8
2431.00 Archivists & curators 1 .0 .0 21.9
2432.00 Librarians & related information professionals 27 .4 1.1 23.0
2441.00 Economists 80 1.3 3.2 26.2
2444.00 Philologists, translators & interpreters 1 .0 .0 26.2
2445.00 Psychologists 2 .0 .1 26.3
2449.00 1 .0 .0 26.4
2451.00 Authors, journalist & other writers 5 .1 .2 26.6
2452.00 Sculptor, painters & related artists 1 .0 .0 26.6
3112.00 Civil engineering technicians 5 .1 .2 26.8
3113.00 Electrical engineering technicians' 1 .0 .0 26.8
3114.00 Electronics & telecommunications engineering technicians 1 .0 .0 26.9
3115.00 Mechanical engineering technicians 2 .0 .1 27.0
3116.00 Chemical engineering technicians 11 .2 .4 27.4
3118.00 Draughtspersons 3 .0 .1 27.5
3119.00 Physical & engineering science technicians NEC 26 .4 1.1 28.6
3122.00 Computer equipment operators 2 .0 .1 28.7
3132.00 Broadcasting & telecommunications equipment operators 3 .0 .1 28.8
3133.00 Medical equipment operators 2 .0 .1 28.9
3139.00 Optical & electronic equipment operators NEC 15 .2 .6 29.5
3151.00 Building & fire inspectors 3 .0 .1 29.6
3152.00 Safety, health & quality inspectors 41 .6 1.7 31.2
3211.00 Life science technicians 1 .0 .0 31.3
3212.00 Agronomy & forestry technicians 3 .0 .1 31.4
3213.00 Farming & forestry advisors 1 .0 .0 31.4
3221.00 Medical assistants 20 .3 .8 32.3
3222.00 Sanitarians 25 .4 1.0 33.3
3227.00 Veterinary assistants 7 .1 .3 33.5
3228.00 Pharmaceutical assistants 8 .1 .3 33.9
3229.00 Modern health assoc professionals (except nursing) NEC 19 .3 .8 34.6
3231.00 Nursing assoc professionals; nurses w/o higher educ, NEC 65 1.0 2.6 37.3
3232.00 Midwifery assoc professionals 5 .1 .2 37.5
3239.00 1 .0 .0 37.5
3240.00 1 .0 .0 37.6
3320.00 Pre-primary educ teaching assoc professionals 79 1.2 3.2 40.7
3340.00 Other teaching assoc professionals; voc educ masters 8 .1 .3 41.1
3412.00 Insurance representatives 7 .1 .3 41.4
3413.00 Estate agents 2 .0 .1 41.4
3415.00 Technical & commercial sales representatives 1 .0 .0 41.5
3419.00 Finance & sales assoc professionals NEC 2 .0 .1 41.6
3421.00 Trade brokers 1 .0 .0 41.6
3422.00 Clearing & forwarding agents 3 .0 .1 41.7
3423.00 Employment agents & labor contractors 6 .1 .2 42.0
3431.00 Administrative secretaries & related assoc professionals 4 .1 .2 42.1
3432.00 Legal & related business assoc professionals 1 .0 .0 42.2
3433.00 Bookkeepers 126 2.0 5.1 47.3
3434.00 Statistical, mathematical & related assoc professionals 2 .0 .1 47.3
3439.00 Administrative assoc professionals NEC 4 .1 .2 47.5
3449.00 Customs, tax & related government assoc professionals NEC 6 .1 .2 47.7
3450.00 Police inspectors & detectives 1 .0 .0 47.8
3460.00 Social work assoc professionals 1 .0 .0 47.8
3472.00 Radio, television & other announcers 1 .0 .0 47.9
3473.00 Street, night-club & related musicians, singers & dancers 1 .0 .0 47.9
3475.00 Athletes, sportspersons & related assoc professionals 1 .0 .0 47.9
3490.00 1 .0 .0 48.0
4111.00 Stenographers & typists 22 .3 .9 48.9
4112.00 Word-processor & related operators 6 .1 .2 49.1
4114.00 Calculating machine operators 9 .1 .4 49.5
4115.00 Secretaries 4 .1 .2 49.6
4119.00 1 .0 .0 49.7
4121.00 Accounting & bookkeeping clerks 15 .2 .6 50.3
