
Jennifer Hook
Apr 11, 2016 | Aldi

Claudia Schneider and Dennis Fehrenbacher
Apr 11, 2016 | Aldi

2016 LIS Introductory Summer Workshop Application is available
Mar 31, 2016 | Uncategorized

The application of our annual 2016 Introductory Summer Workshop can be found here. Practical information is available on the dedicated 2016 LIS Summer Workshop Website. The application is due 25 April 2016. Source: Flavia Camilleri ©

United Kingdom 2013 Added to the LIS Database
Mar 25, 2016 | Highlight

We are delighted to inform our users that we have added one new dataset from United Kingdom, UK13 (Wave IX), to the LIS Database. The dataset is from the 2013-14 wave of Family Resources Survey (FRS), which serves as input for the British component of the EU Survey of Income and Living Conditions – SILC. […]

Tim Smeeding named “Lee Rainwater Distinguished Professor of Public Affairs and Economics”
Mar 22, 2016 | News

Tim Smeeding, former LIS Director, has received a prestigious award from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. The award granted Tim a named professorship, and invited him to select the name. Tim chose the title: Lee Rainwater Distinguished Professor of Public Affairs and Economics. For over two decades, Lee was LIS’ Research Director; he was a […]

The Guardian launched a two-week series based on LIS data
Mar 07, 2016 | Highlight

Today, the Guardian launched a two-week series, on the worrisome economic status of “Generation Y” (those born between 1980 and the mid-1990s) in eight affluent countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK and US. The main data source was our Luxembourg Income Study Database. We look forward to future collaborations with the Guardian – […]

India 2011 added to the LIS Database
Feb 19, 2016 | Highlight

We are delighted to inform our users that we have added one new dataset from India, IN11 (Wave VIII), to the LIS Database. The dataset is from the 2011 India Human Development Survey (IHDS), was jointly organized by researchers from the University of Maryland (in the US) and the National Council of Applied Economic Research […]

Updated version of the CWS and LAC datasets
Jan 26, 2016 | Uncategorized

This version of the Comparative Welfare States Dataset is an update of Brady, Huber, and Stephens (2014). It corrects errors in Brady et al. (2014) (e.g. errors in the WTID Data on the top 1% share including capital gains) and it adds several variables (e.g. the OECD income distribution data). Language clarifying the content of […]

2016 LIS Introductory Summer Workshop
Jan 25, 2016 | Uncategorized

We are happy to announce that our annual LIS Introductory Summer Workshop will be held 3-9 July in Luxembourg. Practical information is available on the dedicated 2016 LIS Summer Workshop Website. The application, which can be found here, is due 25 April 2016. Source: Flavia Camilleri ©

Professor Daniele Checchi to assume Directorship of Luxembourg LIS Office
Jan 11, 2016 | News

Dear LIS Community, As 2016 starts, I not only wish you a very happy New Year but also bring news of new developments in the organization of LIS. The LIS Executive Committee and Board have, at Janet’s instigation, been looking to the future in terms both of structure and personnel, and are very pleased that […]