2020 Summer Data Release
LIS is happy to announce the release of thirty additional micro datasets to the LIS Database:
- Greece – GR16 (Wave X)
In addition, GR95, GR00, GR04, GR07, GR10, and GR13 have been slightly revised for consistency. - Lithuania – LT09 (Wave VIII), LT11(Wave VIII), LT12 (Wave IX), LT14 (Wave IX), LT15 (Wave X), LT16 (Wave X), and LT17 (Wave X)
A few consistency revisions have been applied to the previously available datasets, LT10 and LT13. - Russia – RU17 (Wave X)
In addition, earlier datasets of the PIS series (RU11-RU16) underwent some revisions, including the addition of more details in the income section and the slight adjustment of the labour force status. - South Africa – ZA15 (Wave X), and ZA17 (Wave X)
In addition, LIS has carried out extensive revisions to the income section of the previously available versions of ZA08, ZA10, and ZA12, including: the simulation of taxes, social contributions and gross wages on the basis of annual tax rate tables, and the imputation of all missing income components using predictive mean matching or hot deck techniques. - United States – US92 (Wave III), US93 (Wave IV), US95(Wave IV), US96 (Wave IV), US98 (Wave V), US99(Wave V), US01 (Wave V), US02(Wave V), US03 (Wave VI), US05 (Wave VI), US06 (Wave VII), US08 (Wave VII), US09 (Wave VIII), US11 (Wave VIII), US12 (Wave IX), US14 (Wave IX), US15 (Wave X), US17(Wave X), and US18 (Wave X)
In addition, the previously available datasets have been fully re-harmonised using the latest data versions available at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) / U.S. Census Bureau and the latest harmonization standards. Thus some minor differences occur in the incomes section as compared to the previous versions available in the LIS Database.
In addition to the revisions concerning earlier datasets for countries with new data, the following revisions were carried out:
- Palestine – PS17
As of the Summer Data Release 2020 variable area_c is also available in PS17. - Education Recode Updates
The French and Danish series in the LIS Database underwent consistency revisions in the education section. In France these changes refer only the variables educlev and edyrs, whereas in Denmark also the more aggregated variable educ is affected.
Five new datasets have been added to the LWS Database:
- Finland – FI16 (Wave X)
In addition, a few corrections were applied to the earlier datasets of the series, namely corrections to variable secjob and the distinction of spouses in married and cohabiting spouses in variable relation. - Greece – GR18 (Wave XI)
In addition, a few corrections were applied to the earlier datasets of the series: corrections were carried out to variables nhhmem13 and secjob, and spouses were split in married and cohabiting spouses in variable relation. - Slovakia – SK17 (Wave X)
In addition, a few corrections were applied to the earlier datasets of the series: corrections were carried out to variables nhhmem13 and secjob, and spouses were split in married and cohabiting spouses in variable relation in SK14 only, minor consistency corrections were also carried out in the balance sheet variables. - South Africa – ZA15 (Wave X) and ZA17 (Wave X)
In addition to the revisions concerning earlier datasets for countries with new data, the following revisions were also carried out:
- Japan – JP04
Corrections to variables hxmort, hxloan, and hhouscost were carried out.
Release of the ERF-LIS Database
Based on the Memorandum of Understanding between LIS and the Economic Research Forum (ERF), LIS is delighted to announce the addition of 27 datasets from seven MENA region countries, namely Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, and Tunisia. These datasets were acquired from the ERF – Harmonized Household Income and Expenditure Surveys (HHIES) database and harmonised according to the LIS template following the same naming convention and standards applied to the LIS datasets. In addition, a set of extra variables were kept from the ERF – HHIES database, variables concerned with dwelling conditions, ownership of durables, and more detailed expenditure variables. These datasets are now accessible through LISSY by selecting `ERFLIS’ as project. The new datasets are:
- Egypt – EG99 (Wave V), EG04 (Wave VI), EG08 (Wave VII), EG10 (Wave VIII), EG12 (Wave IX), and EG15 (Wave X).
- Iraq – IQ07(Wave VII), and IQ12 (Wave IX).
- Jordan – JO02 (Wave V), JO06 (Wave VII), JO08 (Wave VII), JO10 (Wave VIII), and JO13 (Wave IX).
- Palestine – PS96 (Wave IV), PS97 (Wave IV), PS98(Wave V), PS04 (Wave VI), PS05 (Wave VI), PS06 (Wave VII), PS07 (Wave VII), PS09 (Wave VIII), PS10 (Wave VIII), and PS11 (Wave VIII).
- Somalia – SO16 (Wave X).
- Sudan – SD09 (Wave VIII).
- Tunisia – TN05 (Wave VI) and TN10 (Wave VIII).