4122.00 Statistical & finance clerks 4 .1 .2 50.4
4131.00 Stock clerks 83 1.3 3.4 53.8
4132.00 Production clerks 36 .6 1.5 55.3
4133.00 Transport clerks 19 .3 .8 56.0
4141.00 Library & filing clerks 2 .0 .1 56.1
4142.00 Mail carriers & sorting clerks 17 .3 .7 56.8
4143.00 Coding, proof-reading & related clerks 3 .0 .1 56.9
4190.00 Other office clerks 35 .6 1.4 58.3
4211.00 Cashiers & ticket clerks 37 .6 1.5 59.8
4212.00 Tellers & other counter clerks 2 .0 .1 59.9
4221.00 Travel agency & related clerks 1 .0 .0 59.9
4223.00 Telephone switchboard operators 4 .1 .2 60.1
4229.00 1 .0 .0 60.1
5111.00 Travel attendants & travel stewards 1 .0 .0 60.2
5122.00 Cooks 57 .9 2.3 62.5
5123.00 Waiters, waitresses & bartenders 10 .2 .4 62.9
5131.00 Child-care workers 6 .1 .2 63.1
5141.00 Hairdressers, barbers, beauticians & related workers 7 .1 .3 63.4
5149.00 Other personal services workers NEC 1 .0 .0 63.5
5161.00 Fire-fighters 2 .0 .1 63.5
5162.00 Police officers 7 .1 .3 63.8
5169.00 Protective services workers NEC 4 .1 .2 64.0
5220.00 Shop salespersons & demonstrators 94 1.5 3.8 67.8
6123.00 Apiarists & sericulturists 1 .0 .0 67.8
6129.00 Market-oriented animal producers & related workers NEC 1 .0 .0 67.9
6149.00 1 .0 .0 67.9
7000.00 Masters; brigadiers NEC (not in agric) 6 .1 .2 68.1
7100.00 Construction workers NEC 1 .0 .0 68.2
7124.00 Carpenters & joiners 3 .0 .1 68.3
7129.00 Building frame & related trades workers NEC 1 .0 .0 68.4
7132.00 Floor layers & tile setters 3 .0 .1 68.5
7133.00 Plasterers 15 .2 .6 69.1
7134.00 Insulation workers 1 .0 .0 69.1
7137.00 Building & related electricians 7 .1 .3 69.4
7141.00 Painters & related workers 20 .3 .8 70.2
7211.00 Metal molders & coremakers 3 .0 .1 70.3
7212.00 Welders & flamecutters 1 .0 .0 70.4
7213.00 Sheet-metal workers 9 .1 .4 70.7
7219.00 1 .0 .0 70.8
7224.00 Polisher - Shlifovshchitsa 1 .0 .0 70.8
7231.00 Mekhanik 5 .1 .2 71.0
7233.00 Agricultural- or industrial-machinery mechanics & fitters 7 .1 .3 71.3
7241.00 Locksmith 3 .0 .1 71.4
7242.00 Electronics fitters 1 .0 .0 71.5
7244.00 Telegraph & telephone installers & servicers 7 .1 .3 71.7
7245.00 Electrical line installers, repairer & cable jointers 2 .0 .1 71.8
7263.00 34 .5 1.4 73.2
7311.00 Precision-instrument makers & repairers 2 .0 .1 73.3
7331.00 Handicraft workers in wood & related materials 3 .0 .1 73.4
7332.00 Handicraft workers in textile, leather & related materials 5 .1 .2 73.6
7341.00 Compositors, typesetter & related workers 2 .0 .1 73.7
7342.00 Stereotypers & electrotypers 1 .0 .0 73.7
7345.00 Bookbinders & related workers 4 .1 .2 73.9
7411.00 Butchers, fishmongers & related food preparers 1 .0 .0 73.9
7412.00 Bakers, pastry-cooks & confectionery makers 9 .1 .4 74.3
7413.00 Dairy-product makers 14 .2 .6 74.9
7414.00 Fruit, vegetable & related preservers 1 .0 .0 74.9
7432.00 Weavers, knitters & related workers 9 .1 .4 75.3
7433.00 Tailors, dressmakers & hatters 11 .2 .4 75.7
7435.00 Textile, leather & related pattern-makers & cutters 6 .1 .2 75.9
7439.00 1 .0 .0 76.0
7442.00 Shoe-makers & related workers 4 .1 .2 76.2
8122.00 Metal melters, casters, & rolling-mill operators 2 .0 .1 76.2
