LIS granted the Aldi Award for 2022 LIS Working Paper
This year’s winners of the LIS Aldi Award are Regina S. Baker and Heather A. O’Connell for the LIS Working Paper No. 836 entitled “Structural Racism, Family Structure, and Black-White Inequality in Poverty: The Differential Impact of the Legacy of Slavery among Single Mother & Married Parent Households”. Baker is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, O’Connell is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Louisiana State University. They will present the winning paper at the upcoming LIS 40th Anniversary Conference in May.
The paper was scientifically evaluated by 6 reviewers and it was voted as the best from the qualified LIS and LWS Working papers.
Every year, the award is granted to the writer under age 40, whose LIS or LWS Working Paper from the previous year best demonstrates the qualities of good scholarship that Aldi exhibited.