
Upcoming ECINEQ meeting
Jun 19, 2015 | News

The 6th meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ) will be held in Luxembourg, from July 13th to July 15th 2015, at the University of Luxembourg’s Kirchberg Campus. The conference will promote academic debates and exchanges of opinions on inequality, poverty, and other topics of common interest, and contribute to the […]

Louis Chauvel
Jun 10, 2015 | Senior Scholars

Senior Scholar, LIS Email Louis Chauvel is a French sociologist, Professor at the University of Luxembourg and winner of the Chair PEARL “Programme Excellence for Award of Research in Luxembourg” on social welfare, income and wealth and social change in a comparative perspective. He is the author of Le destin des générations, structure sociale […]

Conchita D’Ambrosio
Jun 10, 2015 | Senior Scholars

Senior Scholar, LIS Email Conchita D’Ambrosio is Professor of Economics at the University of Luxembourg. She is an economist, with a Ph.D. from New York University (2000). Her research interests have revolved around the study of individual and social well-being. She has published in Economica, International Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Social […]

Frank Cowell
Jun 10, 2015 | Senior Scholars

Senior Scholar, LIS Email Frank Cowell is Professor of Economics at Suntory & Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, at London School of Economics. His research interests focus on the underlying principles of inequality measurement and its relation to welfare economics, as well as distributional analysis, and information theory. He has published […]

Paul Krugman
Jun 10, 2015 | Senior Scholars

Senior Scholar, LIS Email Paul Krugman is a Distinguished Scholar at the Stone Center. Before joining the Graduate Center in New York, Krugman was professor of economics and international affairs at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School. In 2008, he was the sole recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work […]

Janet C. Gornick
Jun 10, 2015 | Senior Scholars

Senior Scholar, LIS Email Janet Gornick is Professor of Political Science and Sociology at The Graduate Center of The City University of New York (CUNY) in the United States. She has held various positions at LIS for over twenty-five years, and has served as Director from 2006 to 2016. She is currently the director […]

Inequality Workshop completed
Jun 08, 2015 | News

The LIS Center at the CUNY Graduate Center hosted a one-week workshop on socio-economic inequalities. On Monday through Friday (June 1-5, 2015), the 50 participants, mostly PhD students and faculty from several NYC-based universities, attended lectures presented by 15 experts on inequality. The lecturers’ bios, and their assigned readings, are on the workshop website; the […]

Solow and Krugman discuss Tony Atkinson’s new book
May 24, 2015 | News

On May 1, 2015, two Nobel Laureates, Robert Solow, Professor Emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Paul Krugman, Distinguished Professor of Economics at The Graduate Center as of Fall 2015, discussed Anthony B. Atkinson’s new book, “Inequality: What Can Be Done?”. LIS Director Janet Gornick moderated the conversation. Tony Atkinson has served as LIS’ […]

New data from Peru
May 13, 2015 | Highlight

LIS is thrilled to announce another major addition to the LIS Database: three new datasets from Peru – PE07 (Wave VII), PE10 (Wave VIII) and PE13 (Wave IX). The datasets are respectively from the 2007, 2010 and 2013 waves of the National Household Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Hogares – ENAHO) from the National Institute of […]

Uruguay 2007, 2010 and 2013 added to LIS Database
May 13, 2015 | Highlight

We are delighted to announce that three new datasets from Uruguay have been added to the LIS Database: UY07 (Wave VII), UY10 (Wave VIII) and UY13 (Wave IX). The datasets are respectively from the 2007, 2010 and 2013 waves of the Continuous Household Survey (Encuesta Contínua de Hogares – ECH) from the National Statistical Office […]