8124.00 Metal drawers & extruders 3 .0 .1 76.4
8143.00 Papermaking plant operators 2 .0 .1 76.4
8152.00 Chemical-heat-treating-plant operators 1 .0 .0 76.5
8153.00 Chemical-filtering- & separating-equipment operators 2 .0 .1 76.6
8155.00 Petroleum- & natural-gas-refining-plant operators 2 .0 .1 76.6
8159.00 Chemical-processing-plant operators NEC 1 .0 .0 76.7
8161.00 Power-production-plant operators 5 .1 .2 76.9
8162.00 Steam-engine & boiler operators 13 .2 .5 77.4
8163.00 Incinerator, water-treatment & related plant operators 3 .0 .1 77.5
8211.00 Machine-tool operators (rotary milling) 10 .2 .4 77.9
8223.00 Metal finishing-, plating- & coating-machine operators 3 .0 .1 78.1
8229.00 Chemical-products machine operators NEC 3 .0 .1 78.2
8231.00 Rubber-products machine operators 1 .0 .0 78.2
8232.00 Plastic-products machine operators 1 .0 .0 78.3
8240.00 Wood-products machine operators 1 .0 .0 78.3
8251.00 Printing-machine operators 1 .0 .0 78.3
8252.00 Bookbinding-machine operators 1 .0 .0 78.4
8253.00 Paper-products machine operators 1 .0 .0 78.4
8261.00 Fibre-preparing-, spinning- & winding-machine operators 5 .1 .2 78.6
8262.00 Weaving- & knitting-machine operators 5 .1 .2 78.8
8263.00 Sewing-machine operators 20 .3 .8 79.6
8265.00 Fur- & leather-preparing-machine operators 1 .0 .0 79.7
8266.00 Shoemaking- & related machine operators 1 .0 .0 79.7
8269.00 Textile-, fur- & leather-products machine operators NEC 2 .0 .1 79.8
8272.00 Dairy-products machine operators 2 .0 .1 79.9
8274.00 Baked-goods, cereal & chocolate-products machine operators 2 .0 .1 80.0
8278.00 Brewers, wine- & other beverage-machine operators 1 .0 .0 80.0
8281.00 Mechanical-machinery assemblers 4 .1 .2 80.2
8282.00 Electrical-equipment assemblers 11 .2 .4 80.6
8283.00 Electronic-equipment assemblers 4 .1 .2 80.8
8290.00 Other machine operators & assemblers 36 .6 1.5 82.2
8311.00 Locomotive-engine drivers 1 .0 .0 82.3
8312.00 Railway brakers, signallers & shunters 2 .0 .1 82.3
8320.00 Drivers not specified 1 .0 .0 82.4
8331.00 Motorized farm & forestry plant operators 1 .0 .0 82.4
8332.00 Earth-moving- & related plant operators 4 .1 .2 82.6
8333.00 Crane, hoist & related plant operators 11 .2 .4 83.0
8334.00 Lifting-truck operators 6 .1 .2 83.3
9112.00 Street vendors, non-food products 2 .0 .1 83.3
9131.00 Domestic helpers & cleaners 1 .0 .0 83.4
9132.00 Helpers & cleaners in offices, hotels & other establishments 155 2.4 6.3 89.7
9133.00 Hand-launderers & pressers 12 .2 .5 90.1
9141.00 Building caretakers 5 .1 .2 90.3
9151.00 Messengers, package & luggage porters & deliverers 5 .1 .2 90.5
9152.00 Doorkeepers, watchpersons & related workers 31 .5 1.3 91.8
9161.00 Garbage collectors 11 .2 .4 92.2
9211.00 Farm-hands & laborers 79 1.2 3.2 95.4
9212.00 Forestry laborers 1 .0 .0 95.5
9213.00 Fishery, hunting & trapping laborers 6 .1 .2 95.7
9312.00 Constr & maintenance laborers: roads, dams etc 1 .0 .0 95.8
9322.00 Hand packers & other mfg laborers 21 .3 .8 96.6
9329.00 Unskilled workers, NEC 70 1.1 2.8 99.4
9333.00 Freight handlers 3 .0 .1 99.6
9999.00 Housewives; students; pupils; unemployed 11 .2 .4 100.0
Total 2474 38.9 100.0
Missing System 3887 61.1

