LIS Visiting Scholar Program
LIS currently offers a Visiting Scholar program in Luxembourg, the program is open to researchers affiliated with institutes from all countries, and of all nationalities, with preference granted to researchers from LIS participating countries.
Awarded visits are usually one to two weeks and can be extended depending on the nature and complexity of the research project. LIS welcomes proposals related to the comparative study of income inequality, poverty, employment, social policy and other related topics, using the LIS or LWS microdata.
For additional information, please read on or contact admin@lisdatacenter.org.
Postdoc/Predoc Program
LIS can serve as a host institution for pre- and postdoctoral researchers. Funded scholars spend time in Luxembourg working on their individualised research projects, and with the LIS staff on data production. If you are interested in pursuing a predoc or postdoc at LIS, please send us a letter of inquiry and CV to admin@lisdatacenter.org.