LWS Database now available in 2019 Template
As of today, all the LWS datasets are available in the 2019 Template and accessible through LISSY.
We redesigned the LWS Database by including exactly the same variables in the LWS and LIS Databases, specifically incomes, expenditures, demographic and economic characteristics. We added an additional measure of wealth (Integrated Net Worth, INW) and extended the section of behavioural variables. Yet, the existing wealth and wealth-related variables have not changed and continue to offer to researchers the high quality data comparable across countries.
The pre-revised version of the LWS Database will remain accessible through LISSY under project “LWSPRE” for a specific period of time so that the researchers can finalize their ongoing projects.
For more detailed remarks and the motivation of the 2019 LIS Template for the LIS/LWS Databases see here. More information about the LWS new variable list and the user guide is available here.