Holly Sutherland, Research Professor at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, and Director of EUROMOD, will give the 2013 LIS Summer Lecture: “Who Pays for Austerity? The Design and Distributional Effects of Fiscal Consolidation in the European Union.” The public lecture will be on July 2, at the Neumünster Abbaye, in […]
On May 20, 2013, LIS Board President Tony Atkinson and Paul Krugman engaged in a public conversation at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Professors Atkinson and Krugman – two of the world’s preeminent economists – discussed the complex links between inequality and economic growth, instability, and mobility. The conversation was […]
The next LIS Introductory Summer Workshop will be held 30 June – 7 July 2013, at the University of Luxembourg campus. The winners of the 2013 Aldi Hagenaars Award and the winner of the 2013 World Bank/LIS Gender Research Award will be invited to present their papers. Our annual Summer Lecture will also be taking […]
NEW self-teaching materials and sample files are now available. These resources – updated to correspond to the 2011 Template – will help new users to become acquainted with programming syntax for working with the LIS and LWS microdata provided through the LISSY system. They may also be helpful to experienced users. Take a look!
LIS has acquired datasets from five new countries. Our acquisition of datasets from the Dominican Republic, Panama, and Paraguay will expand LIS’ collection of Latin American datasets to ten. We are also pleased to announce that we have acquired datasets from Serbia and Egypt. These five datasets will be added to Wave VII of the […]
The Board, Directors, and staff of LIS mourn the untimely death of Joachim Frick, on 16 December 2011. Joachim was our longtime friend, colleague, and supporter, and a member of our Executive Committee. We cherished his commitment to data sharing, research, teaching, mentoring, project building, and international collaboration. We will forever miss his wise advice, […]
Registration for access to the LIS and LWS Databases corresponds to the calendar year, and is renewable on an annual basis. You may renew for 2012, starting on 1 January 2012. To renew your access, please complete the brief renewal process . Your renewal will be effective the same day. If you are subject to […]
We are delighted to announce the redesign of the entire LIS Database using a unique standard template to increase both the user-friendliness of the microdata and the comparability across datasets. For more information, see New LIS Data Template. We will continue to make available the earlier versions of these datasets for those users who wish […]
The LIS Board, Directors, and staff welcome Sir Tony Atkinson as the next President of LIS’ Board of Directors. Professor Atkinson, an economist at Oxford University, was officially voted in on July 1, 2011, at LIS’ biennial Board Meeting in Luxembourg. He will take office on January 1, 2012. Professor Atkinson succeeds Professor Robert Erikson, […]
LIS is delighted to have gained access to a dataset from Chile. This expands LIS’ collection of datasets from Latin America to reach a total of seven: Mexico (which was added in Wave II); Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru and Uruguay (added as of Wave VI); and now Chile (to be added to Wave VII).