May 1: Launch of the new structure of LIS & LWS Databases!
The LIS data team is excited to announce that – on 01 May 2019 – we will launch extensively-revised versions of the LIS and LWS Databases.
After thoroughly evaluating our current data structure and querying many of our data users, we spent several months creating and testing new variable lists for both LIS and LWS. That process is completed and we are now migrating existing datasets into the new structure.
These revisions are aimed at raising the quality and ease-of-use of our harmonised microdata, by providing more standardised content across countries and over time. Both the LIS and LWS variable lists have been revised and the documentation has been improved. After the launch date, all new LIS and LWS datasets will be introduced in the new data structure. Pre-revised versions of LIS and LWS datasets will continue to be accessible through LISSY, for a period of time, to enable users to complete ongoing projects.
We are confident that our data users — both new and experienced — will benefit substantially from this restructuring. In addition to increasing the quality of the harmonised data, the simplified structure will allow our data team, ultimately, to increase the pace at which we add new datasets. Our expansion plans include two priorities: adding more middle- and possibly low-income countries, and providing annual data series when possible.