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 6361 100.0 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 3930 61.8 100.0 100.0
Missing System 2431 38.2

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 2349 36.9 36.9 36.9
1.00 employee, state entr 3306 52.0 52.0 88.9
2.00 employee, collect 466 7.3 7.3 96.2
3.00 employee, prvt entr 119 1.9 1.9 98.1
4.00 employee, pub assoc 30 .5 .5 98.6
5.00 individual econ activ 43 .7 .7 99.2
6.00 farmer 7 .1 .1 99.4
7.00 entrepreneur 41 .6 .6 100.0
Total 6361 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 1607 25.3 40.9 40.9
1.00 employee, state entr 2020 31.8 51.4 92.3
2.00 employee, collect 218 3.4 5.5 97.8
3.00 employee, prvt entr 41 .6 1.0 98.9
4.00 employee, pub assoc 25 .4 .6 99.5
5.00 individual econ activ 11 .2 .3 99.8
6.00 farmer 1 .0 .0 99.8
7.00 entrepreneur 7 .1 .2 100.0
Total 3930 61.8 100.0
Missing System 2431 38.2

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1.00 urban 4819 75.8 75.8 75.8
2.00 rural 1542 24.2 24.2 100.0
Total 6361 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1.00 never married 354 5.6 5.6 5.6
2.00 first marriage 3295 51.8 52.1 57.6
3.00 cohabiting 216 3.4 3.4 61.1
4.00 div, not remar 776 12.2 12.3 73.3
5.00 div and remar 479 7.5 7.6 80.9
6.00 widow, not remar 1121 17.6 17.7 98.6
7.00 widow, remar 89 1.4 1.4 100.0
Total 6330 99.5 100.0
Missing System 31 .5

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1.00 never married 2 .0 .1 .1
2.00 first marriage 3179 50.0 81.2 81.3
3.00 cohabiting 181 2.8 4.6 85.9
4.00 div, not remar 16 .3 .4 86.3
5.00 div and remar 426 6.7 10.9 97.2
6.00 widow, not remar 8 .1 .2 97.4
7.00 widow, remar 102 1.6 2.6 100.0
Total 3914 61.5 100.0
Missing System 2447 38.5

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 10.00 rent a room 14 .2 .2 .2
20.00 rent apartment 77 1.2 1.2 1.4
30.00 rent house, part of house 44 .7 .7 2.1
40.00 live in dormitory 193 3.0 3.0 5.2
50.00 communal apartment 422 6.6 6.6 11.8
60.00 own apt, unknown owner 9 .1 .1 12.0
61.00 own apt, state owns 2753 43.3 43.4 55.3
62.00 own apt, agency,org owns 581 9.1 9.2 64.5
63.00 own apt, coop owns 234 3.7 3.7 68.2
64.00 own apt, priv indiv owns 127 2.0 2.0 70.2
65.00 own apt, other owns 6 .1 .1 70.2
70.00 own house, unknown owner 1 .0 .0 70.3
71.00 own house, state owns 59 .9 .9 71.2
72.00 own house, agency,org owns 75 1.2 1.2 72.4
74.00 own house, priv indiv owns 1337 21.0 21.1 93.4
75.00 own house, other owns 7 .1 .1 93.5
80.00 own part house, unknown owner 1 .0 .0 93.6
81.00 own part house, state owns 109 1.7 1.7 95.3
82.00 own part house, agency,org owns 106 1.7 1.7 96.9
84.00 own part house, priv indiv owns 161 2.5 2.5 99.5
85.00 own part house, other owns 3 .0 .0 99.5
91.00 other, state owns 28 .4 .4 100.0
92.00 other, agency,org owns 1 .0 .0 100.0
93.00 other, coop owns 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 6349 99.8 100.0
Missing System 12 .2

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 6197 97.4 97.4 97.4
1.00 164 2.6 2.6 100.0
Total 6361 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 3865 60.8 98.3 98.3
1.00 65 1.0 1.7 100.0
Total 3930 61.8 100.0
Missing System 2431 38.2

Total 6361 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 not specified 51 .8 .8 .8
1.00 working 4012 63.1 63.1 63.9
2.00 unempl, looking 159 2.5 2.5 66.4
3.00 unempl, not want work 33 .5 .5 66.9
4.00 retired 1846 29.0 29.0 95.9
5.00 maternity leave, keep job 22 .3 .3 96.3
6.00 housewife, mother 25 .4 .4 96.7
7.00 disabled 164 2.6 2.6 99.2
8.00 h.s. or voc. student 3 .0 .0 99.3
9.00 univ/college student 46 .7 .7 100.0
Total 6361 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 not specified 40 .6 1.0 1.0
1.00 working 2323 36.5 59.1 60.1
2.00 unempl, looking 135 2.1 3.4 63.6
3.00 unempl, not want work 32 .5 .8 64.4
4.00 retired 938 14.7 23.9 88.2
5.00 maternity leave, keep job 207 3.3 5.3 93.5
6.00 housewife, mother 179 2.8 4.6 98.1
7.00 disabled 65 1.0 1.7 99.7
8.00 h.s. or voc. student 1 .0 .0 99.7
9.00 univ/college student 10 .2 .3 100.0
Total 3930 61.8 100.0
Missing System 2431 38.2

Total 6361 100.0