United Nations Statistical Commission side event: The Luxembourg Income Study: 40 Years of Data, Research, and Beyond
On the 29th of February, the Permanent Mission of Luxembourg to the UN and LIS have organised a side event
On the 29th of February, the Permanent Mission of Luxembourg to the UN and LIS have organised a side event
LIS is happy to announce that its Summer Workshop is taking place in Luxembourg from the 1st to 5th of July 2024.
Recording of the “Microdata in Europe: The Way Forward” panel from the CEPR Paris Symposium 2023 is now available!
Call for Visitors at LIS and LISER within the (LIS)2ER Initiative is Now Open!
Brief summary of the LIS)2ER Workshop on: “Housing Policy and Wealth Inequality”
LIS data was heavily used for some analysis underlying the latest intergenerational audit for the UK :2023 report
Congratulations to Benjamin Tippet and Ivan Skliarov for winning the Best Paper/Poster Award at the Income and wealth inequality: drivers and consequences Conference
This article studies the relationship between undergraduate programs and earnings inequality among college graduates in the US
In this article, the authors present a methodology to correct for under-reporting of financial assets in surveys.
On September 27-29, 2023, LIS and the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology held the conference “Income and Wealth Inequality: Drivers and Consequences”