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2023 Autumn Data Splash
LIS is happy to announce the following data updates:
- Georgia (2 new datasets) – Addition of GE20 & GE21 to the LIS Database
Read more »Two new datasets from Georgia (GE20 and GE21) have been added to the LIS Database. The datasets are based on the respective waves of the Integrated Household Survey (IHS) carried out by the National Statistics Office of Georgia. - Lithuania (2 new datasets and 10 revised) – Addition of LT19 & LT20 to the LIS Database
Read more »LIS has added two more data points to the Lithuanian series in the LIS Database. The new datasets LT19 and LT20 are based on the Lithuanian Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC) carried out by Statistics Lithuania.
Alongside with the harmonisation of the new datasets, a few consistency corrections were carried out. Country-specific codes in variable educ_c were modified for LT13 to LT18, with no impact on the standardised education variables. Imputed rent (hrenti) was corrected for the whole series. Improvements in the aggregation routines did cause minor updates in the variables relation and hhtype for the whole series. - Mexico (2 new datasets and 6 revised) – Addition of MX20 & MX22 to the LIS Database
Read more »Two new datasets from Mexico, MX20 and MX22, have been added to the LIS Database. The datasets are from the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH – Nueva Serie) and are provided by the Mexican National Statistical Institute. A few consistency revisions have been carried out. For the datasets MX12 to MX18 variable hxloan (installment for other loans) has been corrected. Voluntary health contributions are now available in variable hxvcont from MX18 onwards. - Norway (1 new dataset and 5 revised) – Addition of NO21 to the LIS and LWS Databases
Read more »LIS has added one more data point (NO21) to the Norwegian data series to both the LIS and LWS Databases. The dataset is derived from the fully register-based Household Income and Wealth Statistics maintained by Statistics Norway (SSB). In addition, LIS received a new data version for NO20, which prompted two updates: 1) a modest change in the variable pipension, which affects all variables including these amounts, with a minor impact on the LIS Key Figures; and, for the LWS Database only, 2) a more accurate disaggregation of financial assets in its subcomponents hafc (deposit accounts and cash), hafi (financial investments, and its subcomponents) and hafo (other non-pension financial assets). The latter additional detail triggered a correction to the whole Norwegian LWS data series, as it clarified that the assets amounts that were previously included in the block of long-term saving (has) were mostly including financial assets, and they were thus moved to the block of financial assets (haf), hence implying an increase in disposable net worth (dnw). Finally, in NO16 minor revisions to the income blocks pensions and public social benefits were carried out. - Romania (12 new datasets and 2 revised) – Partial annualisation from RO06 to RO19 in the LIS Database
Read more »LIS is excited to announce the release of twelve new datasets from Romania, consisting in the (so far partial) annualization of RO06 to RO19 (all years except 2014 and 2016). The data series is based on the Quality of Life Survey (ACAV) on which is based the Romanian Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) and is provided by the Romanian National Institute of Statistics (INSSE). Data for RO14, RO16, and RO20 will become available as soon as the information on own consumption will be received. This variable is part of the construction of LIS disposable income and it is an important source of in-kind income in Romania. In addition, the previous data points RO95 and RO97 have been revised for consistency, where possible, with no impact on the major income aggregates. Remaining consistency warnings are documented in Compare.It. - Sweden (2 new datasets and 20 revised) – Addition of SE01 & SE21 to the LIS Database
Read more »Two more datasets have been released for Sweden. Both datasets rely entirely on the Swedish income registers and are provided by Statistics Sweden: SE01 is based on the Household Income Survey (HINK/HEK); SE21 uses the Swedish Living Conditions Survey (ULF/SILC) sample and the Income and Tax Registers (IoT). Please note that as of this data release the previously available dataset SE00 has been also fully (re)harmonised with the latest information provided by Statistics Sweden. This revision causes a slight change in the LIS Key Figures. In addition, LIS has received new information on property taxes for the years SE08 to SE20 that imply substantial changes to variables hxptax (property taxes) and hhouscost (housing costs), but also a negligible change in p/hxitax (income taxes), and hence dhi and the LIS Key Figures, as the property taxes are removed from the total taxes paid. - Taiwan (5 new datasets and 11 revised) – Addition of TW17 to TW21 to the LIS Database
Read more »LIS has added five more data points to the Taiwanese data series in the LIS Database. The new datasets TW17 to TW21 are based on the Family Income Distribution and Expenditure Survey provided by the Taiwanese Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS). The previous datasets TW81 to TW16 underwent some consistency revisions across various sections of data, among which the education, income and consumption blocks. Particularly, the consumption module has been (re)harmonised from scratch following the latest harmonisation decisions. LIS is happy to provide more details on the revisions in case needed. - Uruguay (1 new dataset and 14 revised) – Addition of UY22 to the LIS Database
Read more »One more dataset (UY22) has been added to the Uruguayan data series in the LIS Database. The dataset is based on the Continuous Household Survey (ECH) from the Uruguayan National Institute of Statistics (INE). LIS prioritised the release of this dataset, as it follows closely the structure of the UY19 data, whereas UY20 and UY21 essentially differed in the sampling and questionnaire routines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, LIS postponed the work on those two datasets. The earlier datasets UY06 to UY19 have been revised for consistency, notably in-kind incomes were moved from hi521 (alimony and child support) and hi522 (remittances) to hi531 (in-kind transfers from private institutions) and hi532 (in-kind transfers from other households).
Click on `Read more’ to access more details on the newly added and revised datasets
September 13, 2023 | Highlight