2022 Spring Data Splash
LIS is happy to announce the following data updates:
- Canada – Annualisation of the country series from 1996 to 2011 for the LIS Database. In addition, CA18 was added (11 new and 6 revised)
One new data point from the Canadian Income Survey (CIS) CA18 (Wave XI) has been added to the LIS Database. In addition, the annual series of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) now includes 16 data points from 1996 to 2011. In order to keep consistency in the annual series, the data point CA97 (previously created from the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF)) has been replaced by the respective SLID year. Both data series have been received from
Statistics Canada.
- France – Annualisation of the country series based on the ERFS survey from 1996 to 2018 for the LIS Database; plus release of additional data points from the ERF survey from 1970 to 1990 (24 new and 4 revised)
LIS is happy to announce the addition of the French series from the Tax and Social Incomes Survey (ERFS) for the period 1970 – 1990 the Tax Income Survey (ERF) from 1970 to 1990 to the LIS Database. Both surveys are carried out by the
National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE).
In addition to the provided data by INSEE, the data have been extended through simulation of contributions, so that the series can be used comparatively.
The new annual data points from the ERF survey replace the pre-existing data from the Household Budget Survey; namely FR78/FR84/FR89/FR94/FR00/FR05/FR10. For those who are still interested in running their analysis on the previous series, please write to the LIS user support at
usersupport@lisdatacenter.org for instructions on how to run your analysis on these data.
- Ireland – IE18 added to the LIS Database (1 new and 16 revised)
LIS has added one more data point IE18 (Wave XI) to the LIS Database. The dataset is based on the Survey on Income and Living Conditions / EU-SILC, and received from Ireland’s
Central Statistics Office (CSO).
Thanks to the continuous support of our Irish data provider, LIS received new data for the whole series from 2002 to 2017, enabling the separation of European Union countries from category Europe in variables
ctrybrth and
citizen. In addition, minor adjustments were made to the labour market section and various social exclusion benefits were allocated to variable
- Mali – New country added to the LIS Database with the annualisation of the series from 2011 to 2019 (8 new datasets)
LIS is excited to announce the inclusion of Mali to LIS Database. Eight annual data points are added from 2011 to 2019. The datasets are based on the Modular and Permanent Household Survey (EMOP) that is carried out by the Malian
National Statistical Institute (INSTAT).
The inclusion of Mali was accomplished through the research agreements between the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and LIS. LIS is grateful for this cooperation that allowed for these valuable additions.
- Norway – NO19 added to the LIS Database (1 new dataset). In addition, the same data point was added to the LWS Database (1 new dataset)
One more data point from Norway, NO19 (Wave XI) has been added to the LIS Database. The same data point was added to the
LWS Database. The datasets are derived from the fully register-based Household Income and Wealth Statistics maintained by
Statistics Norway (SSB).
- Uruguay – Annualisation of the country series from 2004 to 2019 (11 new and 5 revised)
Eleven new data points from Uruguay have been added to the LIS Database from 2004 to 2019. The annual data points are based on the Continuous Household Survey (ECH) from the
National Institute of Statistics (INE). In addition various consistency revisions for the pre-existing data points
UY04/UY07/UY10/UY13/UY16 have been carried out.
- Poland – PL99 was re-harmonised for ensuring consistency with the annual series Pl04-Pl20. For PL04 the income section was slightly revised.
PL99 from the Household Budget Survey carried out by the
Central Statistical Office (GUS) has been re-harmonised for consistency with the later datasets
PL04-PL20, now reflecting the latest harmonisation practices for the whole annualised series. Due to severe underestimation of reported taxes and social contributions, all variables related to tax and contribution payment are no longer provided, nor added to the household level amounts, hence all incomes are now reported net after deduction of income taxes and contributions.
PL04 has been as well revised where additional amounts have been added to
hi45 (general assistance) and
hiprivate (private transfers). These changes are reflected in the main aggregated variables
dhci and
dhi, as well as in the additional set
hpublic and
hpub_a, with a slight impact on the LIS Key Figures.
Click on each hyperlinked item to access more details on the newly added and revised datasets
March 14, 2022 | Highlight