Synopsis of the LIS Summer Workshop 2017
The LIS Summer Workshop is an annual activity that LIS has adopted since late 1980’s. It is an intensive course designed to introduce researchers in the social sciences to comparative research on income distribution, employment and social policy, using the Luxembourg Income Study Database (LIS) and the Luxembourg Wealth Study Database (LWS).
This summer, LIS welcomed 28 participants to its annual Summer Workshop; the workshop took place between 18- 22 June in the University of Luxembourg, Belval Campus. The participants of the workshop joined from 15 countries around the world. They had different research interests and different academic backgrounds; Economics, Sociology, Statistics, Social Science, Political science, and social work.
This year’s workshop consisted of four and half days; divided between morning lectures and afternoon hands-on lab sessions. The workshop gathered outstanding lecturers from variety of universities, national and supranational organizations; Professor Daniele Checchi (LIS, and University of Milan), Professor Conchita D’Ambrosio (University of Luxembourg), Professor Janet Gornick (US Office of LIS, The Stone Center, and the City University of New York), Eva Sierminska (LISER and University of Arizona), Michael Förster (OECD), István György Tóth (Tárki Social Research Institute), and Philippe van Kerm (LISER). The last lecture was given by, LIS President, Professor François Bourguignon (Paris School of Economics) “The measurement of the Inequality of Opportunity”.
During the lab sessions, participants were introduced to the LISSY system interface and its coding best practices; gradually they were trained on how to apply more advanced techniques on LIS/LWS databases.
The workshop entailed two social events; on Sunday evening, LIS organized a cocktail dinner; so participants can exchange research interest and questions amongst each other. A closing banquet was held at St. Martin caves.
More information on the LIS Summer Workshop click here.