LIS is delighted to announce the addition of Spain to the LWS Database. Five data points have been added to the LWS Database; ES14 (Wave IX), ES11 (Wave VIII), ES08 (Wave VII), ES05 (Wave VI), and ES02 (Wave V). The datasets are based on the Survey of Household Finances (EFF) -Spain, acquired from Bank of […]
One new dataset from Finland, FI16 (Wave X), has been added to the LIS Database. The dataset is from the 2017 wave of the Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) which is carried out by Statistics Finland. In addition, three earlier datasets (FI07, FI10, and FI13) have been revised, namely variables parleave, and secjob.
One data point has been added to the LIS Database; namely AT16 (Wave X). The AT16 dataset is based on the 2017 waves of the Austrian Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) , carried out by Statistics Austria. In addition, variable educlev has been revised for the entire series.
One new dataset from Brazil, BR16 (Wave X), has been added to the LIS Database. The dataset is from the 2016 data of National Continuous Household Sample Survey (PNADC) from the Brazilian Geographical and Statistical Institute. In addition, the entire Brazilian series has been revised: few income components have been reclassified and the entire labour […]
Two new data points from Japan, JP13 (Wave IX), and JP10 (Wave VIII) have been added to the LIS Database. The datasets are based respectively on the 2014, and 2011 of the Japan Household Panel Survey (JHPS), from Keio University Joint Research Center for Panel Studies. In addition, JP08 has been revised, with the addition […]
One new dataset from Colombia, CO16 (Wave X), has been added to the LIS Database. The dataset is from the 2017 wave of the Great Integrated Household Survey / Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH), carried out by the National Administrative Department of Statistics / Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE). In addition, CO07, CO10, […]
LIS is happy to introduce a new data archiving system.
Gero Carletto the Manager of the Data Production and Methods Unit in the Development Data Group (DECDG) at the World Bank presented the 2019 LIS Summer Lecture:
A Thing of the Past? Household Surveys in the New Global Data Landscape
LWS Database now available in the 2019 Template
Three new datasets from Ivory Coast , two datasets from Vietnam, in addition to one dataset from Spain have been added to LIS Database