Microdata in Europe: The way forward
On December 8-9, Teresa Munzi (LIS Director of Operations) attended the CEPR Paris Symposium 2023 and participated to a panel on “Microdata in Europe: The Way Forward” aimed at providing insights as to how to foster better cross-country microdata availability, and how the various actors can join forces to avoid duplication and maximize ultimate impact.
The panel was chaired by Ugo Panizza (Geneva Graduate Institute, and CEPR) and Filippo di Mauro (CompNet). The panelists were:
- Tito Boeri (Bocconi University, Fondazione Ing. Rodolfo Debenedetti, and CEPR)
- Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (IMF, and CEPR)
- Teresa Munzi (LIS Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg)
- Filiz Unsal (OECD)
The panel recording is available here.