LIS Welcomes Philippe Van Kerm as Research Director

LIS is pleased to announce the appointment of Philippe Van Kerm as new LIS Research Director starting from June 2024. Philippe will support LIS Director Peter Lanjouw in leading the scientific programme with a view to further expand the LIS activities to facilitate, promote, and conduct cross-national comparative research. Philippe is an economist and a professor in inequality and social policy analysis at the University of Luxembourg’s Department of Social Sciences. He has a vast experience in micro-data analysis on poverty and inequality.

Besides publishing numerous research in peer-reviewed journals, he has been developing software tools that are widely used worldwide for inequality, poverty and welfare analysis. He is well acquainted with the LIS infrastructure and has regularly been teaching poverty and inequality analysis and advanced quantitative methods at the University of Luxembourg and at the LIS Summer Workshop. Philippe’s proven experience in research in inequality and poverty, together with his long-standing knowledge of LIS, will undoubtedly help him advance LIS’ mission and achieve further growth in the future. LIS welcomes him warmly!

June 14, 2024 | News